Friday, July 23, 2021

The Mission of Frum Journalism

Excerpt from  article in Yated by R' Avrohom Birnbaum

"Publications with agendas on how to “update” the frum community, or that choose to interview and idolize figures who are not role models for our youth, are, to say the least, in some way going in the footsteps of “The Moment” newspaper of old and other more benign Maskil-oriented publications. It is tragic that the entire premise upon which frum journalism was established has been turned on its head, and now, the very instrument that was established to save multitudes from ideas that cool them off from

Hashem and His Torah are now being used at times to do just that – cool people off from Hashem and emunas chachomim. We should become discerning consumers when patronizing frum media". Read full article at


  1. Unfortunately, at times that includes the Yated itself!

    1. Thats the point of the article.

  2. what exactly is he referring to?

    1. I can think of a few, I stopped getting one magazine in my home, and replaced it with another because of this issue, and now see the other is no better.

      The "frum" magazines are infested with so called experts who have no particular area of expertise and are more about pushing an agenda.

  3. He is the best columnist!! He is always on target and says it straight!!
