Monday, June 8, 2020

Vote At Home Ballots Are coming soon

Vote At Home Ballots Are coming soon.

 If you are registered Republican or Democrat you will automatically receive your ballot. If you are an independent you will receive a ballot request form and you can request a Republican primary ballot.
Please vote for Harold Herskowitz for Township Committee only.  Please send in your ballot as soon as possible. We are trying to keep this campaign as positive as possible. We hope to finish what we almost accomplished in 2010
 Let's bring back
 2020 Higher Hopes


  1. Our time has come! VOTE FOR HAROLD HERSKOWITZ! IGNORE ALL THE OTHERS! FINALLY LLM! Lakewooder's Lives Matter!

  2. Just vote for Harold .
    Nobody else.
    Most important is, think for yourself!! Has Lakewood improved over the past 5 years? ten years? Harold is for the people!

  3. HAROLD HERSKOWITZ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. And for Jackson?

  5. I have lived here over 45 years and have only seen taxes go up, building up Lakewood uncontrollably, Rte.9 getting more and more congested etc. I have never gone to the Lakewood airport or sat in its lounge either. The streets pavements are worse than ever, and it's almost too late to change anything. The damage has already been done. I'm voting for Harold Hershkowitz
