Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Audio: Primary Mail In Ballot

#1 Audio updates from Harold Herskowitz  Republican candidate for Township Committee

#2 on PILOT Programs


  1. Please Everybody RUN out and Vote for the SAME LIMP Lame and GREEDY crew our Very wise leaders DEMAND of us, I want to pay MORE taxes every year with Less Services, Infrastructure in the toilet, and you Gotta LOVE those every increasing Senseless WAITS in TRAFFIC Jams, Oh I forgot, our Leaders use Helicopters and Lear Jets, so much for the little people, Gotta Love our Million Dollar plus Education TZAR as our spokesman

  2. We need a township committee to appoint rabonim and mechanchim to deal with the terrible crisis of many families not eating herring at home on Shabbos.

  3. As I wrote previously LETS GIVE HAROLD a chance we have everything to gain and nothing to lose its a WIN WIN and the status quo is scared of him
    Why would someone want to be a committee man for 16 plus years Unless theirs a personal gain and benefit to himself??? Endless meetings and calls busy. Day and night unless theirs a pay back hard to say in today’s day and age then they are their kulo leshem shamyim
    It’s time to institute TERM LIMITS

    1. Well we do have possibly something to lose. While HH opposes corruption, and I believe him about that, he has other political views that are very different than the majority of this town.

      That may play more of a role in national elections, than in local elections. The fact that he is virulently opposed to President Trump and is politically aligned with leftist Democrats like Pelosi, may not have that much of an impact locally. So it is possible I may vote for him, just to get the corrupt incumbents out.

      He also feels very strongly that the Township needs to inject money into downtown. How much will that cost taxpayers if he got his wish list?

      The reality is, that he will still be outnumbered on the Township committee, so any concerns I have maybe negated by that. And if he is on the Township Committee, he will likely be able to hold the other committee persons accountable.

      So in balance, I probably will vote for HH, and long term, there is a chance he maybe able to bring about some real positive change.

    2. Harold Herskowitz is a Republican and not a Democrat for your information

      Vote for Harold Herskowitz and help make a change and benefit to this community

    3. Akerman and D'elia would vote with HH in a heartbeat. Though HH is one, the combination of those other 2 people give him a solid majority. Plus, Coles would be knocked out from the Committee, so that is a big change right there. Why has Coles been our mayor the last 4 years in a row? Can you say corruption? Indeed.

    4. Shalom you know not of what you speak. He is running as a Republican, but he is not a Republican in virtually all of his political views and is constantly attacking President Trump on other Social Media forums

  4. same reason why mm and mayor meir are their for so long
    on a personal level they are nice people but people in politics for so long get stagnant,assured of getting voted in time and time again by the backing of the notorious INFAMOUS VAAD= (AK AND COMPANY)
    who take the town for granted and do nothing for us just less and less service and more and more taxes
    yes as you wrote above his national choice for president isnt affected by him being on the township committee and yes its high time we have transparency when it comes to spending our tax money

  5. I have NEVER in my 18 years of being a proud Lakewood resident not voted with the VAAD recommendation . This year- I voted for Harold Hershkowitz in the Hope the leadership will see that people want representation ! Good luck!
