Sunday, June 7, 2020

Sunday June 7 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Sunny to partly cloudy. High 79F

- 10 new cases in Lakewood  total 2431
- Community asked to email Gov Cuomo to open Sleep away Camps see sample Here
- Tomorrow Lunch for the week at Bnos Devorah 10:00 am
-NY: Beginning June 26 outdoor graduations will be allowed to 150 people with social distancing
- NJ  426 new cases reported in the last 24 hours and 79 new deaths
-NYS: Cuomo says he will make a decision on sleep away camps this week. Day camps are allowed to be open. "Today? I would not be willing to send my daughter to sleep away camp. I would not," he said on Long Island Radio.
-Real estate taxes grace period over. Payments were due by June 1 if you don't pay interest  rates will accrue retroactively to May 1st. The township extended the May 1 due date to June but now if you don't pay the interest goes back to May 1
-Lunch at Vine street park 11:30 am (Fleishig menu)
-BDE:Petira of Rav Faivish Schwartz Z"L Father of Reb Moshe Peretz shlita Levaya at Kol Arye in Lakewood 1:30 pm
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM HaRav Asher Weiss יסוד בברכת המצות on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-Gov. Cuomo signed an executive order allowing special ed schools to reopen with social distancing.
-Bde: Petirah of R 'Michoel ben-Harosh Z"L member of sefardic  community in Lakewood and noted photographer. Levaya will take place 2:00 pm at the chapel on 7th street in Lakewood


  1. 3 pm
    Weekly shiur from Hagaon R Michael Sorotzkin Shlita in Hebrew.
    *ולא שמת חלקנו מיושבי קרנות*-
    שיעורו השבועי של הרב מיכאל סורוצקין*
    בנושא: *תכנית החלוקה - ארץ ישראל לאורם של המרגלים* יתקיים ביום ראשון אור לט'ז בסיון
    בשעה 10:00 בערב שעון ישראל
    15:00 שעון ניו יורק
    20:00 שעון לונדון

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 874 0529 1267
    One tap mobile

    1. Was incredible shiur. Does Rabbi Sorotzkin give any in English. Where can i find them

    2. Just google his name
      Michoel Sorotzkin and you will find many shiurim in English.
      This one is at;

  2. Why were we not warned about the the extension is over? NOw we all pay tax and interest from May1 . So what did we accomplish? The committee has not made it harder for all who have a hardship

    1. Because this committee works only behind closed doors. Or interin tish

  3. Harold HerskowitzJune 7, 2020 at 2:05 PM

    This is again a problem we have with our current administration. There is no honest communication with the people of Lakewood. That is why it is more important than ever to finish what we started in 2010. I thought as long as Akerman was there it couldnt get too bad. But I was wrong.

    Vote At Home Ballots Are coming soon. If you are registered Republican or Democrat you will automatically receive your ballot. If you are an independent you will receive a ballot request form and you can request a Republican primary ballot.
    Please vote for Harold Herskowitz for Township Committee only. Please send in your ballot as soon as possible. We are trying to keep this campaign as positive as possible. We hope to finish what we almost accomplished in 2010
    Let's bring back
    2020 Higher Hopes

  4. Nobody told us that taxes are due June... What did the township accomplish? did one month help that now we all have jobs and we can pay taxes? Oh and since city hall is closed we are supposed to know that taxes are due but not only due but with interest from May 1?? Wow tell me the government (township committee) really cares about us all. Why didn't thye push it off or at least give a grace period until the 10th?? Sdom

  5. Ray Coles needs your interest though he's not interested in you - just your money and your vote. It's high time for a change! I already mailed back my vote for Harold, and there are plenty of us in the senior community that plan on doing the same. It's almost like some people believe that if you don't vote for the incumbent, then you're not a good person. This is so wrong on so many levels. Please, vote for Harold. Enough is enough!

  6. LPD are from the highest paid cops in the nation

  7. Interesting so the agudah is asking parents to petition the governor to open camps yet put out guidelines to keep shuls closed! And just wondering where was their urgent message to petition the governor to open yeshivos???

    1. Camp Agudah?

    2. When it comes to Shulls they say we have to be more machmir than the governor but by camps we have to push him to be meikel. Go figure

  8. They already mailed out the voting ballots?

    1. Yes. Shloshim yom kodem hachag.

  9. No one in my family received a mail in ballot yet?

  10. Exactly where was (i should say where is ) the agudah ? To get shul/yeshivos open. To permit levayos of more than 25 people!!???!!! Why are they so worried about camps??? Hhmmm i wonder

  11. Exactly!! where was (i should say where is ) the agudah ? To get shul/yeshivos open. To permit levayos of more than 25 people!!???!!! Why are they so worried about camps??? Hhmmm i wonder
