Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Tuesday June 2 News Updates Lakewood

Weather:  Partly to mostly cloudy. High 77F.
Allergy alert UV Index 9 of 10

- Thunderstorms tonight
- 13 new positive cases in Lakewood total  2366/157 deaths
- Lakewood mayor  responds in a video message not to listen to rumor mongering says that the township did not issue a permit as everyone has the right to protest and no permit is needed. There are no known threats of any kind and residents have nothing to fear should go about their business. The police department will be out there with the sheriff.

- NJ Gov Phil Murphy and NYC mayor Bill de Blasio are saying that if you are protesting police violence you are exempt from COVID-19 lockdowns, but if you need to go to church, make a living, or mourn a lost loved one, too bad.
-Due to the Curfew in NYC  the Satmar Rebbe Rav  Aron will not be  having kabolas kahal in Williamsburg tonight.

-Lakewood residents go down to the police station demanding answers and information of the upcoming protest. There has been no direction or leadership coming from law enforcement how they plan to protect the residents and the properties. The Police station is not allowing the public to enter at this time.  The public library on 4th street has been protected with barricades but no information has been given to the residents at large on what steps to take. The police confirmed that there will be a protest and information will be provided.

-Business owners on Clifton Avenue downtown Lakewood boarding up their store fronts anticipating the protest scheduled to take place on Shabbos  afternoon

-Message from Councilman Chaim Deutsch in Flatbush:
“I have received many concerned calls regarding tonight’s curfew, which is beginning at 8pm. I have been in touch with police officials to express concerns about the curfew limiting people’s ability to attend maariv or the mikvah. Cops will be instructed to allow for religious obligations and not issue summonses. “If you should face an issue during curfew that requires my intervention, please immediately contact Flatbush Shomrim (718-338-9797), who will refer these calls directly to me.

- NJ  708 new positive test results, statewide total to 161,545, deaths 51 new total 11,770.
- Murphy: "The pain and fatigue felt by many in our black and brown communities is real and palpable. It is an experience that many people – myself included – will never know firsthand. It is the pain and fatigue of decades, and generations, of inequality and systemic racism".
- NJAG: authorities will be dismissing the charge today on APP Lakewood reporter who  was arrested while covering protests.
- Toms River: Protest march in the downtown reports indicate it has so far been completely peaceful with no damage or violence. Toms River police marched with protesters. The yelled BLM and I cant breath.
-NYS: Cuomo- Summer day camps  can  open June 29, no decision yet on sleep-away camps
-Mesoras Hatorah:  Due to the overwhelming demand, we ran out of boxes. We are sorry we are unable to accommodate
- Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00 pm HaRav Uri Deutsch ברכת שהחיינו  via zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424

-Threats on social media about targeting Lakewood  Jewish owned stores at the Saturday peaceful protest
-LPD has notified business owners on Clifton avenue of the scheduled protest this  shabbos
-Police and county officials say the protest in Toms  River will be peaceful, despite rumors on social media  scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. at the Kohl's parking lot at the intersection of Routes 37 and 166. It will end at the Ocean County Courthouse in downtown Toms River.

-Lunch distribution:
weekly 3 day box at yeshiva Mesores Hatorah: 3 day lunch today 11:30 am -12:45 pm. Box includes franks,buns,pizza,onion rings,french fries for all  kids ages 1 day old- 18 years old  Enter from Cedar Street  not route 9 (Turn onto Cedar street from Pine street and then make a right onto Henry Street. The yeshiva is on the left)
 -Toras Zev Circa 9-11 Menu Penne/ziti
-Vine sports park 11:00 am 4 corners bagel  menu potato knish
-Gelbsteins 9-11 at Public schools location

-Murphy administration's failures led to 'preventable deaths' in pandemic, response team says here


  1. Why don’t 5,000 of us join the protest

    1. It’s on shabbos

    2. Because 4999 of them have things to do, even on Shabbos.

  2. Let them know how you feel gmeyer@lakewoodpolicenj.com

  3. Has anyone contact Mayor Coles? Or the Askonim Miller and Lichtenstein?

    1. Does anyone know where Mayor Coles is? MIller? Lichtenstein? Have not heard from them for the past three months... Stores are closed people are losing parnassah.. Are they doing anything to help them? What abnout schools? Day camps? Are they doing anything to help the parents?

    2. which stores are closed?

    3. rcoles@lakewoodnj.gov

    4. Contact them about what? Do you really think they don't know what's going on? This is being done with their support and permission.

  4. To All of Lakewood's Elected officials:
    If even a single piece of Glass is damaged during any protests or riots you will never get a vote from me again.

    1. It's ok, the vaad will endorse them regardless. 25% of voters are registered and only 25% vote. If so many people are really upset, let's see a massive voting effort to replace them.

    2. When was the last time you voted for them before this?

    3. this is @2:14
      to: AB & @7:06
      Sorry I have done that when I turned 18 and thought I should do my civic duty and go vote.Big mistake to do that. Not anymore.
      I now vote for: Mickey Mouse & Non-establishment candidates
      I also do my own research on each candidate before voting

  5. Fake news: Barricades at library are due to ongoing construction

  6. Rachman ben RachmanJune 2, 2020 at 3:25 PM

    The people who are protesting have a Constitutionally protected right to do so. It will be a peaceful march as it was in Toms River, and if they hadn't scheduled it for Shabbos, I would have proudly marched alongside them in solidarity. Let's take a collective deep breath and understand what the African American community is undergoing. If the fellow who was killed in Minnesota had been white, he wouldn't have been treated like he was.

    1. Look at the protesters then use your brains and decide how we should think.

  7. The same constitution that let's them protest without a permit, allows me to freely practice my religion by going to pray with a quorum in a synagogue. Yet that didn't stop the police from issuing summons. In a city that is 80% orthodox and the police are supposedly "controlled" by the orthodox, and yet we see them giving more respect to outsiders of our community looking for trouble. When will we jews realize that although the blacks have been persecuted for 400 years in America, we Jews have been persecuted for 5000 years worldwide. We should have taken to the streets when the yeshivas and shuls were closed.

    This virus has now extremely intelligently morphed. It now knows if you are praying or protesting and will only attack you if you are praying, but not protesting.

  8. You would be a fool to put your safety in the hands of the township committee they blew it on Corona despite all the warnings. Bring the national guard for protection or hire private security

    1. Could you explain how a little township committe could have done ANYTHING about corona ? You can't. Ahbee to blame the virus on anyone but G-D

  9. Can we have a Kumzitz, Thursday night on Pine street? There are may Bochurim that can use the chizuk!!

  10. The mayor and the town leaders want to allow the protest, because that is what Murphy wants, and they are hoping Murphy will have more cash to give out at some point. There are threats on social media including call for blood. Either Ray Coles is lying, or he is completely incompetent

    1. ברוך מחיה המתים After several weeks of silence AK (and the VAAD) were seen tonight at the BOE meeting supporting the opening of Lakewood Shuls and frum businesses. Thank you Lakewood Vaad and BMG for looking out for the Tzibur.
