Saturday, June 6, 2020

Motzei Shabbos 6/6/20 News Update Lakewood

-30 new  positive cases in Lakewood since Friday  total 2421/ deaths at 162

-Motzei shabbos update from Harold Herskowitz

 -Hamodia: The gathering was free of any violence, and the Lakewood Police Department reported there were no arrest, injuries or damage to property. Marquis Oliver, who represented the NAACP, urged residents to vote and participate in advancing the interests of the community.

- Cuomo: Taking that into account, churches, mosques and temples can reopen with 25% occupancy and with social distancing as part of Phase 2. This starts immediately for regions currently in Phase 2.
-A kids carnival in Williamsburg hung  a sign "Justice for George Floyd" in a hope to avoid the police who shut down their carnival last week.
-BLM Protester In New York City is arrested after he Threatens To Burn Down The Diamond District  on live tv interview. A apparent reference to the district which is run basically by Orthodox Jews  in NYC.

-Agudath Israel: While New York State has not yet announced whether overnight camps will be open, Agudath Israel in conjunction with the Association of Jewish Camp Operators (AJCO) has been working diligently to formulate a plan for overnight camps to open, but open with protocols in place that will ensure safety.


  1. 30 cases. What age bracket?

  2. Did doctors let up on the restrictions yet? Why are people publicly flaunting the restrictions set by the doctors?

    1. So I should stay quarantined in my apartment until every eye and ingrown toe nail doctor agrees I can leave??

  3. Agudah wants money so they want camps to open I guess SHULS don’t bring in money so it’s not worth to “work diligently” for them and moisdois hachinuch to open anybody remember agudah is fo klal Yisroel not reb Yisroel???!!! If you want to be a hypocrite at least try to hide it

    1. Agudah is catering to its constituents the most important thing now is to have summer camp open. The shuls is a loosing battle to fight over at this point.There was no decision on camps and its very important to the core agudah flatbush crowd who want to send their children to camp.

  4. Please, let's stop confusing FLOUT and FLAUNT!

  5. Has the agudah no shame! They put out guidelines that shuls shall not open even after gov't allows then they go and push Gov't to allow camps?!! Why have they not formulated a plan for yeshivos to open? An embarrassment.
