Thursday, June 4, 2020

Thursday June 4 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 87F. Medium to high pollen count.

-Howell PD checking empty train cars on the Thursday night freight  train from Lakewood
Murphy extends state of emergency for additional 30 days
-Bnei Torah phone line *Atzeres Tefila Today* call-in: 646-726-9977
10:15 pm - תהלים
10:30 pm - Divrei Chizuk V’Hisorirus by HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin Shlita

-Tonight in Lakewood town square at 8:10 pm PRAYER FOR PEACE: Mincha Maariv Protest FOR PEACE in town square.
 -Harav Yechiel Moskowitz will be giving a his weekly Shiur, tonight at 10:30 PM. Phone # is 605-313-5894 access code is 783618
- Whistleblowers: Gov. Murphy rarely consults with health officials on COVID-19 crisis whistleblowers who identify themselves as members of the state's Pandemic Response Team say they have no idea what specific data points the governor uses to make those decisions, because he rarely consults with them. They say this leads them to conclude the administration is "making things up as they proceed or making decisions and justifying them on the back end." Murphy declined to address the allegations saying, "We don't spend any time responding to anonymous anything."NJ12

-13 new cases in Lakewood  2391/160 deaths +3
-FREE  COVID-19 and Antibody Testing  at OHI Lakewood! No appointment or insurance is needed. ONly bring proof of identity, contact information, and insurance information if applicable 101 Second street.

-The Lancet medical Journal  Formally Retracts Fake Hydroxychloroquine Study Used By Media To Attack Trump . The Lancet, a peer-reviewed medical journal that published a 96,000-subject study indicting the efficacy of the politically controversial hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 has retracted its findings that the malaria medication led to an increased risk of death. more here

-NJ Dept of Education issues Survey for parents about school opening in September HERE
-Lakewood VAAD robo call say the Approve the Peaceful March and no Violence will be tolerated

-Video HERE Lakewood merchant asks Police to define rules of protests if  you can also one make a wedding/protest
- New Jersey  603 positive new cases total 162,530 and 11,970 deaths including 92 overnight
- N.J. limits nonessential stores reopening to half capacity with masks required starting June 15th
- The Bais Din of Crown Heights has published a letter asking that people should not travel to Crown Heights at this time, including for Gimmel Tammuz. The letter, said that coming to the community has the potential to put people in danger.
-Shabbos box 1:30 at 82 Oak street from Out to Lunch
- Lakewood police chief meets concerned store owners on Clifton avenue
-Letter from a kollel wife " Let’s hope that this is peaceful. Let’s hope I am wrong. But don’t be negligent and refuse to think how you can keep yourself safe on the day haters are coming to Lakewood Read more at Veltnews
- Yeshiva Mesores Hatorah boxes were delayed. The yeshiva says that the boxes were delayed, and are sorry for any inconveniences
-LPD chief calls protest a  " peaceful Walk" says they are not recommending that store owners board up their stores at this time. There will be lots of security and the PD will protect the people and properties listen here
- Yesterdays storms in Lakewood  wind gusts were  clocked at 87 MPH according to AccuWeather
-Tonight in Lakewood town square at 8:10 pm PRAYER FOR PEACE: Mincha Maariv Protest FOR PEACE in town square. Now that we know that large gatherings are permitted and Ray Coles has publicly stated that the town square can be used without a permit, You are cordially invited to an outdoor Minch Maariv
- Police have warned Lakewood business owners of anti-Semites who could infiltrate Saturday's George Floyd march.

-APP: "Many people are scared," Lakewood Store owners board up their windows ahead of protest this Saturday. Privately, authorities have expressed concern about anti-Semitic posts they are reading on social media linked to the protest and are concerned about the possible presence of outside agitators, according to law enforcement sources. Read more HERE

-NJ: Restaurants may resume outdoor dining on June 15. A limit of eight customers may eat at a table, with requirements of at least six feet of distance between parties.

Lunch Distribution:
Circa at Toras Zev will be giving a Shabbos box for 4 days. There will be no lunch distribution  Friday and Sunday.  Pick up time 8:45 am - 11:30 am
The box  included KJ turkey, Lox shredded cheese, snackers, wraps, tuna cans, waffles, syrup, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, apple juice bottle, chocolate milk and more.

-Yeshiva Mesores Hatorah: 4 day Shabbos
box today 12:30- 1:30 : Includes pastrami
cholent,2lb potato & yerushlmi kugel dips, melon,pizxa  bagel-extra cheese ring babka,chala, grape juice.  Enter from Cedar St. not rt 9 (Turn onto Cedar street from Pine street and then make a right onto Henry Street. The yeshiva is on the left) 




    1. Won't help.
      Replacement is Jumaine Williams, big socialist who hates police

  2. Sick how the leadeship is willing to sacrifice the olam for whatever serves their political interests.
    Lakewood children are scared of the protests coming they see hear the news what happen to jews in LA and now fear that its coming to Lakewood.
    THe Igud Hamosdos is supporting this according to the board attorney, where is their achrayus is chinuch and safety of our children worth nothing for a few dollars?
    Do we have to hear condescending nightly broadcasts equating Hashem with Governor Murphy in 1 breath, is this where are values have stooped so low
    Or that Kosher eating Orthodox Jews are welcome to take the non kosher food from the public schools or making fun in an official meeting about other Jewish schools lunch menus.
    This is the talk coming out of the leaders who claim to represent the Lakewood Jewish community??

    WE MUST TAKE A STAND and denounce these leaders as nothing more than self appointed self serving people who have hijacked the public's trust and unilaterally decided that they represent us.


    1. Do people not have a conscience? Did you never learn anything about Torah?
      How dare you accuse the public of eating non-kosher food? The food from the public school is kosher, yoshon and good. There is a hechsher on the packaging and Yidden are distributing it.
      I guess that tells about the credibility of the rest of your claims.

    2. Do people not have a conscience? Did you never learn anything about Torah?..
      Did you check the facts before showing ignorance. watch the videos there are 2 distributions at the public school a non kosher one by Sodexo and the kosher one from Gelsbsteins that is yoshon too. The videos say that everyone can eat from anyone you dont have to keep kosher to eat the kosher and vice versa.

    3. I (anon 8:09), did not disparage a whole town like you did.
      I went to liners in rain tree and saw only kosher food being distributed
      And your insinuation that Yidden went to the non-kosher line is disgusting. Perhaps Yidden bought Pesach food in KFC too?
      You have sick fantasies and you should get help quick

    4. Again YOU are the one disparaging and making up stories. No one said people went and ate non kosher that is something created by your imagination. The point is that on the boe videos remarks were made that those who eat kosher can take the non kosher meals from sodexo which was distributed by the public schools and delivered to the students homes with pick up options. watch the videos. get the facts

    5. Ok, now you are a real snowflake. Boohoohoo, someone said something, get over yourself.

  3. Let the cowards on the Lakewood township committee show their face and stop hiding at a time when Lakewood residents are scared and downtown Lakewood is boarded up anticipating a riot. Lets see them man up and face the people who elected or didn't elect them to office. They swore to protect the people of Lakewood they took an oath on it. They know how to get in front of a camera when it suits their interests and makes them look good.

    1. If you think about it if the Lakewood town does not let them have a 'peaceful' protest (if it stays peaceful) the whole outside 'world' will barge down to town and they will destroy everything. So you must let the locals protest and try to keep them out of the stores etc. The alternative is much much worse.
      Just maybe these 'sworn in (non) representatives' went through a similar 'cheshbon. Just MAYBE.......

  4. I saw maybe two stores boarded up, why all the hype

  5. Its called POWER TRIP unfortunately the corona pandemic also gave people a power trip and emboldened them they took that and used and abused the community for 2 months just to satisfy and satiate their feel of power. The power trip does not discriminate and it effected politicians askanim leaders first responders and others.
    they used it to lecture and scare the community
    they used it to shut down shuls and issue threatening robo calls.
    they used it as blackmail not to provide medical attention if you dont listen to them. They used it to threaten with loss of programs if you dont follow their orders.
    They used it to threaten rabbonim all because they are on a high from the Covid19 Power Trip.
    They used it to keep yeshivas closed and prevent Torah learning
    They used it to spite others just because it feels good.

    Hopefully this virus will dissipate and the people will once again be able to live normally and not under the result of the power trip that has infected some people

  6. How stupid do the Lakewood vaad, township and boe officials think the people are to believe that anti Semitic remarks calling for bloodshed and to destroy Jewish businesses were hacked after it was still posted publicly on FB.
    They should be so embarrassed from the way they are treating the Lakewood Jewish community. You read history and question how people did certain things yet it is playing itself out right in front of our eyes and they have no shame.

  7. רבותי by Purim we didn't put our Bitachon in Hashem but were afraid of נבוכדמצר הרשע and of אחשורש and therefore the גזירה came. The only way out then was for them go straight to Hashem by Davening and begging mercy from Him. This גזירה we have now started Purim and this with the protest is only a continuation of the תוכחה look in בחוקותי first a מגיפה then wild animals if we want to be saved from this we have to forget the Hishtadlus and we have to go directly to Hashem and show Him we only trust in Him and Daven to Him and beg מחילה and do תשובה and learn some קדשים like מרדכי so the מקטרגים will have to say good about us.(עיין מאמר תורה אור פרק ג') from the חפץ חיים.
    There is no point in blaming this one and that one it is not going to help us be ניצול.


  9. Yeshiva Mesores Hatorah boxes were delayed. The yeshiva says that the boxes were delayed, and are sorry for any inconveniences

    1. I waited in line at mesotes hatorah for an hour, only to be told that they ran out. This is not the first time this has happened with this school. They should either get better managers or stop doing this to people. It’s not right.

    2. Or you can go to a different place.

  10. Is there a reason that the Lakewood community has not made a public request for the national guard to back up the Lakewood police? Be proactive!!!

    1. Because the public is not the one that requests the National Guard, it is the Governor. Take a lesson in civics.

    2. The governor serves at the will of the people. If the people, in unison, demand it the local PD, Mayor and the governor will be forced to listen. Take a lesson in civics and civility!

    3. Governor doesn't want to show he's not in control.

  11. I think police should be required to know the Constitution. THERE IS NO SPECIFIC RIGHT TO PROTEST IN THE U.S. CONSTITUTION OR THE BILL OF RIGHTS.

    There is the 1st amendment that provides the freedom of assembly. this would include assembly for any reason, including prayer, weddings etc. As a matter of fact, the bill of rights expressly grants freedom of religion. So if anything, assembling for religious practice, from a constitutional standpoint, is more protecting than the "right to protest"

  12. Interesting facts I found out about NJ. I am hoping the protests will be peaceful, but wanted to be prepared just in case 9if the last few weeks has taught us anything, it should be we can not rely on police.

    So I started looking into what non-lethal self defence equipment is recommended in general, and what is legal in NJ

    Slingshot- Illegal to sell or POSSESS in NJ
    Baton- Illegal to use in NJ
    BB gun= Is considered a firearmm in NJ and requires the same permit as a gun
    Bear Spray- anything over 3/4 of an ounce is illegal in NJ

    Turns out, guns are legal in NJ with a permit. but there has been a massive rush of permit requests so it is backed up. But slingshots are illegal no matter what

    If you want to protect yourself, you are almost forced to get a gun and use lethal force because just about every non-lethal device is illegal

    1. The only gun permit you can get is a home permit, you cannot carry it with you when you leave your home.

    2. Slingshots are illegal to own period even in your home, as are most non-lethal self protection devices.

      I guess their are always crossbows. Welcome to NJ Clown World U.S.A.

  13. This school survey by the NJDOE is not a survey at all it basically forces you to answer what they want to hear. why is Agudah of NJ promoting this as a call to action
    they are only kissing up to Murphy again on the cheshbon of Lakewood Jews

  14. Agudath has failed us again !
    They are a huge part of the problem

    1. What do you mean they failed us? The Scoop has a piece from the Agudah that they got Congress to fix the PPP program! The entire country owes them!

  15. Major police action on 2nd Street tonight.
