Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Primary Mail In Ballots Arrive in the Mail

Sample Ballot of Republican Primary that arrived today in Lakewood Mail Boxes. The Election is July 7 but this years its a vote by mail in Ballot. You can send it back right away.

Sample of Democratic primary Ballot


  1. I already received it and sent it back. Rooting for Harold!

  2. Harold HerskowitzJune 9, 2020 at 4:22 PM

    Thank you hefkervelt for showing the whole ballot and not trying to trick the voters by cutting off my name. It seems that the website that competes with you has an agenda to not give equal time for candidates and to literally ignore the truth.

  3. I am voting !!

    1. what will they do when harold wins not report it

  4. Harold, you will win! I pray that you are ready for everything that the powers that were will try to throw in your path to slow your ascent. Stay strong and save us all! You are the messiah pariah of Lakewood! Go get 'em!
