Friday, June 26, 2020

Friday June 26 News Updates Lakewood

- Weather: Lots of sunshine. High 88F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.
- Latest Shabbos of the year candle lighting 8:12 pm shkia/sunset 8:30 pm

- N.J. schools will reopen with masks, social distancing and sweeping new rules under new plan
New Jersey’s 2,500 public schools will open their doors for the 2020-2021 school year, but classes will be unlike anything students and teachers have ever experienced before, state officials announced Friday. Students will stay six feet apart in classrooms and on buses, lunch times will be staggered and teachers will be required to wear masks, according to sweeping new guidelines released by the state Department of Education. read full details at nj,com

- Trump cancels weekend trip to Bedminster NJ. White House says has nothing to do with New Jersey Coronavirus restrictions

-NJ MVC delays in person transactions to July 7 instead of this Monday. Inspections and road tests will begin June 29.

-Bnei Torah phone live Shiurim today, Friday  646-726-9977
 11:45 AM - Vaad by HaRav Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita
1:10 PM - Chumash Shiur by HaRav Gershon Ribner Shlita
4:35 PM - Chumash Shiur by HaRav Boruch Hirchfeld Shlita
5:05 PM - Reciting of Shir Hashirim & Tehilim by Tenokos Shel Beis Rabban with opening Story/Divray Chizuk by R’ Aaron Burstowsky

- A win for for Shuls in NY-  Federal overturns New York limits on religious gatherings.  Federal judge in Albany has issued a preliminary injunction overturning New York’s limitation on religious gatherings, as an impermissible restriction on religious freedom considering the government’s allowing large race protests at the same time. (Hamodia)

-Gov. Murphy will speak at 1 p.m. and address plans to reopen NJ schools.

-The coronavirus pandemic is getting dramatically worse in almost every corner of the U.S.
The big picture: The U.S. today is getting closer to the worst-case scenario envisioned in the spring a nationwide crisis, threatening to overwhelm hospitals and spread out of control. Nationwide, cases are up 30% compared to the beginning of this month, and dramatically worsening outbreaks in several states are beginning to strain hospital capacity the same concern that prompted the nationwide lockdown in the first place. read more here

-Lunch distribution:

Bnos Melech Box 9:00 am- 10:00 am James Street
Bnos Devora shabbos Box 9:30 am
Vine Street park 11:00 am
Pine Park Bnos Yaakov 11:00am Box
Tiferes BY 10:30 am Box Oak street

No distribution at Toras Zev or Gelbsteins public school locations.

-Israel: The Health Ministry on Thursday evening reported 668 new cases coronavirus over the past 24 hours, the largest daily increase since early April.another 499 cases today and 5 deaths of patients who were recently put on ventilators


  1. The country was closed down anyway, then we had the virus amongst us. Now that the country has reopened, at least we are safe.
    The hashgocho elyona works in mysterious ways

  2. @Anonymous 6:35, we are B'H safe for now, but this is a warning about what happens when states reopen. In any case people come here from other states and are only voluntarily asked to self quarantine.

  3. NY/NJ were hit hard early on, so it's natural that we are downwards now. The other states weren't affected in the same way until recently. This is not about a irresponsible opening, this is about basic math and science. But we the public are being fed whatever agenda serves a purpose for a few individuals.

  4. "A win for Shuls"?

    should we be applauding 
    As our desires to go back overrode this was inevitable 
      implies Our lack of concern for the well-being for all and every person?
