Friday, June 5, 2020

Letter: Lekovod all Yungeleit and Talmidei Hayeshiva,

Lekovod all Yungeleit and Talmidei Hayeshiva,

My name is Hershel (Harold) Herskowitz. I am a musmach and talmid of BMG. Perhaps you remember when I decided to run for the Township Committee 10 years ago against Bob Singer . Boruch Hashem i received most of the votes from the frum community but ultimately lost because Singer got the senior vote. I lost by only 430 votes. My campaign was focused on making sure that we have people on the committee that care more about the klal and not only a few connected people. After losing the campaign we succeeded in getting Aisik Akerman to be on the committee after Bob Singer dropped out from fear of losing the election.

In the ten years since , I have watched the town grow very quickly, sometimes with no regard to fixing infrastructure first. Our quality of life fell quickly as the town became similar to Brooklyn with traffic and a lack of focus on what we really are. An Ihr Hatoirah. Along with traffic and higher taxes, we also caused a tremendous amount of Aiva that is a big problem now. This Aiva was caused simply because we were focusing on doing favors for a few people.

Much of the growth we have experienced brought things that cause Chillul Hashem. I was happy to see that many of you were as vocal as I was against electronic billboards. Besides the safety issues, there is the issue of creating sina as goyim stare at all our signs lit up that they dont even understand.

Everyone knows that when elected I plan on actually changing the way things are done in our town.  Approvals are either good for all of us or bad. And if they are bad, why should we allow them?

Our focus will be on the klal, and the klals input will no longer be ignored.

I am looking forward to enjoying a new direction together. I am looking forward to actually accomplishing things that will make our lives better.

The mail in ballots are now arriving to homes.  I am on the Republican primary ballot. Please vote only for Harold Herskowitz for the Township committee to ensure I will be on the ballot for the general election

Looking Forward,
Harold Herskowitz



  2. Write in Moshe Raitzik as the 2nd vote. Leaving a spot empty opens up the possibility of fraud. Fill in all the spots! Go Harold!

  3. Hershel why do you have to fight the establishment? I dont get your point.

    1. The establishment has fought us for years. #takebacklakewood

    2. It is to the contrary. Many individuals in the establishment are fighting against the interests of the common hardworking residents of Lakewood and instead they’re taking care of their well connected buddies. The average non-connected yungeleit are fed up with their needs constantly being railroaded. All the establishment-placed politicians do is talk and smile at you while not doing what’s needed for anyone but the “special” interests.

  4. i always voted for harold herskowitz as i saw him as a lone voice challenging the status quo
    but now after seeing time and time again that the current voted individuals have MISERABLY FAILED the tzibur and klall save a few mosdos,builders or connected individuals aka "askonim" i really think its high time to give harold herskowitz a chance
    we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. for those of us who feel as harold correctfully feels, that the klall isnt being served or represented on issues such as taxes, etc lets vote for him , and for others who think hes not fit for the job give him a chance, let him prove himself to you.

    the current voted committee men havent been sucessful in their 15 or so years of serving us to affect any real change or benefit to the individual home owners. all we see is our taxes going up and up each year with no end in site as well as a lessening of services we receive
    granted we all live here because of the yeshiva and appreciate living near the largest greatest mokom torah in chutz loretz but EVERYTHING HAS A LIMIT and paying between $12000.00-$20000.00 taxes every year to have your garbage picked up once a week is over the top!
    I think harold is sincere in his wanting to be the voice of the people.LETS GIVE HIM A CHANCE!!!

    my personal opinion in general, we should have TERM LIMITS for the township committee as those who really want to serve the public without any personal gain altruistically, will be more then happy to let someone else take over after 2 years but those who are sitting in their seat of power are open to shochad etc why tempt them let them give up their place to others

  5. Harold, we stand with you in solidarity! My family and I will be voting for you! Stay strong and you will prevail! Refuah shelaima on your foot issue, as I saw you on the scooter at the town square PRAYER FOR PEACE PROTEST last night. Chazak v'ematz!

  6. Harold Herskowitz will always have my unwavering support, but as I told him a lone individual cannot run a successful political campaign in Lakewood. The town is just too populous. What is needed is a Committee to Elect Harold Herskowitz, which will finance and popularize his candidacy. Harold told me he doesn't have the money to pay a campaign manager. I answered that that too will be the job of the campaign manager; to raise funds to pay his own salary.

    Please, please if there is anyone out there with organizational skills looking for a cause that will also provide income, please come forward and offer your services to help get Hershel elected.

    Hershel, if you sincerely wish to serve the public well, I beg you to consider this piece of advice.

    1. Most importantly is chavra d'chavra iss lei. Tell your friends and neighbors. Everyone will be voting by mail and the VAAD isn't able to wield their clout with the BMG botei midrashim. The time is now! Our time has come!

  7. Corruption in New Jersey is nothing new its like apple pie to american and like bread is to butter but when you have unzereh frummeh that are engaging in corruption helping themselves while stealing money from the poor youngeleit and yet they do it with a hechsher as they print letters in the names of the roshei yeshiva and rabbonim to fool and deceive the olam that is the definition of נבל ברשות התורה they pull out the daas torah card to take advantage of the temimus of klal yisrael and use the tzibbur for their own personal interests.
