A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Tuesday June 30 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Partly cloudy with afternoon showers or thunderstorms. High around 80F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
-Tefillos for Harav Chaim Dov Keller, shlita, Rosh Hayeshiva of Telshe Yeshiva-Chicago, who is ill. Please be mispallel for Chaim Dov ben Kreindel, b’soch she’ar cholei Yisrael.(Hamodia)
- Gov. Phil Murphy on Tuesday swore that anyone suggesting he violated his own coronavirus restrictions by eating inside at a New Jersey restaurant this past weekend isn’t telling the truth. “The people who said I ate inside are liars.” the Governor’s spokesperson said “He went inside when it was pouring like everyone did to wait it out. Just like everyone else. “Except he was the only one to wear a mask.”
-Planning board meeting cancelled due to lack of quorum
-According to multiple reports, the 2020 Lakewood BlueClaws and Minor League Baseball season will be officially canceled later today.
-Lakewood physicians say 5 cases of Coronavirus reported in Lakewood within the past week originated in Florida.
- 6 New positive cases in Lakewood yesterday and 2 deaths total 2569/182
- NJ: 461 new positive cases and 47 new deaths New Jersey added 8 more states
on its travel advisory for states with surging outbreaks that meet the criteria for a 14-day quarantine upon arrival in the Garden State. That list now stands at 16 states, up from eight.
-Dr. Anthony Fauci: would "not be surprised" if the U.S. begins reporting as many as 100,000 new coronavirus cases per day, "I'm very concerned and not satisfied with what's going on because we're going in the wrong direction."
-Hearing ended for sleep away camps, judge says decision will not be made today.
-Tefillos for Harav Chaim Dov Keller, shlita, Rosh Hayeshiva of Telshe Yeshiva-Chicago, who is ill. Please be mispallel for Chaim Dov ben Kreindel, b’soch she’ar cholei Yisrael.(Hamodia)
- Gov. Phil Murphy on Tuesday swore that anyone suggesting he violated his own coronavirus restrictions by eating inside at a New Jersey restaurant this past weekend isn’t telling the truth. “The people who said I ate inside are liars.” the Governor’s spokesperson said “He went inside when it was pouring like everyone did to wait it out. Just like everyone else. “Except he was the only one to wear a mask.”
-Planning board meeting cancelled due to lack of quorum
-According to multiple reports, the 2020 Lakewood BlueClaws and Minor League Baseball season will be officially canceled later today.
-Lakewood physicians say 5 cases of Coronavirus reported in Lakewood within the past week originated in Florida.
- 6 New positive cases in Lakewood yesterday and 2 deaths total 2569/182
- NJ: 461 new positive cases and 47 new deaths New Jersey added 8 more states
on its travel advisory for states with surging outbreaks that meet the criteria for a 14-day quarantine upon arrival in the Garden State. That list now stands at 16 states, up from eight.
-Dr. Anthony Fauci: would "not be surprised" if the U.S. begins reporting as many as 100,000 new coronavirus cases per day, "I'm very concerned and not satisfied with what's going on because we're going in the wrong direction."
-Hearing ended for sleep away camps, judge says decision will not be made today.
Today: Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Update: Meeting cancelled due to lack of a quorum needed for public hearing.
Lakewood planning board virtual meeting today June 30, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Watch Live stream HERE
See Agenda HERE
During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments via email to the following email address: planningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov. You must include your name and address in your submission
Lakewood planning board virtual meeting today June 30, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Watch Live stream HERE
See Agenda HERE
During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments via email to the following email address: planningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov. You must include your name and address in your submission
Monday, June 29, 2020
Monday June 29 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Sunshine and a few clouds. High 87F. Chance of Rain 20% Humidity 63% UV Index 9 of 10
-BOE Meeting officials call out social media posts referencing Greed and Lakewoodopoly as sowing dissension in the community as criticism grows about school district instability with a planned peaceful protest this Friday in Lakewood.
-Jewish camps submit counter brief to state claims In response to
Jewish parents that the state was infringing and discriminating against their religious rights to have their children in an immersive religious atmosphere, the state suggested they were not discriminating because “the plaintiffs should be content to exercise their religious rights ‘next summer’ or in another, less intensive manner, of defendant’s choosing.” The infringement of the rights of the Jewish camp operators and the parents was only “incidental”, the state wrote in their brief.
Lawyers for the camps pointed out that the state did not suggest that protesters of police brutality and racial justice assemble next summer, or in a more muted fashion, presumably because the state believes such limitations would be significant. A hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, June 30, before the Hon. Glenn T. Suddaby, Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, based in Albany. (Hamodia)
-BOE Meeting today 7:30 pm
-One new positive case reported in Lakewood total 2563/180
-NJ: Doulas will be allowed to be present throughout a woman's hospital stay and will be exempt from the limit on support persons allowed.
- Gov Murphy postpones indoor dining indefinitely. It was supposed to resume on Thursday but after spikes of Covid 19 in other states driven in part by indoor dining he decided to postpone.
-Peaceful protest planned in Lakewood A Facebook post is calling for a protest against the Lakewood school district and BOE claiming the Lakewood superintendent and BOE are failing our children. The protest is planned for July 3rd at The corner of Clifton Avenue and 9th Street in Lakewood at 5pm. A petition with over 2000 signatures is calling for stability in Lakewood schools after a reshuffling of staff and principals.
-Dr. Fauci A spike in U.S. coronavirus infections is fueled in large part by people ignoring public health guidelines to keep their distance and wear masks. “That’s a recipe for disaster,” Anthony Fauci, told CNN in an interview broadcast on Monday. “Now we’re seeing the consequences of community spread, which is even more difficult to contain than spread in a well-known physical location like a prison or nursing home or meat-packing place.
-Yated Ne'eman on Twitter: A cartoon submission that appeared to equate the tragic death of George Floyd with a policy decision was accidentally published in our paper. It does not meet our editorial standards and should not have gone in. We stand with the black community’s quest for equal justice.
-Lunch Distribution: Updated..
- Pine park weekly lunch from Gelbsteins 12:30
-Circa daily lunch at Toras Zev Cross street 9:00am - 11:00 am Menu: Calzones
-Gelbsteins 3 day lunch not a box at Public schools location Spruce street, Middle school, Clifton ave school
-Meoros Bais Rochel lunch boxes available through the summer to reserve email
mrlmeals@gmail.com with name address phone number and amount of meals requested.
-N.J. malls reopening today Masks are mandatory and malls have to adhere to 50% capacity limits Communal seating and food courts must remain closed. indoor dining remains banned,
-BOE Meeting officials call out social media posts referencing Greed and Lakewoodopoly as sowing dissension in the community as criticism grows about school district instability with a planned peaceful protest this Friday in Lakewood.
-Jewish camps submit counter brief to state claims In response to
Jewish parents that the state was infringing and discriminating against their religious rights to have their children in an immersive religious atmosphere, the state suggested they were not discriminating because “the plaintiffs should be content to exercise their religious rights ‘next summer’ or in another, less intensive manner, of defendant’s choosing.” The infringement of the rights of the Jewish camp operators and the parents was only “incidental”, the state wrote in their brief.
Lawyers for the camps pointed out that the state did not suggest that protesters of police brutality and racial justice assemble next summer, or in a more muted fashion, presumably because the state believes such limitations would be significant. A hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, June 30, before the Hon. Glenn T. Suddaby, Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, based in Albany. (Hamodia)
-BOE Meeting today 7:30 pm
-One new positive case reported in Lakewood total 2563/180
-NJ: Doulas will be allowed to be present throughout a woman's hospital stay and will be exempt from the limit on support persons allowed.
- Gov Murphy postpones indoor dining indefinitely. It was supposed to resume on Thursday but after spikes of Covid 19 in other states driven in part by indoor dining he decided to postpone.
-Peaceful protest planned in Lakewood A Facebook post is calling for a protest against the Lakewood school district and BOE claiming the Lakewood superintendent and BOE are failing our children. The protest is planned for July 3rd at The corner of Clifton Avenue and 9th Street in Lakewood at 5pm. A petition with over 2000 signatures is calling for stability in Lakewood schools after a reshuffling of staff and principals.
-Dr. Fauci A spike in U.S. coronavirus infections is fueled in large part by people ignoring public health guidelines to keep their distance and wear masks. “That’s a recipe for disaster,” Anthony Fauci, told CNN in an interview broadcast on Monday. “Now we’re seeing the consequences of community spread, which is even more difficult to contain than spread in a well-known physical location like a prison or nursing home or meat-packing place.
-Yated Ne'eman on Twitter: A cartoon submission that appeared to equate the tragic death of George Floyd with a policy decision was accidentally published in our paper. It does not meet our editorial standards and should not have gone in. We stand with the black community’s quest for equal justice.
-Lunch Distribution: Updated..
- Pine park weekly lunch from Gelbsteins 12:30
-Circa daily lunch at Toras Zev Cross street 9:00am - 11:00 am Menu: Calzones
-Gelbsteins 3 day lunch not a box at Public schools location Spruce street, Middle school, Clifton ave school
-Meoros Bais Rochel lunch boxes available through the summer to reserve email
mrlmeals@gmail.com with name address phone number and amount of meals requested.
-N.J. malls reopening today Masks are mandatory and malls have to adhere to 50% capacity limits Communal seating and food courts must remain closed. indoor dining remains banned,
Lakewood Zoning Board Meeting
Lakewood Zoning board virtual meeting today June 29 at 7:00 pm
Watch Live stream HERE 7:00 pm
See Agenda HERE
During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments via e mail to the following e-mail address: zoningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov You must Include your name and address
Appeal # 4147 – BM of Pine Street, Martin Luther King Drive & Pine Street, Block 774.04
Watch Live stream HERE 7:00 pm
See Agenda HERE
During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments via e mail to the following e-mail address: zoningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov You must Include your name and address
Appeal # 4147 – BM of Pine Street, Martin Luther King Drive & Pine Street, Block 774.04
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Oif Simchas Lakewood ו תמוז תש''פ
Engagements courtesy of Daily Vivaser to receive Vivaser via email daily send a request to: getvivaser@gmail.com
Sunday June 28 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Sunshine this morning. Scattered thunderstorms developing this afternoon. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. High 89F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.
-First Yartzeit of Rabbi Reuven Bauman Z"L a rebbi in a day school and camp in Norfolk, Virginia, had drowned last year off the coast of Sandbridge Beach, Virginia, (just south of Virginia Beach) while rescuing a camper who had been pulled into the surf by a massive current.
-No new positive cases reported in Lakewood since yesterday according to Ocean county Health Dept corrected total at 2562/180
-NJ 354 new positive cases and 30 new deaths in last 24 hours
-Lunch distribution at vine street park till 1:00 pm Deli sandwich
-BD"E: New Square tragedy -Mrs Deutch A’H is the 4th person to pass away in the van accident. She leaves behind 8 children. Her husband, daughter and son-in-law all passed away R’L.(Kol Haolam)
-Petition against transfers at Lakewood Public schools grows to 2,000 some on social media are calling for the removal of the superintendent
-Chazaq Fabulous Free Circus for the Whole Family today June 28 12-4PM Live Streamed HERE signup for stream here. Big Apple Circus's Bello, simcha leiner, Cousin Nachum, World Class Magician Rj Lewis
-BJJ Seminary may start the year in Lakewood as students cant go to EY for the begining of the new school year
-10 new positive cases in Lakewood since Thursday through Shabbos totals 2563/180
-New stores in Lakewood:
Eat A Pita opening at shopping center Cross street and Route 9
The Cookie Corner opens bakery and Coffee shop 101 Stonewall at Cedarbridge next to Fire station
Urban Optics optical store opens in Westgate Plaza
Reopening Dr Suss Stables 11:00 - 3:00 , Hey-rides, Pony rides, Petting zoo, Riding lessons
240 Grawtown Rd. Jackson
-Looking to buy a bike you have to wait a few weeks as local bike stores are out of stock for all size bikes, Stores are open but only for service and repairs.
-First Yartzeit of Rabbi Reuven Bauman Z"L a rebbi in a day school and camp in Norfolk, Virginia, had drowned last year off the coast of Sandbridge Beach, Virginia, (just south of Virginia Beach) while rescuing a camper who had been pulled into the surf by a massive current.
-No new positive cases reported in Lakewood since yesterday according to Ocean county Health Dept corrected total at 2562/180
-NJ 354 new positive cases and 30 new deaths in last 24 hours
-Lunch distribution at vine street park till 1:00 pm Deli sandwich
-BD"E: New Square tragedy -Mrs Deutch A’H is the 4th person to pass away in the van accident. She leaves behind 8 children. Her husband, daughter and son-in-law all passed away R’L.(Kol Haolam)
-Petition against transfers at Lakewood Public schools grows to 2,000 some on social media are calling for the removal of the superintendent
-Chazaq Fabulous Free Circus for the Whole Family today June 28 12-4PM Live Streamed HERE signup for stream here. Big Apple Circus's Bello, simcha leiner, Cousin Nachum, World Class Magician Rj Lewis
-BJJ Seminary may start the year in Lakewood as students cant go to EY for the begining of the new school year
-10 new positive cases in Lakewood since Thursday through Shabbos totals 2563/180
-New stores in Lakewood:
Eat A Pita opening at shopping center Cross street and Route 9
The Cookie Corner opens bakery and Coffee shop 101 Stonewall at Cedarbridge next to Fire station
Urban Optics optical store opens in Westgate Plaza
Reopening Dr Suss Stables 11:00 - 3:00 , Hey-rides, Pony rides, Petting zoo, Riding lessons
240 Grawtown Rd. Jackson
-Looking to buy a bike you have to wait a few weeks as local bike stores are out of stock for all size bikes, Stores are open but only for service and repairs.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת קרח תש''פ
Friday, June 26, 2020 / ד׳ תמוז תש״פ ערב שבת פרשת קרח
-Candle lighting 8:12 pm
-Shkia/sunset 8:30 pm
-Weather Shabbos day: Partly to mostly cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. High 89F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
-Pirkei Avos 'פרק ד
-BMG: Siyum and Shalosh seudos commemorating Yartzheit of Rav Shneur Kotler Zatzal
-Candle lighting 8:12 pm
-Shkia/sunset 8:30 pm
-Weather Shabbos day: Partly to mostly cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. High 89F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
-Pirkei Avos 'פרק ד
-BMG: Siyum and Shalosh seudos commemorating Yartzheit of Rav Shneur Kotler Zatzal
והנה פרח מטה אהרן לבית לוי ויצא פרח ויצץ ציץ ויגמל שקדים
Friday June 26 News Updates Lakewood
- Weather: Lots of sunshine. High 88F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.
- Latest Shabbos of the year candle lighting 8:12 pm shkia/sunset 8:30 pm
- N.J. schools will reopen with masks, social distancing and sweeping new rules under new plan
New Jersey’s 2,500 public schools will open their doors for the 2020-2021 school year, but classes will be unlike anything students and teachers have ever experienced before, state officials announced Friday. Students will stay six feet apart in classrooms and on buses, lunch times will be staggered and teachers will be required to wear masks, according to sweeping new guidelines released by the state Department of Education. read full details at nj,com
- Trump cancels weekend trip to Bedminster NJ. White House says has nothing to do with New Jersey Coronavirus restrictions
-NJ MVC delays in person transactions to July 7 instead of this Monday. Inspections and road tests will begin June 29.
-Bnei Torah phone live Shiurim today, Friday 646-726-9977
11:45 AM - Vaad by HaRav Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita
1:10 PM - Chumash Shiur by HaRav Gershon Ribner Shlita
4:35 PM - Chumash Shiur by HaRav Boruch Hirchfeld Shlita
5:05 PM - Reciting of Shir Hashirim & Tehilim by Tenokos Shel Beis Rabban with opening Story/Divray Chizuk by R’ Aaron Burstowsky
- A win for for Shuls in NY- Federal overturns New York limits on religious gatherings. Federal judge in Albany has issued a preliminary injunction overturning New York’s limitation on religious gatherings, as an impermissible restriction on religious freedom considering the government’s allowing large race protests at the same time. (Hamodia)
-Gov. Murphy will speak at 1 p.m. and address plans to reopen NJ schools.
-The coronavirus pandemic is getting dramatically worse in almost every corner of the U.S.
The big picture: The U.S. today is getting closer to the worst-case scenario envisioned in the spring a nationwide crisis, threatening to overwhelm hospitals and spread out of control. Nationwide, cases are up 30% compared to the beginning of this month, and dramatically worsening outbreaks in several states are beginning to strain hospital capacity the same concern that prompted the nationwide lockdown in the first place. read more here
-Lunch distribution:
Bnos Melech Box 9:00 am- 10:00 am James Street
Bnos Devora shabbos Box 9:30 am
Vine Street park 11:00 am
Pine Park Bnos Yaakov 11:00am Box
Tiferes BY 10:30 am Box Oak street
No distribution at Toras Zev or Gelbsteins public school locations.
-Israel: The Health Ministry on Thursday evening reported 668 new cases coronavirus over the past 24 hours, the largest daily increase since early April.another 499 cases today and 5 deaths of patients who were recently put on ventilators
- Latest Shabbos of the year candle lighting 8:12 pm shkia/sunset 8:30 pm
- N.J. schools will reopen with masks, social distancing and sweeping new rules under new plan
New Jersey’s 2,500 public schools will open their doors for the 2020-2021 school year, but classes will be unlike anything students and teachers have ever experienced before, state officials announced Friday. Students will stay six feet apart in classrooms and on buses, lunch times will be staggered and teachers will be required to wear masks, according to sweeping new guidelines released by the state Department of Education. read full details at nj,com
- Trump cancels weekend trip to Bedminster NJ. White House says has nothing to do with New Jersey Coronavirus restrictions
-NJ MVC delays in person transactions to July 7 instead of this Monday. Inspections and road tests will begin June 29.
-Bnei Torah phone live Shiurim today, Friday 646-726-9977
11:45 AM - Vaad by HaRav Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita
1:10 PM - Chumash Shiur by HaRav Gershon Ribner Shlita
4:35 PM - Chumash Shiur by HaRav Boruch Hirchfeld Shlita
5:05 PM - Reciting of Shir Hashirim & Tehilim by Tenokos Shel Beis Rabban with opening Story/Divray Chizuk by R’ Aaron Burstowsky
- A win for for Shuls in NY- Federal overturns New York limits on religious gatherings. Federal judge in Albany has issued a preliminary injunction overturning New York’s limitation on religious gatherings, as an impermissible restriction on religious freedom considering the government’s allowing large race protests at the same time. (Hamodia)
-Gov. Murphy will speak at 1 p.m. and address plans to reopen NJ schools.
-The coronavirus pandemic is getting dramatically worse in almost every corner of the U.S.
The big picture: The U.S. today is getting closer to the worst-case scenario envisioned in the spring a nationwide crisis, threatening to overwhelm hospitals and spread out of control. Nationwide, cases are up 30% compared to the beginning of this month, and dramatically worsening outbreaks in several states are beginning to strain hospital capacity the same concern that prompted the nationwide lockdown in the first place. read more here
-Lunch distribution:
Bnos Melech Box 9:00 am- 10:00 am James Street
Bnos Devora shabbos Box 9:30 am
Vine Street park 11:00 am
Pine Park Bnos Yaakov 11:00am Box
Tiferes BY 10:30 am Box Oak street
No distribution at Toras Zev or Gelbsteins public school locations.
-Israel: The Health Ministry on Thursday evening reported 668 new cases coronavirus over the past 24 hours, the largest daily increase since early April.another 499 cases today and 5 deaths of patients who were recently put on ventilators
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Thursday 3 Tamuz/ June 25 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Partly cloudy skies during the morning giving way to a few showers late. High 86F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 30%.
- Harav Yechiel Moskowitz will be giving his weekly Shiur, tonight at 10:30 PM. Phone # is 605-313-5894 access code is 783618.
- Hespeidim for the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Shmuel ben Moreinu HaRav Avigdor Miller ZT”L tonight, 9 p.m. at Yeshiva Gedola Bais Yisroel 1731 Ridge Avenue.
To join the live conference, call: 848-220-3300 Access Code: 2587400#.
To hear recordings of all Hespeidim, call: 641-715-3800 Access Code: 457059#
-NYS sends letter to Camp directors- "Accordingly, the prohibition against overnight children’s camps applies even if the camp alters its operations to offer programs of less than 72 consecutive hours.” The notification from the Department of Health is understood to forewarn the camps not to seek any loopholes in the closure of overnight camps, and to preclude them from altering their program in order to continue operation under the guise of an alternate type of business. The letter from the Health Dept closed with a dire warning that businesses operating in violation of the Executive Order are liable to be punished with a fine of up to $1,000 per violation per day along with other civil penalties and closure, and may be denied permits to operate in future seasons.(Hamodia)
-Hisvadus Gimmel Tamuz at Heichal Hachasidus of Lakewood 9:30 pm 421 W. County Line RD with Mashpia Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski of Morristown yeshiva
-Farbrengen: Rav Nochum Grunwald Rav at the Chabad shul on Centeral will farbrengen tonight in English about the Rebbe. Starting @ 10pm 1309 Central Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701 Hot Cholent will be avail
- Masores Hatorah Box distribution 7:30 pm Henry street
- 4 new positive cases in Lakewood totals 2553/180
- Lakewood township municipal building will be closed to the public through July. (LNN)
- NJ: 406 new positive cases and 26 new deaths. The state added 1,854 probable deaths as likely from Covid 19 but not confirmed by a test.
-Popcorn Park Zoo in Lacey will reopen tomorrow daily hours 11-5 admission $7 adults children under 12 $4 under 3 is free
-Bingo wholesale opening Monsey location July 5th at 40 spring valley market place 5 off Route 59 near Target.
- Harav Yechiel Moskowitz will be giving his weekly Shiur, tonight at 10:30 PM. Phone # is 605-313-5894 access code is 783618.
- Hespeidim for the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Shmuel ben Moreinu HaRav Avigdor Miller ZT”L tonight, 9 p.m. at Yeshiva Gedola Bais Yisroel 1731 Ridge Avenue.
To join the live conference, call: 848-220-3300 Access Code: 2587400#.
To hear recordings of all Hespeidim, call: 641-715-3800 Access Code: 457059#
-NYS sends letter to Camp directors- "Accordingly, the prohibition against overnight children’s camps applies even if the camp alters its operations to offer programs of less than 72 consecutive hours.” The notification from the Department of Health is understood to forewarn the camps not to seek any loopholes in the closure of overnight camps, and to preclude them from altering their program in order to continue operation under the guise of an alternate type of business. The letter from the Health Dept closed with a dire warning that businesses operating in violation of the Executive Order are liable to be punished with a fine of up to $1,000 per violation per day along with other civil penalties and closure, and may be denied permits to operate in future seasons.(Hamodia)
-Hisvadus Gimmel Tamuz at Heichal Hachasidus of Lakewood 9:30 pm 421 W. County Line RD with Mashpia Rabbi Ephraim Piekarski of Morristown yeshiva
-Farbrengen: Rav Nochum Grunwald Rav at the Chabad shul on Centeral will farbrengen tonight in English about the Rebbe. Starting @ 10pm 1309 Central Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701 Hot Cholent will be avail
- Masores Hatorah Box distribution 7:30 pm Henry street
- 4 new positive cases in Lakewood totals 2553/180
- Lakewood township municipal building will be closed to the public through July. (LNN)
- NJ: 406 new positive cases and 26 new deaths. The state added 1,854 probable deaths as likely from Covid 19 but not confirmed by a test.
-Popcorn Park Zoo in Lacey will reopen tomorrow daily hours 11-5 admission $7 adults children under 12 $4 under 3 is free
-Bingo wholesale opening Monsey location July 5th at 40 spring valley market place 5 off Route 59 near Target.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Report: Lakewood Officials acknowledged to Abandon Widening route 9 and conditioned approval of the Parke Development
A few weeks ago the state said they will not be widening route 9 that runs through Lakewood. A Report in the Yated Ne'eman says that NJ State officials told Lakewood township back in 2016 they must abandon the idea of widening route 9 and figure out other ways how to reduce local traffic, More, they conditioned the approval for the eagle ridge development on Lakewood officials dropping demands of widening route 9. Instead the town was supposed to adopt a updated circulation element as part of the master plan and acknowledging that the state does not have the funds to widen route 9. Ironically the report says the Parke got approval from the Lakewood planning board after presenting traffic studies that showed the widening of route 9.
Audio Below:
Audio Below:
9 Polling Places will be Open For In Person Voting in Lakewood
For voters who prefer to cast their ballots in person, there will be nine polling locations in Lakewood, each handling several of the 43 voting districts. Paper provisional ballots will be available at polling locations on July 7th. Polls will be open from 6:00 am - 8:00 pm
\ Vote-by-mail ballots need to be returned to the county board of elections by 8 p.m. on July 7.
List of voting locations in Lakewood (patch)
Lakewood BOE Meeting
Wednesday June 24 News Updates Lakewood
- Weather: Some clouds this morning will give way to generally sunny skies for the afternoon. High 87F.
Lunch Distributions for Thursday:
- Mesoras HaTorah Shabbos box distribution will be tomorrow Thursday. It includes Mikes Chicken, Sicilian pizza, franks, pastrami... Time TBA
-Toras Zev 4 day box tomorrow at 8:45 am
- Tashbar after 4 pm for the public if anything is left.
-Shloshim seuda for Reb Avrohom Pashuter Z"L at 23 Myrtle place
-Today 6:00 pm The Daf Yomi Commission of Agudas Yisroel to present a timely and fascinating video titled "Masei Oreg" highlighting the melachos of Shabbos dealing with weaving and sewing. Watch HERE
-Camp lawsuit hearing this Tuesday A hearing on the lawsuit filed by Agudath Israel and the Association of Jewish Camp Operators (AJCO) against New York state’s sleepaway-camp ban will be held Tuesday morning. The plaintiffs filed a lawsuit last Thursday, and on Monday sought a preliminary injunction to allow the camps to open immediately while the suit proceeds in court. The state’s response to Agudah’s suit is due Friday, and Agudah’s reply is due Monday. A hearing will be held on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m., via Skype. (Hamodia)
- Lakewood 3 new positive cases totals 2549/180
-Toms River: Township Council approved a zoning change that will allow up to 50 homes to built on two North Dover parcels, up from 26 under previous zoning following a suit.
-NJ: Arcades, bowling alleys, museums, aquariums and other recreational activities getting the green light, at reduced capacities, on July 2. In addition, gyms and fitness centers can offer personal training, but remain closed to general membership visits.
-NJ has 317 new positive cases and 48 new deaths
-Rik Mehta NJ Republican candidate for Senate visiting Lakewood today
Mehta will be in the Gourmet Glatt shopping plaza at 1pm to meet with voters as he campaigns ahead of the July 7 primary (reporter S. Schorr)
- Police in NY will stop cars with out of state license plates
-Travelers arriving to New York, New Jersey and Connecticut from regions with spiking Covid-19 infections rates will be subject to a 14-day quarantine, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Wednesday as did Gov Murphy.
-The Masa program in Israel the organization that runs educational, volunteer and internship programs in Israel to Stop Subsidizing Yeshiva and Seminary Students From North America, and Britainand will no longer be eligible for grants and scholarships from Masa, The Masa program, which provides the financial support, is making the cuts due to a reduction in its own funding, which comes mostly from the Israeli government and the Jewish Agency.
-Lunch distribution:
Toras Zev Circa 9-11 am Menu :Pizza
Gelbsteins at public schools 9-11
Vine street park 4 corners 11:00- 1
-Ocean County small businesses eligible for up to $10K in grants. Businesses can apply for funding Here. Deadline is June 30th.
-Chemed Health Center received site plan approval from Lakewood Township's planning board to build a new health center at 1171 River Avenue. The new campus, on Route 9 northbound near Cross Street will benefit the residents of the southern part of Lakewood who will no longer need to travel to the northern campus across town. The plans show more than 30 exam rooms for Adult Medicine, Pediatrics, Women’s Health and Dental Care on the main floor, and a basement with 10 offices and a conference room. They will provide 53 parking spaces. (LNN)
- For the second time in less than a year, Lakewood High School is poised to get a new principal as part of a school leadership shuffle that will also affect two elementary schools. The Board of Education on Wednesday evening will consider a slew of staff transfersaccording to the board agenda. (APP)
Lunch Distributions for Thursday:
- Mesoras HaTorah Shabbos box distribution will be tomorrow Thursday. It includes Mikes Chicken, Sicilian pizza, franks, pastrami... Time TBA
-Toras Zev 4 day box tomorrow at 8:45 am
- Tashbar after 4 pm for the public if anything is left.
-Shloshim seuda for Reb Avrohom Pashuter Z"L at 23 Myrtle place
-Today 6:00 pm The Daf Yomi Commission of Agudas Yisroel to present a timely and fascinating video titled "Masei Oreg" highlighting the melachos of Shabbos dealing with weaving and sewing. Watch HERE
-Camp lawsuit hearing this Tuesday A hearing on the lawsuit filed by Agudath Israel and the Association of Jewish Camp Operators (AJCO) against New York state’s sleepaway-camp ban will be held Tuesday morning. The plaintiffs filed a lawsuit last Thursday, and on Monday sought a preliminary injunction to allow the camps to open immediately while the suit proceeds in court. The state’s response to Agudah’s suit is due Friday, and Agudah’s reply is due Monday. A hearing will be held on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m., via Skype. (Hamodia)
- Lakewood 3 new positive cases totals 2549/180
-Toms River: Township Council approved a zoning change that will allow up to 50 homes to built on two North Dover parcels, up from 26 under previous zoning following a suit.
-NJ: Arcades, bowling alleys, museums, aquariums and other recreational activities getting the green light, at reduced capacities, on July 2. In addition, gyms and fitness centers can offer personal training, but remain closed to general membership visits.
-NJ has 317 new positive cases and 48 new deaths
-Rik Mehta NJ Republican candidate for Senate visiting Lakewood today
Mehta will be in the Gourmet Glatt shopping plaza at 1pm to meet with voters as he campaigns ahead of the July 7 primary (reporter S. Schorr)
- Police in NY will stop cars with out of state license plates
-Travelers arriving to New York, New Jersey and Connecticut from regions with spiking Covid-19 infections rates will be subject to a 14-day quarantine, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Wednesday as did Gov Murphy.
-The Masa program in Israel the organization that runs educational, volunteer and internship programs in Israel to Stop Subsidizing Yeshiva and Seminary Students From North America, and Britainand will no longer be eligible for grants and scholarships from Masa, The Masa program, which provides the financial support, is making the cuts due to a reduction in its own funding, which comes mostly from the Israeli government and the Jewish Agency.
-Lunch distribution:
Toras Zev Circa 9-11 am Menu :Pizza
Gelbsteins at public schools 9-11
Vine street park 4 corners 11:00- 1
-Ocean County small businesses eligible for up to $10K in grants. Businesses can apply for funding Here. Deadline is June 30th.
-Chemed Health Center received site plan approval from Lakewood Township's planning board to build a new health center at 1171 River Avenue. The new campus, on Route 9 northbound near Cross Street will benefit the residents of the southern part of Lakewood who will no longer need to travel to the northern campus across town. The plans show more than 30 exam rooms for Adult Medicine, Pediatrics, Women’s Health and Dental Care on the main floor, and a basement with 10 offices and a conference room. They will provide 53 parking spaces. (LNN)
- For the second time in less than a year, Lakewood High School is poised to get a new principal as part of a school leadership shuffle that will also affect two elementary schools. The Board of Education on Wednesday evening will consider a slew of staff transfersaccording to the board agenda. (APP)
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Amshinover Rebbe Visits Lakewood
The Amshinover Rebbe Harav Menachem Kalish shlita paid a visit to Lakewood and also stopped by the home of the Rosh Yeshiva Harav Dovid Schustal shlita. (video below)
The Rebbe, took over as the Amshnivor Rebbe of Boro Park following the passing of his father Zt"l who was niftar from coronavirus. The shul in Boro park is at 15th avenue and 45th street. Photo and video courtesy of the photographers
The Rebbe, took over as the Amshnivor Rebbe of Boro Park following the passing of his father Zt"l who was niftar from coronavirus. The shul in Boro park is at 15th avenue and 45th street. Photo and video courtesy of the photographers
Today: Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Planning Board virtual meeting Tuesday June 23 at 6:00 pm
-Watch Live stream HERE
-See Agenda HERE
During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments
via email to the following email address: planningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov. You must include your name and address in your submission.
-Watch Live stream HERE
-See Agenda HERE
During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments
via email to the following email address: planningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov. You must include your name and address in your submission.
Tuesday Rosh Chodesh 1 Tamuz 5780 June 23 Lakewood News Updates
Weather: Sunshine and clouds mixed. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 86F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph.
-The Mincha area on the New York state Thruway in Sloatsburg NY. will reopen for this summer season. Visitors will be asked to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
-N.J. Republicans want feds to monitor vote-by-mail that Trump claims will trigger fraud. The head of New Jersey’s Republican State Committee asked the administration Tuesday to send federal monitors to watch over the July 7 primary election.
Murphy rejected the claims during his daily coronavirus press conference.
“That’s a political talking point That’s ridiculous". (Nj.com)
-Toms River police and United States Postal Inspection Service announced Tuesday they are investigating complaints of unauthorized mail holds. According to officials, identities of residents in Toms River and surrounding areas could be stolen for the purposes of attempting to apply for credit cards in the residents’ names. Postal Inspectors, in conjunction with Toms River Police Department, are investigating the matter for possible identity thefts and fraudulent mail holds. (NJNN)
- Murphy said playgrounds, amusement parks and water parks will reopen on Thursday July 2, just in time for the July 4th holiday.
- 5 new positive coronavirus cases in Lakewood totals 2546 cases /179 deaths
-NJ The latest numbers 382 new cases and 57 new deaths
-Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday that parts of the U.S. are beginning to see a "disturbing surge" in coronavirus infections.
-Hundreds of residents of the Williamsburg community gathered at Lee Avenue and Wallabout Street on Sunday to demand that hospitals return to pre-COVID regulations and allow relatives and friends regular visitations. Patients need visitors, and too many lie in agony at the hospital with no one by their side
-CHEMED to build a medical facility on Route 9 south in Lakewood. The application will be heard tonight at the Planning board meeting. It will be located on River avenue off the corner of Chestnut and route 9 next door to Super Stop grocery. The Lot belongs to Lakewood township and will be leased for $1 a year for 50 years to Chemed. The Health Center received a $1000,000 grant in 2016 and signed a lease with the township for Block 1064, Lot 3 to build federal qualified healthcare facility a medical office building to Serve an underserved area or population.
-Lunch distribution:
Toras Zev/Circa 9:00-11:00am Cross street Menu: Penne/Zitti
Gelbsteins at public schools location 9-11
Vine street 11:00-1:00 pm menu: Potato Knishes
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00 pm Harav Nissan Kaplan shlita on אמירה לעכו''ם via zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-The Mincha area on the New York state Thruway in Sloatsburg NY. will reopen for this summer season. Visitors will be asked to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
-N.J. Republicans want feds to monitor vote-by-mail that Trump claims will trigger fraud. The head of New Jersey’s Republican State Committee asked the administration Tuesday to send federal monitors to watch over the July 7 primary election.
Murphy rejected the claims during his daily coronavirus press conference.
“That’s a political talking point That’s ridiculous". (Nj.com)
-Toms River police and United States Postal Inspection Service announced Tuesday they are investigating complaints of unauthorized mail holds. According to officials, identities of residents in Toms River and surrounding areas could be stolen for the purposes of attempting to apply for credit cards in the residents’ names. Postal Inspectors, in conjunction with Toms River Police Department, are investigating the matter for possible identity thefts and fraudulent mail holds. (NJNN)
- Murphy said playgrounds, amusement parks and water parks will reopen on Thursday July 2, just in time for the July 4th holiday.
- 5 new positive coronavirus cases in Lakewood totals 2546 cases /179 deaths
-NJ The latest numbers 382 new cases and 57 new deaths
-Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday that parts of the U.S. are beginning to see a "disturbing surge" in coronavirus infections.
-Hundreds of residents of the Williamsburg community gathered at Lee Avenue and Wallabout Street on Sunday to demand that hospitals return to pre-COVID regulations and allow relatives and friends regular visitations. Patients need visitors, and too many lie in agony at the hospital with no one by their side
-CHEMED to build a medical facility on Route 9 south in Lakewood. The application will be heard tonight at the Planning board meeting. It will be located on River avenue off the corner of Chestnut and route 9 next door to Super Stop grocery. The Lot belongs to Lakewood township and will be leased for $1 a year for 50 years to Chemed. The Health Center received a $1000,000 grant in 2016 and signed a lease with the township for Block 1064, Lot 3 to build federal qualified healthcare facility a medical office building to Serve an underserved area or population.
-Lunch distribution:
Toras Zev/Circa 9:00-11:00am Cross street Menu: Penne/Zitti
Gelbsteins at public schools location 9-11
Vine street 11:00-1:00 pm menu: Potato Knishes
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00 pm Harav Nissan Kaplan shlita on אמירה לעכו''ם via zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
Monday, June 22, 2020
New Bobov-45 Yishuv in Union, New Jersey

Many families are expected to move into the development and there will be an Asifa tonight Monday to discuss the new development. Registration is required in advance for the Asifa.
In a new trend, Chasidim have recently taken the initiative to start communities in Tampa Florida and recently in phoenix, AZ 8 heimishe families moved in with the intention to start a community.
Monday Rosh Chodesh Tamuz June 22 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Sun and clouds mixed. High 89F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph 20% chance of rain
-Lakewood Blue Claws will host Fireworks show on July 3. Up to 450 will be allowed to enter the stadium with purchasing tickets. The Lakewood township canceled its annual July 4th fireworks show.
- Sleep-away camps: On Monday, the Association of Jewish Camp Operators (AJCO) requested a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction to ask the court to immediately open overnight camps. The state responded to the judge asking for a weeks time to respond an obvious delay tactic. The camps responded that Cuomo had enough time and issued his ruling too late for the camp season to make other arrangements.
-3 New cases in Lakewood totals 2541/177
-NJ 359 cases and 27 deaths
-New Jersey residents can now gather in outdoor groups of up to 250 people, The limit for indoor gatherings has increased to 25% of capacity with a maximum of 100 people. That’s up from the previous maximum of 50 people. Outdoor religious or political events have no limit.
- Bnos Melech box distribution on James street 2:30 pm
- Opinion piece on Lakewood camp protests: Somehow, these orthodox youngsters, whose parents strive mightily to shield from the impure and immoral influence of the larger world, who never go to the movies…somehow, in Lakewood on Tuesday, these kids were taking a page from the Black Lives Matter playbook. “Unwitting assimilation,” UCLA history professor David Myers, a scholar of the Haredi community, calls it. “While there was likely no conscious effort to model the protest after those supporting Black Lives Matter, there was obviously communal awareness of what was going on, and that it was proving effective.” (NJ.com)
-Vaad HaRabbanim of Baltimore: Those shuls which are able to open in a manner deemed safe may do so. Must wear mask entire davening and keep social distancing. should not go if it would disband backyard minyan and leave others stranded without a minyan.
-Gov Murphy: On Thursday, July 2nd: Casinos may reopen – operating at 25% capacity
Indoor dining may resume – limited at first to 25% capacity
-LPD officers danced and joined in at a wedding last night in Lakewood
Lunch distribution:
Bnos Yaakov Pine park weekly 4 day box 11:00 - 1:00 pm
Toras Zev Circa 9:00 am Menu Calzone
Gelbsteins at public school locations 9-11 am menu Tuna
Vine street park at 11:00 am
Tehilas Chaya Sara box at 12:00 apm
-The Lakewood Board of Education will provide summer education to public schools students who need special ed starting July 6th. There will be safety protocols included the installation of 10 temperature kiosks, These kiosks, including installation, shipping and service, will cost the district $42,500.Teachers will be paid extra and transportation will be provided.(APP)
-The next part of Stage 2 opens today in NJ allows personal-care businesses such as cosmetology shops, day spas and medical spas, Barber shops. It’s the first major reopening of indoor activities after nonessential retail stores were allowed to start accepting customers last week at half capacity.
-Lakewood Blue Claws will host Fireworks show on July 3. Up to 450 will be allowed to enter the stadium with purchasing tickets. The Lakewood township canceled its annual July 4th fireworks show.
- Sleep-away camps: On Monday, the Association of Jewish Camp Operators (AJCO) requested a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction to ask the court to immediately open overnight camps. The state responded to the judge asking for a weeks time to respond an obvious delay tactic. The camps responded that Cuomo had enough time and issued his ruling too late for the camp season to make other arrangements.
-3 New cases in Lakewood totals 2541/177
-NJ 359 cases and 27 deaths
-New Jersey residents can now gather in outdoor groups of up to 250 people, The limit for indoor gatherings has increased to 25% of capacity with a maximum of 100 people. That’s up from the previous maximum of 50 people. Outdoor religious or political events have no limit.
- Bnos Melech box distribution on James street 2:30 pm
- Opinion piece on Lakewood camp protests: Somehow, these orthodox youngsters, whose parents strive mightily to shield from the impure and immoral influence of the larger world, who never go to the movies…somehow, in Lakewood on Tuesday, these kids were taking a page from the Black Lives Matter playbook. “Unwitting assimilation,” UCLA history professor David Myers, a scholar of the Haredi community, calls it. “While there was likely no conscious effort to model the protest after those supporting Black Lives Matter, there was obviously communal awareness of what was going on, and that it was proving effective.” (NJ.com)
-Vaad HaRabbanim of Baltimore: Those shuls which are able to open in a manner deemed safe may do so. Must wear mask entire davening and keep social distancing. should not go if it would disband backyard minyan and leave others stranded without a minyan.
-Gov Murphy: On Thursday, July 2nd: Casinos may reopen – operating at 25% capacity
Indoor dining may resume – limited at first to 25% capacity
-LPD officers danced and joined in at a wedding last night in Lakewood
Lunch distribution:
Bnos Yaakov Pine park weekly 4 day box 11:00 - 1:00 pm
Toras Zev Circa 9:00 am Menu Calzone
Gelbsteins at public school locations 9-11 am menu Tuna
Vine street park at 11:00 am
Tehilas Chaya Sara box at 12:00 apm
-The Lakewood Board of Education will provide summer education to public schools students who need special ed starting July 6th. There will be safety protocols included the installation of 10 temperature kiosks, These kiosks, including installation, shipping and service, will cost the district $42,500.Teachers will be paid extra and transportation will be provided.(APP)
-The next part of Stage 2 opens today in NJ allows personal-care businesses such as cosmetology shops, day spas and medical spas, Barber shops. It’s the first major reopening of indoor activities after nonessential retail stores were allowed to start accepting customers last week at half capacity.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
JHS: From Refugee to Royalty: Rav Shneur & Rebbitzin Rishel Kotler
Jewish History Soundbites With Yehuda Geberer · From Refugee to Royalty: Rav Shneur & Rebbitzin Rishel Kotler
Among the great builders of Torah of the twentieth century were Rav Shneur (1918-1982) & Rebbetzin Rishel Kotler (1923-2015).At times overshadowed by his illustrious father Rav Aharon, Rav Shneur's accomplishments were wide ranging and impressive in their own right. As a young refugee, he lived by his grandfather Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer in Yerushalayim, arriving in the United States after the war. With his characteristic simplicity and modesty, he'd go on to preside over the exponential growth of the Lakewood Yeshiva following his father's passing. This was in addition to his myriad communal responsibilities, along with his own initiatives such as the opening of a string of Kollels across the fruited plain.
Yeshiva Torasi Umnasi - A Yeshiva in the Poconos for Stranded Bochurim Who Couldn’t Return to E"Y
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Yeshiva in the Poocnos |
Due to the current matzav, hundreds of bochurim who usually spend the better part of the year learning in Eretz Yisrael are stuck on this side of the Atlantic, unable to learn in their respective yeshivos. In a classic show of chazu banei, many of these bochurim have struggled to learn despite the hardship of not being in their normal environment. Phone conferences, hotlines, distance learning are suddenly de rigueur. In response to the growing demand for a semi-return to normal, Rabbi Mattis Rokach and Rabbi Moshe Friedman from Yeshivas Ohel Yaakov in Monsey set out to search for a safe, legal, and workable option. With much siyata dishmaya a locale in Pennsylvania was found that satisfies all of the above. After discussion with health officials and doctors, Yeshivas Torasi Umnasi was officially founded. Over 200 bochurim, who would've been in Eretz Yisrael, imbibing the heilige avirah d'Eretz Yisrael, are learning in a beis medrash together where the vibrant kol Torah rings out once again. The atmosphere is unbelievable; watching these bochurim from all different yeshivos learning
Oif Simchas Erev Rosh Chodesh Tamuz Lakewood 5780
Engagements courtesy of Daily Vivaser to receive Vivaser via email daily send a request to: getvivaser@gmail.com
Sunday June 21 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Some decrease in clouds later in the day. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 84F
-5 new positive cases in Lakewood totals 2538/178
-Tehillim: A 15-year-old boy riding a bicycle near the intersection of River Avenue and Spruce Street in Lakewood, NJ, was hit by a car and is now in serious condition. The victim was transported by Hatzolah to Jersey Shore Medical Center in Neptune. All are asked to daven for Yechezkel Shraga ben Esther. (Matzav)
-Tefilos Mincha with Yom Kippur Koton in all Lakewood botei Medrashim 7:00pm
-Atzeres chizuk today at Breslov B"M of Lakewood for be able to have Rosh Hashana in Uman this year. The atzeres will begin at 6:30 followed by Mincha with Yom Kippur Koton it will conclude with dancing at 8:20 pm
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00 pm HaRav Asher Weiss on אמירה לעכו''ם on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-Lunch distribution at Vine street Park 11:00 am
-Box at Tiferes Bais Yaakov 4:45
-Gov. Murphy spending the day at Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park and seaside heights
-New Jersey is now in the second of three stages of its reopening Nail and hair salons, barber shops and spas will be allowed to open Monday.
-5 new positive cases in Lakewood totals 2538/178
-Tehillim: A 15-year-old boy riding a bicycle near the intersection of River Avenue and Spruce Street in Lakewood, NJ, was hit by a car and is now in serious condition. The victim was transported by Hatzolah to Jersey Shore Medical Center in Neptune. All are asked to daven for Yechezkel Shraga ben Esther. (Matzav)
-Tefilos Mincha with Yom Kippur Koton in all Lakewood botei Medrashim 7:00pm
-Atzeres chizuk today at Breslov B"M of Lakewood for be able to have Rosh Hashana in Uman this year. The atzeres will begin at 6:30 followed by Mincha with Yom Kippur Koton it will conclude with dancing at 8:20 pm
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00 pm HaRav Asher Weiss on אמירה לעכו''ם on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-Lunch distribution at Vine street Park 11:00 am
-Box at Tiferes Bais Yaakov 4:45
-Gov. Murphy spending the day at Island Beach State Park, Seaside Park and seaside heights
-New Jersey is now in the second of three stages of its reopening Nail and hair salons, barber shops and spas will be allowed to open Monday.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Motzei Shabbos Shelach 5780 Lakewood
-Trump: NJ had 1 COVID death under 18 so we need to open all schools because kids have strong immune systems”.
-10 new cases in Lakewood since yesterday totals 2533/176
-New Jersey: 446 new positive tests and 25 new deaths
-Israel: Netanyahu Considering Tightening Restrictions as Numbers Continue to Rise.
The Health Ministry on Motzoei Shabbos said 294 people have been diagnosed with coronavirus over the past 24 hours.
-10 new cases in Lakewood since yesterday totals 2533/176
-New Jersey: 446 new positive tests and 25 new deaths
-Israel: Netanyahu Considering Tightening Restrictions as Numbers Continue to Rise.
The Health Ministry on Motzoei Shabbos said 294 people have been diagnosed with coronavirus over the past 24 hours.
Friday, June 19, 2020
Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת שלח שבת מברכים חודש תמוז תש''פ
Friday, June 19, 2020 / כ״ז סיון תש״פ ערב שבת פרשת שלח
-Candle lighting: 8:11 pm
-Shkia/sunset:8:29 pm
-Rosh Chodesh Tamuz is on Monday and Tuesday
-Molad is Motzei shabbos, 26 minutes and 14 chalakim after 12:00 am.
(דער מולד וועט זיין מוצאי שבת קודש זעקס און צוואנציג מינוט מיט פערצן חלקים נאך צוועלעף)
-weather: Shabbos Day: Scattered showers and thunderstorms. High 83F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.
-Netz: 5:27 am
-Sof Zman Krias shema 9:13 am Gra
-Pirkei Avos: Perek 'ג
הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר עָבַרְנוּ בָהּ לָתוּר אֹתָהּ טוֹבָה הָאָרֶץ מְאֹד מְאֹד
-Candle lighting: 8:11 pm
-Shkia/sunset:8:29 pm
-Rosh Chodesh Tamuz is on Monday and Tuesday
-Molad is Motzei shabbos, 26 minutes and 14 chalakim after 12:00 am.
(דער מולד וועט זיין מוצאי שבת קודש זעקס און צוואנציג מינוט מיט פערצן חלקים נאך צוועלעף)
-weather: Shabbos Day: Scattered showers and thunderstorms. High 83F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.
-Netz: 5:27 am
-Sof Zman Krias shema 9:13 am Gra
-Pirkei Avos: Perek 'ג
הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר עָבַרְנוּ בָהּ לָתוּר אֹתָהּ טוֹבָה הָאָרֶץ מְאֹד מְאֹד
Friday June 19 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Partly cloudy skies. A stray afternoon thunderstorm is possible. High around 80F
-Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva call for yom tefilla: This Sunday Erev Rosh Chodesh all minyanim in the town should join and daven tefilas Yom Kippur Koton at 7 pm in their respective places. The yom tefila is called due to the current situation. Although the botei Medrash and Botei Knesiyos have opened they are not at full function and the rischa deoraysah, the pilpul chaveirim and davening in yeshiva is absent.
The Yeshiva is still closed, There is a sakana Ruchniyus to the children with limited school and there are still cholim among us. in Addition there is turmoil around the US and we hope that it does not effect us.
-4 new positive cases in Lakewood +3 deaths totals 2523/174
-Murphy: Beginning this Fathers Day, June 21st, the following will be able to permit visitors in designated outdoor spaces: Nursing homes, Assisted living residences, Dementia care homes
Pediatric transitional care homes, Comprehensive personal care homes
-Report: Medical sources confirmed to VeltNews there have been no new coronavirus cases in Lakewood’s Jewish community in more than a week.
-A suspect Involved in a homicide in Jackson last night was taken into custody in Lakewood this afternoon at rt 9 and main street. A 23-year-old Jackson Township man was the victim of the homicide that took place overnight in the township Isaiah Renouf, who just turned 23 on Sunday, was killed overnight, according to Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer and Jackson Township Police Chief Matthew Kunz.
-Live Shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
11:45 am Vaad by Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita
12:30 pm Chumash Shiur By Harav Gershon Ribner shlita
-NJ 516 new positive tests and 37 Corona related deaths since yesterday
-Friday Shabbos Box distribution:
-Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva call for yom tefilla: This Sunday Erev Rosh Chodesh all minyanim in the town should join and daven tefilas Yom Kippur Koton at 7 pm in their respective places. The yom tefila is called due to the current situation. Although the botei Medrash and Botei Knesiyos have opened they are not at full function and the rischa deoraysah, the pilpul chaveirim and davening in yeshiva is absent.
The Yeshiva is still closed, There is a sakana Ruchniyus to the children with limited school and there are still cholim among us. in Addition there is turmoil around the US and we hope that it does not effect us.
-4 new positive cases in Lakewood +3 deaths totals 2523/174
-Murphy: Beginning this Fathers Day, June 21st, the following will be able to permit visitors in designated outdoor spaces: Nursing homes, Assisted living residences, Dementia care homes
Pediatric transitional care homes, Comprehensive personal care homes
-Report: Medical sources confirmed to VeltNews there have been no new coronavirus cases in Lakewood’s Jewish community in more than a week.
-A suspect Involved in a homicide in Jackson last night was taken into custody in Lakewood this afternoon at rt 9 and main street. A 23-year-old Jackson Township man was the victim of the homicide that took place overnight in the township Isaiah Renouf, who just turned 23 on Sunday, was killed overnight, according to Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer and Jackson Township Police Chief Matthew Kunz.
-Live Shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
11:45 am Vaad by Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita
12:30 pm Chumash Shiur By Harav Gershon Ribner shlita
-NJ 516 new positive tests and 37 Corona related deaths since yesterday
-Friday Shabbos Box distribution:
Post Covid19 Lifestyles: Liquor Store Will Stop Carrying Expensive Wines
Wine and liquor store in Lakewood will stop carrying overly expensive wines & whiskeys in an effort to reassess lifestyle values
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Thursday June 18 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Areas of patchy fog early. Scattered thunderstorms during the morning becoming more widespread this afternoon. High 73F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%.
-Live Shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
11:30 pm - Chumash Shiur by HaRav Yeruchum Olshin Shlita
Bochurim B'nei Torah Line: 646-378-1131
- Harav Yechiel Moskowitz will be giving a his weekly Shiur, tonight at 10:30 PM. Phone # is 605-313-5894 access code is 783618
-A record spike in coronavirus has been reported in ten states, including Arizona, Texas and Florida. Florida reported 3,207 additional coronavirus cases on Thursday -- the largest single-day count in the state since the pandemic. The Sunshine State has "all the markings of the next large epicenter of coronavirus transmission," and risks being the "worst it has ever been," according to projections from a model by scientists at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania.
- NJ101.5 on Lakewood Camp Protest - Lakewood school board attorney calls the boys use of chants similar to those used in Black Lives Matters protests and similar social justice events was "inappropriate.". Attorney Michael Inzelbuch told New Jersey 101.5 that the march was not formally organized by any particular group and was an impromptu gathering. Cuomo's office did not return a message from New Jersey 101.5 seeking comment about the protest
-4:00 pm BBQ boxes are available now at 509 Joe Parker Road. Open to all New Jersey residents.
- 7 New Positive cases in Lakewood totals 2519/171
- Bill to decriminalize marijuana just passed N.J. Assembly. Instead of arrest, a $50 fine.
-NJ: 442 new positive cases and 38 deaths
Murphy: Indoor malls would be allowed to reopen with stores at 50% capacity on June 29 face-masks required. Theaters and arcades will remain closed.
-NYC Mayor announced Playgrounds will open on Monday
-No more Aiva : NJ Drop Coronavirus Charges In Protests, Religious Services
-Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal is telling New Jersey prosecutors to dismiss coronavirus-related charges against organizers of outdoor political protests or outdoor religious services. (Patch)
Gov. Phil Murphy has declared that, going forward, all outdoor political activity and all outdoor worship services would be permitted "in any number"
Those who were charged previously Prosecutors, he said, may accept a plea to a lesser or other offense, move to amend an original charge and request dismissal of a charge.
-Live Shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
11:30 pm - Chumash Shiur by HaRav Yeruchum Olshin Shlita
Bochurim B'nei Torah Line: 646-378-1131
- Harav Yechiel Moskowitz will be giving a his weekly Shiur, tonight at 10:30 PM. Phone # is 605-313-5894 access code is 783618
-A record spike in coronavirus has been reported in ten states, including Arizona, Texas and Florida. Florida reported 3,207 additional coronavirus cases on Thursday -- the largest single-day count in the state since the pandemic. The Sunshine State has "all the markings of the next large epicenter of coronavirus transmission," and risks being the "worst it has ever been," according to projections from a model by scientists at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania.
- NJ101.5 on Lakewood Camp Protest - Lakewood school board attorney calls the boys use of chants similar to those used in Black Lives Matters protests and similar social justice events was "inappropriate.". Attorney Michael Inzelbuch told New Jersey 101.5 that the march was not formally organized by any particular group and was an impromptu gathering. Cuomo's office did not return a message from New Jersey 101.5 seeking comment about the protest
-4:00 pm BBQ boxes are available now at 509 Joe Parker Road. Open to all New Jersey residents.
- 7 New Positive cases in Lakewood totals 2519/171
- Bill to decriminalize marijuana just passed N.J. Assembly. Instead of arrest, a $50 fine.
-NJ: 442 new positive cases and 38 deaths
Murphy: Indoor malls would be allowed to reopen with stores at 50% capacity on June 29 face-masks required. Theaters and arcades will remain closed.
-NYC Mayor announced Playgrounds will open on Monday
-No more Aiva : NJ Drop Coronavirus Charges In Protests, Religious Services
-Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal is telling New Jersey prosecutors to dismiss coronavirus-related charges against organizers of outdoor political protests or outdoor religious services. (Patch)
Gov. Phil Murphy has declared that, going forward, all outdoor political activity and all outdoor worship services would be permitted "in any number"
Those who were charged previously Prosecutors, he said, may accept a plea to a lesser or other offense, move to amend an original charge and request dismissal of a charge.
Hamodia: Association of Jewish Camp Owners and Parents File Suit to Open Sleepaway Camps
Hamodia- The Association of Jewish Camp Owners (AJOC) and a group of parents who plan to send their children to these camps are set to file suit on Thursday afternoon to ask the court to grant permission for sleepaway camps to open this summer in New York State.
A request for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) will follow at the beginning of next week, .. with the hope that a TRO, which would restrain the state from implementing the ban on sleepaway camps, will be issued by the court.
According to Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Director of New York Government Relations for Agudas Yisrael of America who has been working together with camp owners and parents on this issue, the suit argues that New York State’s decision to forbid camps this year constitutes a violation of the Orthodox community’s First Amendment right and that it inhibits the free exercise of religion.
A request for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) will follow at the beginning of next week, .. with the hope that a TRO, which would restrain the state from implementing the ban on sleepaway camps, will be issued by the court.
According to Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Director of New York Government Relations for Agudas Yisrael of America who has been working together with camp owners and parents on this issue, the suit argues that New York State’s decision to forbid camps this year constitutes a violation of the Orthodox community’s First Amendment right and that it inhibits the free exercise of religion.
Ocean County Officials ask NJDOT to Reconsider Decision Not to Widen Route 9
The NJDOT announced last week they will not widen route 9 in Lakewood and Toms River but instead will provide turning lanes and other improvements. The Eagle ridge development was approved based on traffic studies and the widening of route 9.
TR Shore Beat- New Jersey transportation officials have decided against embarking of a widening project of Route 9 in the congested area of Toms River and Lakewood, leading county officials to fume and request reconsideration from Trenton. The county freeholder board adopted a resolution at its June 17 meeting calling on the state to reconsider its decision and move ahead with the reconstruction and widening of the highway, which remains in a one-lane north and one lane south configuration for the majority of its path through the two large towns. Route 9 will likely gain traffic now that a fresh round of toll hikes have been approved for the Garden State Parkway.
“We cannot believe that even after the completion of a study of this area of Route 9 clearly shows widening will greatly improve safety and traffic flow on this road – a major corridor in Ocean County – we have again been told by the state it’s not going to happen,” said Ocean County Freeholder Director Joseph H. Vicari. “We are calling on the NJDOT to fund the major improvement project as this is the help we need to bring this important corridor into the current century.”
TR Shore Beat- New Jersey transportation officials have decided against embarking of a widening project of Route 9 in the congested area of Toms River and Lakewood, leading county officials to fume and request reconsideration from Trenton. The county freeholder board adopted a resolution at its June 17 meeting calling on the state to reconsider its decision and move ahead with the reconstruction and widening of the highway, which remains in a one-lane north and one lane south configuration for the majority of its path through the two large towns. Route 9 will likely gain traffic now that a fresh round of toll hikes have been approved for the Garden State Parkway.
“We cannot believe that even after the completion of a study of this area of Route 9 clearly shows widening will greatly improve safety and traffic flow on this road – a major corridor in Ocean County – we have again been told by the state it’s not going to happen,” said Ocean County Freeholder Director Joseph H. Vicari. “We are calling on the NJDOT to fund the major improvement project as this is the help we need to bring this important corridor into the current century.”
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Wednesday June 17 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Cloudy skies. High 71F.
Lunch Distribution tomorrow:
-Toras Zev 4 day Box tomorrow morning 8:45 am includes a pie of Pizza from Pizza on the 9, KJ Cholent Pastrami, Haddar Honey Wheat Braided Pretzels, French fries, Chocolate Buns, Grapes, Avocado, Mango Orange Juice, Chocolate Milk.
-Mesoras hatorah 7 day Shabbos Box will take place on FRIDAY .The box includes: Mikes chicken crunchers, Franks and blanks, Mendelson’s pizza slices and much more. Time TBA.
- Lakewood police chief asks parents to find other options of protesting for sleep away camps such as emails or writing letters, as rumors circulate of another protest tonight on County Line Rd. The chief warns parents that they could be held accountable for their childrens actions and cited if its after curfew.
- NJ lawmakers are scheduled to vote Thursday to decriminalize weed and curb arrests that disproportionately impact Black people.
- Uphill battle: Sleep away Camps considering possible legal challenge to the governor’s decision via lawsuit (Hamodia)
- N.J. to reveal strategy for pre-K to 12th grade schools reopening next week
- News12 NJ- HERE Some private religious schools in Lakewood reopened this week - but as one of the school's director tells us, they are fully compliant with Governor Murphy's executive orders.
- 12 new positive cases in Lakewood totals 2512/170
Lunch Distribution tomorrow:
-Toras Zev 4 day Box tomorrow morning 8:45 am includes a pie of Pizza from Pizza on the 9, KJ Cholent Pastrami, Haddar Honey Wheat Braided Pretzels, French fries, Chocolate Buns, Grapes, Avocado, Mango Orange Juice, Chocolate Milk.
-Mesoras hatorah 7 day Shabbos Box will take place on FRIDAY .The box includes: Mikes chicken crunchers, Franks and blanks, Mendelson’s pizza slices and much more. Time TBA.
- Lakewood police chief asks parents to find other options of protesting for sleep away camps such as emails or writing letters, as rumors circulate of another protest tonight on County Line Rd. The chief warns parents that they could be held accountable for their childrens actions and cited if its after curfew.
- NJ lawmakers are scheduled to vote Thursday to decriminalize weed and curb arrests that disproportionately impact Black people.
- Uphill battle: Sleep away Camps considering possible legal challenge to the governor’s decision via lawsuit (Hamodia)
- N.J. to reveal strategy for pre-K to 12th grade schools reopening next week
- News12 NJ- HERE Some private religious schools in Lakewood reopened this week - but as one of the school's director tells us, they are fully compliant with Governor Murphy's executive orders.
- 12 new positive cases in Lakewood totals 2512/170
Tonight: Tribute Dinner and Book Release in Memory of Rabbi Dovid Trenk Zatzal
Tonight family, friends and talmidim join together to celebrate the legacy of the unique, incredible,
and unforgettable Harav Dovid Trenk ztz”l. The live streamed tribute event is scheduled for 8:00PM tonight, the evening before the Yahrzeit. The event will IY”H include a Siyum HaShas by Harav Azriel Brown Shlit”a, son-in-law of Rabbi Trenk and Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva Gedola & Mesivta of Carteret, followed by live music and singing. A video production about Rabbi Trenk’s life and legacy will include words from some of his most distinguished family, friends, and talmidim
Book released by Artscroll: Just Love Them - The Life and Legacy of Rabbi Dovid Trenk
Rabbi Dovid Trenk seemed to walk in a little cloud of simchah, energy and life, lifting spirits and souls as he walked. But reaching that lofty level took a lifetime of work, from a childhood in Boro Park, a community still discovering its own identity, to his first job teaching the boys no one else would have.
and unforgettable Harav Dovid Trenk ztz”l. The live streamed tribute event is scheduled for 8:00PM tonight, the evening before the Yahrzeit. The event will IY”H include a Siyum HaShas by Harav Azriel Brown Shlit”a, son-in-law of Rabbi Trenk and Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva Gedola & Mesivta of Carteret, followed by live music and singing. A video production about Rabbi Trenk’s life and legacy will include words from some of his most distinguished family, friends, and talmidim
Book released by Artscroll: Just Love Them - The Life and Legacy of Rabbi Dovid Trenk
Rabbi Dovid Trenk seemed to walk in a little cloud of simchah, energy and life, lifting spirits and souls as he walked. But reaching that lofty level took a lifetime of work, from a childhood in Boro Park, a community still discovering its own identity, to his first job teaching the boys no one else would have.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
לקיים בנו חכמי ישראל
Update: B"H There has been improvement i the Rosh Yeshivas condition overnight.
-All are asked to daven for, Maran HaRav Dovid Feinstein shlita, the Rosh Yeshiva has been hospitalized for a few days, and his condition has turned serious. he is in need of rachamei Shomayim. Please daven for Dovid ben Shima l’refuah sheleimah.
Update: B"H There has been improvement i the Rosh Yeshivas condition overnight.
-All are asked to daven for, Maran HaRav Dovid Feinstein shlita, the Rosh Yeshiva has been hospitalized for a few days, and his condition has turned serious. he is in need of rachamei Shomayim. Please daven for Dovid ben Shima l’refuah sheleimah.
Tuesday June 16 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 72F
- Media reports on the Lakewood camp protest. APP- "Lakewood youth protest demanding summer sleepaway camps to open this year" People came out of their homes to see what was happening and even scolded the young protesters from being on the street. "Get on the sidewalk now!" a man shouted at the passing youth. ... The youth shouted "Hands up! Don't shoot!" as police escorted them".
-Lakewood kids protest swells bas 100's join police on hand have shut county line Rd.
-NYC Mayor "we're not going to allow people to take the law into their own hands” in regard to cutting the locks off playgrounds.
- Fun: kids in Lakewood gather at Park avenue and E County Line chanting we want camp (LNN)
-2 new positive cases in Lakewood total cases 2500 and 170 deaths.
-Total Kosher meals served by Gelbsteins to the Children of Lakewood Township and due to the Governor’s closing of schools from March 17, 2020 through June 12, 2020:
Total Kosher: 388,736 Total Non Kosher: 357,442
-Gov Murphy mentions corona victim from Lakewood Mrs. Barbara Clark, who moved to Lakewood 43 years ago and never left. Barbara mentored students from the Lakewood Township School System, and opened her home to teens who had nowhere else to turn.
- Media reports on the Lakewood camp protest. APP- "Lakewood youth protest demanding summer sleepaway camps to open this year" People came out of their homes to see what was happening and even scolded the young protesters from being on the street. "Get on the sidewalk now!" a man shouted at the passing youth. ... The youth shouted "Hands up! Don't shoot!" as police escorted them".
-Lakewood kids protest swells bas 100's join police on hand have shut county line Rd.
-NYC Mayor "we're not going to allow people to take the law into their own hands” in regard to cutting the locks off playgrounds.
- Fun: kids in Lakewood gather at Park avenue and E County Line chanting we want camp (LNN)
-2 new positive cases in Lakewood total cases 2500 and 170 deaths.
-Total Kosher meals served by Gelbsteins to the Children of Lakewood Township and due to the Governor’s closing of schools from March 17, 2020 through June 12, 2020:
Total Kosher: 388,736 Total Non Kosher: 357,442
-Gov Murphy mentions corona victim from Lakewood Mrs. Barbara Clark, who moved to Lakewood 43 years ago and never left. Barbara mentored students from the Lakewood Township School System, and opened her home to teens who had nowhere else to turn.
Audio: Paying Property Taxes in Lakewood
The needs of the people of Lakewood will be the focus
Township not communicating or focusing on the people
No notification about interest fees which cost people hundreds of dollars
Township not communicating or focusing on the people
No notification about interest fees which cost people hundreds of dollars
Lakewood BOE Meeting
Lakewood Board of Education virtual meeting Tuesday June 16 at 7:30 pm
-watch Live stream Here
-See Agenda Here
CARES Funds: Weekly rental of Tents, Tables, Chairs and Lights for Nonpublic Schools in Lakewood, to provide classroom instruction and/or therapies during COVID-19 school closures
B&B Party Rental of NJ Inc. 56 Progress Place Jackson, NJ 08527
Total Weekly Cost 30x30 pole tent package $1,143.45
Total Weekly Cost 20x30 pole tent package $834.25
-watch Live stream Here
-See Agenda Here
CARES Funds: Weekly rental of Tents, Tables, Chairs and Lights for Nonpublic Schools in Lakewood, to provide classroom instruction and/or therapies during COVID-19 school closures
B&B Party Rental of NJ Inc. 56 Progress Place Jackson, NJ 08527
Total Weekly Cost 30x30 pole tent package $1,143.45
Total Weekly Cost 20x30 pole tent package $834.25
Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Lakewood Planning board virtual meeting Today 6/16/20 at 6:00 pm
-watch live stream Here
-see Agenda HERE
-During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments via email to the following email address: planningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov
- Resolution from the township committee Amendment to the Cedarbridge Redevelopment Plan to accept the township resolution that will allow a change in Cedarbridge development giving long PILOT to the undeveloped land through 2050
-watch live stream Here
-see Agenda HERE
-During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments via email to the following email address: planningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov
- Resolution from the township committee Amendment to the Cedarbridge Redevelopment Plan to accept the township resolution that will allow a change in Cedarbridge development giving long PILOT to the undeveloped land through 2050
Monday, June 15, 2020
Oif Simchas 23 Sivan 5780 Lakewood
Engagements courtesy of Daily Vivaser to receive Vivaser via email daily send a request to: getvivaser@gmail.com
Monday 23 Sivan June 15 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Partly cloudy. High 71
-Florida reported two consecutive days of more than 2,000 new daily cases of the coronavirus as the Sunshine State reopened additional beaches during the pandemic, according to a report.
-PSA: Tomorrow, Tuesday: 3 day lunch at Yeshiva Mesoras Hatorah-41 Henry Street from 12:30-1. Box includes: vegetable calzones, deli roll, pizza rounds, danishes, peaches, mini peppers... Please enter from Cedar Ct, not Rt. 9 and then enter the second parking lot. Enjoy!
-Tehillim: Tragedy in New Square: A 15-passenger van carrying eleven members of two Skverer families on the way to a chasunah in New York City veered off the road and crashed into a tree right outside New square near the exit to the palisades parkway, trapping a number of the vehicle’s occupants, who were extricated by Hatzolah and other emergency personnel and taken to local hospitals. 2 people R"L passed away at the hospital from internal bleeding, reportedly a father in law and his son in law. Some of the victims are still in critical condition please daven for Devorah Yehudis bas Esther, and her mother, Esther bas Rivkah.
- Brooklyn Assemblyman with Jewish community leaders in Brooklyn led by radio personality Heshy Tischler defy NYC mayor and opened a park, by cutting the chains they said " this park will remain open
-NJ Attorney General on Monday ordered all law enforcement agencies in New Jersey to begin publicly identifying police officers who have committed serious disciplinary violations.
Until now, the identities of officers subject to discipline have generally not been disclosed to the public unless they faced criminal charges.
-NJ DOT withdraws project to widen Route 9 in Lakewood with a center turning lane, says they are now on track for just intersection, sidewalk, and drainage improvements in Spring 2022. (LNN)
- 3 new positive cases in Lakewood totals 2498/171
-NJ 274 new cases and 52 deaths reported in the last 24 hours.
-Free Slice of Pizza today at Kalamata Italian Cafe grand opening Ribbon cutting ceremony in the Jackson Crossing shopping Center anytime from 12:00 pm- 8:00 pm
- Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM by HaRav Yisroel Perlow עיונים בברכת המצות via Zoom or 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-Tehilas Chaya Sara weekly box, 1115 Cross Street, Weekly Box, 12:30
-NYC orders Contact Tracers not to ask people if they were at protests, so not to show any spike in cases as a result of the protests.
-The City is welding shut a park that is largely used by Chasidim in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Lunch Distribution:
Bnos Melech weekly Box B'gan 2:00 pm
Tehilas Chaya Sara weekly box by B'gan, 1115 Cross Street, Weekly Box, 12:30 pm
Daily by Circa at Toras Zev 9:00 am Calzones
Pine Park Bnos Yaakov Weekly 4 day Box 11:00 am- 1:00 PM
Gelbsteins daily at Public schools locations 9:00 - 11:00
Vine Street park 4 corners Bagel 11:00 am
Tiferes BY Weekly Box 1:15 pm Oak street
-The White House wants to replace the extra $600 in weekly unemployment benefits with a bonus for employees returning to work. Larry Kudlow, director of President Donald Trump’s National Economic Council, said he would not support continuing the $600 payments past their July 31 expiration date.
-Under the new Affordable Housing Trust Fund being touted by housing advocates and township officials, all Lakewood residents, including those with no legal immigration status, will be able to cover up to three months of back rent. (APP)
-NJ enters Stage 2 of its reopening Monday, nonessential retail stores will be limited to half capacity and social distancing measures have been ordered. Outdoor dining customers will also be required to sit at tables at least 6 feet apart,
-Crown Heights: B''H we have not heard of any new confirmed COVID cases in the Crown Heights Jewish community.
-Florida reported two consecutive days of more than 2,000 new daily cases of the coronavirus as the Sunshine State reopened additional beaches during the pandemic, according to a report.
-PSA: Tomorrow, Tuesday: 3 day lunch at Yeshiva Mesoras Hatorah-41 Henry Street from 12:30-1. Box includes: vegetable calzones, deli roll, pizza rounds, danishes, peaches, mini peppers... Please enter from Cedar Ct, not Rt. 9 and then enter the second parking lot. Enjoy!
-Tehillim: Tragedy in New Square: A 15-passenger van carrying eleven members of two Skverer families on the way to a chasunah in New York City veered off the road and crashed into a tree right outside New square near the exit to the palisades parkway, trapping a number of the vehicle’s occupants, who were extricated by Hatzolah and other emergency personnel and taken to local hospitals. 2 people R"L passed away at the hospital from internal bleeding, reportedly a father in law and his son in law. Some of the victims are still in critical condition please daven for Devorah Yehudis bas Esther, and her mother, Esther bas Rivkah.
- Brooklyn Assemblyman with Jewish community leaders in Brooklyn led by radio personality Heshy Tischler defy NYC mayor and opened a park, by cutting the chains they said " this park will remain open
-NJ Attorney General on Monday ordered all law enforcement agencies in New Jersey to begin publicly identifying police officers who have committed serious disciplinary violations.
Until now, the identities of officers subject to discipline have generally not been disclosed to the public unless they faced criminal charges.
-NJ DOT withdraws project to widen Route 9 in Lakewood with a center turning lane, says they are now on track for just intersection, sidewalk, and drainage improvements in Spring 2022. (LNN)
- 3 new positive cases in Lakewood totals 2498/171
-NJ 274 new cases and 52 deaths reported in the last 24 hours.
-Free Slice of Pizza today at Kalamata Italian Cafe grand opening Ribbon cutting ceremony in the Jackson Crossing shopping Center anytime from 12:00 pm- 8:00 pm
- Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM by HaRav Yisroel Perlow עיונים בברכת המצות via Zoom or 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-Tehilas Chaya Sara weekly box, 1115 Cross Street, Weekly Box, 12:30
-NYC orders Contact Tracers not to ask people if they were at protests, so not to show any spike in cases as a result of the protests.
-The City is welding shut a park that is largely used by Chasidim in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Bnos Melech weekly Box B'gan 2:00 pm
Tehilas Chaya Sara weekly box by B'gan, 1115 Cross Street, Weekly Box, 12:30 pm
Daily by Circa at Toras Zev 9:00 am Calzones
Pine Park Bnos Yaakov Weekly 4 day Box 11:00 am- 1:00 PM
Gelbsteins daily at Public schools locations 9:00 - 11:00
Vine Street park 4 corners Bagel 11:00 am
Tiferes BY Weekly Box 1:15 pm Oak street
-The White House wants to replace the extra $600 in weekly unemployment benefits with a bonus for employees returning to work. Larry Kudlow, director of President Donald Trump’s National Economic Council, said he would not support continuing the $600 payments past their July 31 expiration date.
-Under the new Affordable Housing Trust Fund being touted by housing advocates and township officials, all Lakewood residents, including those with no legal immigration status, will be able to cover up to three months of back rent. (APP)
-NJ enters Stage 2 of its reopening Monday, nonessential retail stores will be limited to half capacity and social distancing measures have been ordered. Outdoor dining customers will also be required to sit at tables at least 6 feet apart,
-Crown Heights: B''H we have not heard of any new confirmed COVID cases in the Crown Heights Jewish community.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Sunday June 14 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Abundant sunshine. High 71F
Audio Mail In Ballots Requests
- Tomorrow evening Zoom Meting with Avi Solomon on election campaign ID 741 859 6201 Password 9UsGzt
-Parents asked to be aware leaving kids in cars with multiple pick ups and drop offs daily
- Ocean County Health Dept will Enforce Regulations on Outdoor Dining at Restaurants
As restaurants resumed on-site dining, the Ocean County Department of Health announced that it would be on the lookout to ensure that regulations given by the state guiding the second phase of COVID restriction rollbacks are followed
- 4 new positive cases in Lakewood totals 2495/171
- NJ 305 new cases and 40 new deaths in the last 24 hours,
-Cape May zoo is now open 10 am - 4 pm with social distancing
-Shuls in Williamsburg gave Tikkun this morning in honor of President Trump's 74th birthday
-Yarchei Kallah 12:00PM HaRav Asher Weiss בדין אמן על הברכות followed by HaRav Avrohom Schorr דברי חיזוק 1:00 pm on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
Lunch distribution:
-Bnos Devorah Weekly box today 11:00 am
-Vine street sports park 11:00 am
- Pizza on Wheels 11:00- 1:00 pm
- Large back yard day camps may not open for the season, other day camps looking for suitable facilities to comply with regulations
-Chuck E. cheese nay declare bankruptcy 13 stores in NJ including one in Brick
-Politicians point to Double standard as park in Brooklyn at 14th Ave and 86th St is open with children playing cops came and left because its Borough Park, Williamsburg or Flatbush.
-Camp Bnot Jersey Girls in Deal expected not to open for the season.
-Camp Morris mesivta will open at a campus in the Poconos starting in 2 weeks
-Law Suit Filed Alleging Religious Discrimination in Actions by Cuomo and De Blasio
In a lawsuit filed three Orthodox Jews from Brooklyn and two Catholic priests charged New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Letitia James, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio of a “blatant double standard” in discriminating against people of faith, and of using threats of fines and
Audio Mail In Ballots Requests
-Parents asked to be aware leaving kids in cars with multiple pick ups and drop offs daily
- Ocean County Health Dept will Enforce Regulations on Outdoor Dining at Restaurants
As restaurants resumed on-site dining, the Ocean County Department of Health announced that it would be on the lookout to ensure that regulations given by the state guiding the second phase of COVID restriction rollbacks are followed
- 4 new positive cases in Lakewood totals 2495/171
- NJ 305 new cases and 40 new deaths in the last 24 hours,
-Cape May zoo is now open 10 am - 4 pm with social distancing
-Shuls in Williamsburg gave Tikkun this morning in honor of President Trump's 74th birthday
-Yarchei Kallah 12:00PM HaRav Asher Weiss בדין אמן על הברכות followed by HaRav Avrohom Schorr דברי חיזוק 1:00 pm on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
Lunch distribution:
-Bnos Devorah Weekly box today 11:00 am
-Vine street sports park 11:00 am
- Pizza on Wheels 11:00- 1:00 pm
- Large back yard day camps may not open for the season, other day camps looking for suitable facilities to comply with regulations
-Chuck E. cheese nay declare bankruptcy 13 stores in NJ including one in Brick
-Politicians point to Double standard as park in Brooklyn at 14th Ave and 86th St is open with children playing cops came and left because its Borough Park, Williamsburg or Flatbush.
-Camp Bnot Jersey Girls in Deal expected not to open for the season.
-Camp Morris mesivta will open at a campus in the Poconos starting in 2 weeks
-Law Suit Filed Alleging Religious Discrimination in Actions by Cuomo and De Blasio
In a lawsuit filed three Orthodox Jews from Brooklyn and two Catholic priests charged New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Letitia James, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio of a “blatant double standard” in discriminating against people of faith, and of using threats of fines and
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Motzei Shabbos Behaloscha 5780 News Updates Lakewood
-10 new Cases in Lakewood total 2491/171
-NJ 523 new cases and 103 deaths as the state begins phase 2 of reopening on Monday
-Trump is at his home in Bedminster NJ Gov Murphy was a guest for Dinner Friday night.
-Agudah: We respect that Governor Cuomo is forced to make difficult decisions in these difficult times. But his mantra has been to follow the data, follow the science, and follow the law.
Sadly, his decisions regarding overnight summer camps and religious practices fall far short of this ideal.
In light of today’s development, Agudath Israel and other summer camp representatives will consider whatever remaining options may be available to them.
-Assembly man Simcha Eichtenstein:
“We will not allow the Governor’s disastrous decision making to impact the wellbeing of our children,” said the assemblyman. “It is easy to hand out orders from the Governor’s Mansion, but if that is your decision, what is your solution Governor? What is your plan for the thousands of young adults who will be roaming the streets in boredom over the summer months? I refuse to accept a state of chaos and disarray over the next couple of months. I will continue to explore other options for our children so that they can enjoy the upcoming summer months, with safety as our number one priority, including sleepaway camp in other states who have already been approaching us.”
-NJ 523 new cases and 103 deaths as the state begins phase 2 of reopening on Monday
-Trump is at his home in Bedminster NJ Gov Murphy was a guest for Dinner Friday night.
-Agudah: We respect that Governor Cuomo is forced to make difficult decisions in these difficult times. But his mantra has been to follow the data, follow the science, and follow the law.
Sadly, his decisions regarding overnight summer camps and religious practices fall far short of this ideal.
In light of today’s development, Agudath Israel and other summer camp representatives will consider whatever remaining options may be available to them.
-Assembly man Simcha Eichtenstein:
“We will not allow the Governor’s disastrous decision making to impact the wellbeing of our children,” said the assemblyman. “It is easy to hand out orders from the Governor’s Mansion, but if that is your decision, what is your solution Governor? What is your plan for the thousands of young adults who will be roaming the streets in boredom over the summer months? I refuse to accept a state of chaos and disarray over the next couple of months. I will continue to explore other options for our children so that they can enjoy the upcoming summer months, with safety as our number one priority, including sleepaway camp in other states who have already been approaching us.”
Friday, June 12, 2020
Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת בהעלותך תש''פ
Friday, June 12, 2020 / כ׳ סיון תש״פ
ערב שבת פרשת בהעלותך
Candle lighting: 8:08 pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:26 pm
Weather shabbos day Sunny. High 77F.
ערב שבת פרשת בהעלותך
Candle lighting: 8:08 pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:26 pm
Weather shabbos day Sunny. High 77F.
ויעש כן אהרון אל מול פני המנורה העלה נרותיה כאשר ציוה ה' את משה". אומר על זה רש"י "להגיד שבחו של אהרון שלא שינה". שואל על זה רבי מאיר מפרימישלאן: מה כל כך מדהים בזה שאהרון שלא שינה? וכי מישהו ציפה שאהרון
Friday June 12 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: 86° Plentiful sunshine. High 86F
-A judge halted Asbury Park's plans to allow indoor dining after Murphy said the city's actions defied his executive orders.
- 15 New positive cases in Lakewood +3 deaths totals 2481/173
-NYS officially prohibits overnight sleep away camps for this summer season a statement issued by Health commissioner of Gov Cuomo
Chasidishe schools in Brooklyn tell
parents not to allow Children to join any protests.
NJ will allow in person summer school starting July 6 districts will provide robust programs in a safe environment, while preparing students for the school year ahead of us,”
-NJ Sues Asbury Park for defying executive order
-Vermont Ave Extension to begin next week (LNN)
-Live shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
12:30 pm Chumash shiur by Harav Gershon Ribner shlita
-A judge halted Asbury Park's plans to allow indoor dining after Murphy said the city's actions defied his executive orders.
- 15 New positive cases in Lakewood +3 deaths totals 2481/173
-NYS officially prohibits overnight sleep away camps for this summer season a statement issued by Health commissioner of Gov Cuomo
Chasidishe schools in Brooklyn tell
parents not to allow Children to join any protests.
NJ will allow in person summer school starting July 6 districts will provide robust programs in a safe environment, while preparing students for the school year ahead of us,”
-NJ Sues Asbury Park for defying executive order
-Vermont Ave Extension to begin next week (LNN)
-Live shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
12:30 pm Chumash shiur by Harav Gershon Ribner shlita
Yated Editorial
My Fear
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Yated Neeman
"Regrettably, in our community as well, people feel forced to toe a party line. You don’t hear many askonim advocating for a reopening of schools and stores. Tens of thousands of children are regressing, and nobody sees that as a cause to rally around and remedy. Storekeepers and small businessmen are suffering, yet we don’t hear anyone taking up their cause and pointing out the hypocrisy of what is being perpetrated clearly for political gains".
- Jun 10, 2020
If you have ever wondered how dictatorships take root in once-great republics, recent occurrences in this still great country could help you understand how it happens. It is beating a dead horse to examine how the fear of a new virus allowed people to willingly give up their rights in the belief that by doing so they were helping to prevent a pandemic from killing millions of people.
Trusting people they had never previously heard of, as well as government, which they rarely trust, citizens of this country, as well as of virtually every country in the world, accepted that they must lock themselves in their homes and cut off human contact. They were told that doing so would flatten the curve of illness and death until it would approach a manageable level. At that point, they would be allowed to return to their normal lives, albeit with safety precautions until a vaccine could be developed.
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Yated Neeman
"Regrettably, in our community as well, people feel forced to toe a party line. You don’t hear many askonim advocating for a reopening of schools and stores. Tens of thousands of children are regressing, and nobody sees that as a cause to rally around and remedy. Storekeepers and small businessmen are suffering, yet we don’t hear anyone taking up their cause and pointing out the hypocrisy of what is being perpetrated clearly for political gains".
- Jun 10, 2020
If you have ever wondered how dictatorships take root in once-great republics, recent occurrences in this still great country could help you understand how it happens. It is beating a dead horse to examine how the fear of a new virus allowed people to willingly give up their rights in the belief that by doing so they were helping to prevent a pandemic from killing millions of people.
Trusting people they had never previously heard of, as well as government, which they rarely trust, citizens of this country, as well as of virtually every country in the world, accepted that they must lock themselves in their homes and cut off human contact. They were told that doing so would flatten the curve of illness and death until it would approach a manageable level. At that point, they would be allowed to return to their normal lives, albeit with safety precautions until a vaccine could be developed.
Audio Election Update: A Tricky Ad
Audio Message from Harold Herskowitz candidate for Lakewood township committee. Its time that we work on behalf of everyone and the klal not only land giveaways and tax abatement for a select few and not help the community during this time.
Vaad election ad wont show other candidates
Vaad election ad wont show other candidates
Thursday, June 11, 2020
JHS: Great American Jewish Cities - Pittsburgh
Jewish History Soundbites With Yehuda Geberer
With the growth of the steel industry, Pittsburgh became home to a sizable and prestigious Jewish community. While the Pittsburgh Platform of 1885 gave the city an association with Reform, and Jews had an impact on the local sports scene, immigrants from Eastern Europe along with some impressive Rabbinical and communal leaders laid a solid foundation for the traditional Jewish community.
With the growth of the steel industry, Pittsburgh became home to a sizable and prestigious Jewish community. While the Pittsburgh Platform of 1885 gave the city an association with Reform, and Jews had an impact on the local sports scene, immigrants from Eastern Europe along with some impressive Rabbinical and communal leaders laid a solid foundation for the traditional Jewish community.
Thursday June 11 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: 80° Thunderstorms likely. High around 80F. Chance of rain 100%.
- Harav Yechiel Moskowitz will be giving a his weekly Shiur, tonight at 10:30 PM. Phone # is 605-313-5894 access code is 783618
-14 new positive cases in Lakewood 3 deaths total 2466/170
- Hundreds of kids are now protesting in Williamsburg, riding bikes on the streets, asking the gov to open the parks and open sleep away camps
-Camp Agudah ruach country 7th,8th, and 9th grade will open at Camp Winaukee in New Hampshire this summer
-Audio: Why is there no discussion about opening schools and stores in Lakewood as is being done in Asbury Park? Why is the committee silent?
- Lakewood youngeleit rent a gym and use it as a bais Medrash. (Blaaz)
-National weather service issues Flash Flood warning until 6:15 PM for Northern Ocean county that includes Lakewood
-Murphy warns Asbury park and stores defying restrictions that enforcement is coming
-NJ 539 new positive cases and 70 deaths
-Tashbar no more boxes traffic backed up as well 1:30 pm police stopped it
-5 regions of New York have been cleared to enter Phase 3 of reopening tomorrow: Central NY, Mohawk Valley, Southern Tier, the Finger Lakes and the North Country.
-Mesoras Hatorah no more boxes left 12:10pm
-Poll: 35% of those that working at home because of the shutdown want to keep doing it full-time
CreditCards.com survey also shows working from home due to the pandemic costs households about $108 more per month
- Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM HaRav Shraga Kallus עיונים בדין זימון on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
- Israeli cabinet meets as Corona cases rise again
-Sleep away camp: NYS assemblyman Eichenstein goes to Albany and pleads with Gov Cuomo to open camps. Kids have been home for 87 days straight they need normalcy in their lives
-Is NY About To Ban Sleep Away Camps This Summer read here
- Lakewood vaad member admits protest organizer did write anti semitic comments and account was not hacked but they made peace.
Lunch distribution:
-Toras Zev 4 day Shabbos box Cross street- 8:45 am - 11:30 am, Includes KJ Shnitzel, Pizza, Kokosh Cake, Rice cakes, American Cheese, Lettuce, Craisins, cucumber, Italian dressing, Milk, Grape Juices.
-Mesoras Hatorah 4 day Shabbos box includes Pastrami, turkey breast, 2 lb pot kugel, cholent with meat, kishka, chicken fingers, kokosh cake, challah, g. juice, tomato dip, mango, pickles, lettuce bag.at Mesoras Hatorah, 41 Henry Street 12:00 pm -12:25pm Please enter from Cedar street, not Route 9 and then enter the second dirt parking lot.
-Tashbar at 82 Oak 7 day lunch pick up for the public after 1:20 pn by Out to lunch including Mikes chicken, smoked turkey breast, Meal mart salami, Challah, Shibolim crackers, sliced muenster cheese, onion dip, hearts of palm, yogurts, milk, grapes, choc buns,grape juice, pickles, snack mix
-NO distribution at Pine park today There will be a shabbos box tomorrow Friday 11:00am
-Vine street daily lunch pickup 11:00 am'
-Gelbsteins daily lunch at public schools location 9-11
-BMG official says they are still closed but talking to state health officials to be able to return rapidly to the botei medrash
-Asbury Park will allow limited indoor dining at local restaurants starting June 15, putting Asbury Park in defiance of rules put in place by Gov. Phil Murphy. We believe indoor restaurants can run in a safe manner provided they are subject to all the requirements outlined in Executive Order 152," Deputy Mayor Amy Quinn said.
- Harav Yechiel Moskowitz will be giving a his weekly Shiur, tonight at 10:30 PM. Phone # is 605-313-5894 access code is 783618
-14 new positive cases in Lakewood 3 deaths total 2466/170
- Hundreds of kids are now protesting in Williamsburg, riding bikes on the streets, asking the gov to open the parks and open sleep away camps
-Camp Agudah ruach country 7th,8th, and 9th grade will open at Camp Winaukee in New Hampshire this summer
-Audio: Why is there no discussion about opening schools and stores in Lakewood as is being done in Asbury Park? Why is the committee silent?
- Lakewood youngeleit rent a gym and use it as a bais Medrash. (Blaaz)
-Murphy warns Asbury park and stores defying restrictions that enforcement is coming
-NJ 539 new positive cases and 70 deaths
-Tashbar no more boxes traffic backed up as well 1:30 pm police stopped it
-5 regions of New York have been cleared to enter Phase 3 of reopening tomorrow: Central NY, Mohawk Valley, Southern Tier, the Finger Lakes and the North Country.
-Mesoras Hatorah no more boxes left 12:10pm
-Poll: 35% of those that working at home because of the shutdown want to keep doing it full-time
CreditCards.com survey also shows working from home due to the pandemic costs households about $108 more per month
- Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM HaRav Shraga Kallus עיונים בדין זימון on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
- Israeli cabinet meets as Corona cases rise again
-Sleep away camp: NYS assemblyman Eichenstein goes to Albany and pleads with Gov Cuomo to open camps. Kids have been home for 87 days straight they need normalcy in their lives
-Is NY About To Ban Sleep Away Camps This Summer read here
- Lakewood vaad member admits protest organizer did write anti semitic comments and account was not hacked but they made peace.
Lunch distribution:
-Toras Zev 4 day Shabbos box Cross street- 8:45 am - 11:30 am, Includes KJ Shnitzel, Pizza, Kokosh Cake, Rice cakes, American Cheese, Lettuce, Craisins, cucumber, Italian dressing, Milk, Grape Juices.
-Mesoras Hatorah 4 day Shabbos box includes Pastrami, turkey breast, 2 lb pot kugel, cholent with meat, kishka, chicken fingers, kokosh cake, challah, g. juice, tomato dip, mango, pickles, lettuce bag.at Mesoras Hatorah, 41 Henry Street 12:00 pm -12:25pm Please enter from Cedar street, not Route 9 and then enter the second dirt parking lot.
-Tashbar at 82 Oak 7 day lunch pick up for the public after 1:20 pn by Out to lunch including Mikes chicken, smoked turkey breast, Meal mart salami, Challah, Shibolim crackers, sliced muenster cheese, onion dip, hearts of palm, yogurts, milk, grapes, choc buns,grape juice, pickles, snack mix
-NO distribution at Pine park today There will be a shabbos box tomorrow Friday 11:00am
-Vine street daily lunch pickup 11:00 am'
-Gelbsteins daily lunch at public schools location 9-11
-BMG official says they are still closed but talking to state health officials to be able to return rapidly to the botei medrash
-Asbury Park will allow limited indoor dining at local restaurants starting June 15, putting Asbury Park in defiance of rules put in place by Gov. Phil Murphy. We believe indoor restaurants can run in a safe manner provided they are subject to all the requirements outlined in Executive Order 152," Deputy Mayor Amy Quinn said.
Lakewood Township Committee Meeting
Lakewood township Committee Virtual meeting today June 11 at 5:30 pm
Watch Live stream Here
See Agenda HERE Full agenda HERE
Public comments during the meeting email comments@lakewoodnj.gov
-Public land sale minimum bid price of $875,000.00. property located at Ridgeway and James street Block 368 Lot 1 And Block 363 Lot 1 contain approximately 1 acre in the R-12 Zone
-Public land sale $30,000 East County Line Road Block 175.02, Lot 83 R15 zone
-Extend PILOT for Cedarbridge properties for 35 years
-$464,000 to purchase 3 dump trucks
Watch Live stream Here
See Agenda HERE Full agenda HERE
Public comments during the meeting email comments@lakewoodnj.gov
-Public land sale minimum bid price of $875,000.00. property located at Ridgeway and James street Block 368 Lot 1 And Block 363 Lot 1 contain approximately 1 acre in the R-12 Zone
-Public land sale $30,000 East County Line Road Block 175.02, Lot 83 R15 zone
-Extend PILOT for Cedarbridge properties for 35 years
-$464,000 to purchase 3 dump trucks
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
BDE: Rav Shia Jackobowitz Z"L
Center of pic -At the Siyum Hashas this year |

He was at the recent 13th Siyum Hashas at Metlife stadium. He attended the Knessia gedola in 1923 when rav meir Shapiro introduced the idea of daf yomi. He told someonr he saw Reb Yissochor Dov Belzer in 1922 and remembered Reb Shayele Kerister vividly. He saw the chofetz chaim, the atzei chaim, the chortkover, was by 1st siyum hashas, and was very close to Ahavas Yisroel the Minchas Elazar, Reb Shulem lazer Ratzferder Reb Itzikel Pshevorsk and the Ribnitzer.
Oif Simchas Lakewood י''ח סיון תש''פ
Engagements courtesy of Daily Vivaser to receive Vivaser via email daily send a request to: getvivaser@gmail.com
Audio: Primary Mail In Ballot
#1 Audio updates from Harold Herskowitz Republican candidate for Township Committee
#2 on PILOT Programs
#2 on PILOT Programs
Wednesday June 10, News updates Lakewood
Weather: 89° Sun and clouds mixed. High 89F. Winds S at 10 to 20 mph.
-Live shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
8:45 pm Rav Shmuel Felder shlita on Hilchos Kol Isha
9:30 pm Chidushim of Rav Moshe Ztl on Hilchos Brachos by Rav Shlomo Stein
10:05 pm Divrei CHizuk By Rav Don Segal shlita
- Some shuls in Bnei Brak go back to Outdoor minyanim after a spike in new coronavirus cases
-Murphy approves toll hikes on three major N.J. highways it increases the average Turnpike toll for passenger vehicles by $1.30, and the cash toll at a Garden State Parkway mainline toll plaza from $1.50 to $1.90.
-14 new positive cases in Lakewood 2 deaths totals 2452/167
-LIC Lakewood industrial commission will purchase a Grappler machine for $30,000 that pulls stumps out of the ground for use in areas that it is clearing. It will than be donated to the township
-NJ 611 new positive tests 74 new deaths
- Murphy announces robust team of 4000 contact tracers they will notify people who’ve been in close contact with an individual who has tested positive for #COVID19. Urge them to get tested and help them find a testing site, to self-quarantine and provide support, Help prevent further spread
-state is now just five days away from its next reopening stage.
- Ban on Foreigners Entering Israel Extended Until July 1
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM HaRav Yosef Elefant עובר לעשיתן בברכת המצות on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-Bobov Girls camp Gila Sleepaway camp in the Catskills cancels for the summer unless Gov, Cuomo will allow.Oys camps to open in other states
-BD"E. The levaya of Mrs. Rochel Horowitz, a"h wife of R. Eliezer Horowitz, will be taking place at 12:30pm at Sons Of Israel Memorial Chapel, 613 Ramsey Ave off 7th Street
-Lakewood Industrial Commission Regular Business Meeting June 10, 2020 at 11:30 AM
Watch Live stream HERE See Agenda HERE Public Comment (during the meeting) email to: LICComments@lakewoodnj.gov
-School lunch:
Circa Toras zev 9-11 am Pizza
Vine street park 4 corners bagel 11:00 am
Pine park Bnos Yaakov 11:00 am
Gelbsteins at public schools location 9-11 am
-Social media buzzing about the video showing Undercover cops dressed as orthodox Jews at the Lakewood protest. One of officers appeared to be holding a cell phone on shabbos lowing his cover, another was wearing a yarmulka that looked like it was picked up at the door of a reform temple, out of place in Lakewood.
-A passenger on El Al flight arriving from New York at 7:15 a.m. Tuesday morning was diagnosed with coronavirus upon her arrival in Israel, Yisrael Hayom reported. All the passengers who were on the plane are required to quarantine. The Nefesh B'nefesh flight, which was carrying new immigrants to Israel, the flight was packed with passengers, some sitting next to each other the entire time.
-Live shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
8:45 pm Rav Shmuel Felder shlita on Hilchos Kol Isha
9:30 pm Chidushim of Rav Moshe Ztl on Hilchos Brachos by Rav Shlomo Stein
10:05 pm Divrei CHizuk By Rav Don Segal shlita
- Some shuls in Bnei Brak go back to Outdoor minyanim after a spike in new coronavirus cases
-Murphy approves toll hikes on three major N.J. highways it increases the average Turnpike toll for passenger vehicles by $1.30, and the cash toll at a Garden State Parkway mainline toll plaza from $1.50 to $1.90.
-14 new positive cases in Lakewood 2 deaths totals 2452/167
-LIC Lakewood industrial commission will purchase a Grappler machine for $30,000 that pulls stumps out of the ground for use in areas that it is clearing. It will than be donated to the township
-NJ 611 new positive tests 74 new deaths
- Murphy announces robust team of 4000 contact tracers they will notify people who’ve been in close contact with an individual who has tested positive for #COVID19. Urge them to get tested and help them find a testing site, to self-quarantine and provide support, Help prevent further spread
-state is now just five days away from its next reopening stage.
- Ban on Foreigners Entering Israel Extended Until July 1
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM HaRav Yosef Elefant עובר לעשיתן בברכת המצות on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-Bobov Girls camp Gila Sleepaway camp in the Catskills cancels for the summer unless Gov, Cuomo will allow.Oys camps to open in other states
-BD"E. The levaya of Mrs. Rochel Horowitz, a"h wife of R. Eliezer Horowitz, will be taking place at 12:30pm at Sons Of Israel Memorial Chapel, 613 Ramsey Ave off 7th Street
-Lakewood Industrial Commission Regular Business Meeting June 10, 2020 at 11:30 AM
Watch Live stream HERE See Agenda HERE Public Comment (during the meeting) email to: LICComments@lakewoodnj.gov
Circa Toras zev 9-11 am Pizza
Vine street park 4 corners bagel 11:00 am
Pine park Bnos Yaakov 11:00 am
Gelbsteins at public schools location 9-11 am
-Social media buzzing about the video showing Undercover cops dressed as orthodox Jews at the Lakewood protest. One of officers appeared to be holding a cell phone on shabbos lowing his cover, another was wearing a yarmulka that looked like it was picked up at the door of a reform temple, out of place in Lakewood.
-A passenger on El Al flight arriving from New York at 7:15 a.m. Tuesday morning was diagnosed with coronavirus upon her arrival in Israel, Yisrael Hayom reported. All the passengers who were on the plane are required to quarantine. The Nefesh B'nefesh flight, which was carrying new immigrants to Israel, the flight was packed with passengers, some sitting next to each other the entire time.
Lkwd Township To extend PILOT in Cedarbridge Redevelopment for 35 years
An ordnance and resolution for the first reading is scheduled for the Lakewood township committee meeting. Referring An Amendment To The Cedarbridge Redevelopment Plan Pursuant To The Local Redevelopment And Housing Law (N.J.S.A. 40a:12a-1 Et Seq.) To The Planning Board For Review
It will allow the remaining 113 lots in Cedarbridge Redevelopment area to continue and permit applications to make payments-in-lieu-of-taxes (PILOTs) for a period of thirty-five (35) years, for lots within the Cedarbridge Redevelopment Area. The Township reiterates that, it is in order to continue to incentivize investment in and the overall success of the Cedarbridge Redevelopment Area. it is necessary and appropriate to further amend the Redevelopment Plan consistent with this Ordinance in order to better effectuate the redevelopment objectives of the Township.
The ordnance says that the old plan is outdated while the Growth Development Plan was a useful tool in 2002 for providing a conceptual blueprint for the Cedarbridge Redevelopment Area from the standpoint of constructing roads, drainage and utility infrastructure, and providing a framework for future lot division, its purpose has long-been served, as all critical infrastructure has been installed; the broader redevelopment of the Cedarbridge Redevelopment Area has been governed solely by the Redevelopment Plan for the past 15-years; and "any continued reliance on the GDP is outdated and would be inconsistent with the goals of the Redevelopment Plan given changes in market conditions."
Full Ordnance here page 119 or see below
The ordnance says that the old plan is outdated while the Growth Development Plan was a useful tool in 2002 for providing a conceptual blueprint for the Cedarbridge Redevelopment Area from the standpoint of constructing roads, drainage and utility infrastructure, and providing a framework for future lot division, its purpose has long-been served, as all critical infrastructure has been installed; the broader redevelopment of the Cedarbridge Redevelopment Area has been governed solely by the Redevelopment Plan for the past 15-years; and "any continued reliance on the GDP is outdated and would be inconsistent with the goals of the Redevelopment Plan given changes in market conditions."
Full Ordnance here page 119 or see below
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Tuesday June 9 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Sunny. High 89F.
-Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
8:45pm shiur in sefer Hamitzvoss 9:30 pm shiur on Halacha Lmaaseh by Rav Shlomo Stein
- Corona lock-down for no reason? The World Health Organization walked back comments made Monday when one of its top scientists said transmission of the coronavirus by people who never developed symptoms is “very rare,” which drew skepticism from physicians and others across social media. That admission sent shock waves throughout the world, much of which has been locked down for months for fear of spreading the virus by people who show no signs of illness. Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said Tuesday that asymptomatic spread is a “really complex question” and much is still unknown. “We don’t actually have that answer yet,” she said.
-Open up our mosdos campaign B"H 1300 children started learning this week
-Lakewood only 2 new positive cases, 2 deaths total 2438/165
- Some Lakewood boys and girls camps announce they will be opening for the summer with the newly released guidelines: No Trips, Busing will be allowed, no contact sports, Mechitzas will be put inside and lunches will be served in shifts.
-NJ: 375 new positive cases and 91 deaths overnight
Outdoor or indoor weddings can resume with ease of restrictions
Murphy Press conference:
-lifting the Stay-at-Home order immediately.
- will allow indoor gatherings to either 25% of a building’s capacity or 50 people in total whichever number is lower and outdoor gatherings is raised to 100
-I anticipate being able to raise the limit on non-protest & non-religious activities to:
250 people on June 22nd and 500 people on July 3rd
-School districts planning graduations should prepare for a 500-person limit to be in place by the time graduations can resume on July 6th.
-Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
8:45pm shiur in sefer Hamitzvoss 9:30 pm shiur on Halacha Lmaaseh by Rav Shlomo Stein
- Corona lock-down for no reason? The World Health Organization walked back comments made Monday when one of its top scientists said transmission of the coronavirus by people who never developed symptoms is “very rare,” which drew skepticism from physicians and others across social media. That admission sent shock waves throughout the world, much of which has been locked down for months for fear of spreading the virus by people who show no signs of illness. Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said Tuesday that asymptomatic spread is a “really complex question” and much is still unknown. “We don’t actually have that answer yet,” she said.
-Open up our mosdos campaign B"H 1300 children started learning this week
-Lakewood only 2 new positive cases, 2 deaths total 2438/165
- Some Lakewood boys and girls camps announce they will be opening for the summer with the newly released guidelines: No Trips, Busing will be allowed, no contact sports, Mechitzas will be put inside and lunches will be served in shifts.
-NJ: 375 new positive cases and 91 deaths overnight
Outdoor or indoor weddings can resume with ease of restrictions
Murphy Press conference:
-lifting the Stay-at-Home order immediately.
- will allow indoor gatherings to either 25% of a building’s capacity or 50 people in total whichever number is lower and outdoor gatherings is raised to 100
-I anticipate being able to raise the limit on non-protest & non-religious activities to:
250 people on June 22nd and 500 people on July 3rd
-School districts planning graduations should prepare for a 500-person limit to be in place by the time graduations can resume on July 6th.
Oif Simchas Lakewood י"ז סיון תש''פ
Engagements courtesy of Daily Vivaser to receive Vivaser via email daily send a request to: getvivaser@gmail.com
Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Primary Mail In Ballots Arrive in the Mail
Sample Ballot of Republican Primary that arrived today in Lakewood Mail Boxes. The Election is July 7 but this years its a vote by mail in Ballot. You can send it back right away.
Murphy Lifts restrictions on Indoor and Outdoor gatherings
As of Tuesday, indoor gatherings including religious services can now have up to 50 people or 25% capacity, whichever is lower. Outdoor gatherings can now be up to 100 people with social-distancing measures in place.
Murphy said the new 100-person limit on outdoor gatherings comes with an exception: Gatherings of more than 100 people for “First Amendment-protected outdoor activities” such as protests or religious services are allowed.
Murphy also said he expects to be able to raise the limit on outdoor gatherings to 250 people on June 22 and 500 people on July 3 if the downward trend in the coronavirus outbreak continues.
Audio: A Right to Know who You are voting For
In reference to the robo call telling you who to vote for
Monday, June 8, 2020
Vote At Home Ballots Are coming soon
Vote At Home Ballots Are coming soon.
If you are registered Republican or Democrat you will automatically receive your ballot. If you are an independent you will receive a ballot request form and you can request a Republican primary ballot.
Please vote for Harold Herskowitz for Township Committee only. Please send in your ballot as soon as possible. We are trying to keep this campaign as positive as possible. We hope to finish what we almost accomplished in 2010
Let's bring back
2020 Higher Hopes
If you are registered Republican or Democrat you will automatically receive your ballot. If you are an independent you will receive a ballot request form and you can request a Republican primary ballot.
Please vote for Harold Herskowitz for Township Committee only. Please send in your ballot as soon as possible. We are trying to keep this campaign as positive as possible. We hope to finish what we almost accomplished in 2010
Let's bring back
2020 Higher Hopes
Monday June 8 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Plenty of sunshine. High 79F
-Live shiur 10:30 pm Divrei chizuk by Harav Uren Reich shlita for the Bnei Torah that are returning to the yeshivos and botei Medrashim call Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
-Vaad sends out a robo call for the primaries tells people who to vote for
-Lakewood BLM Protest: Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein told Hamodia that while a few individuals were present who authorities suspected of coming with plans to incite violence, the police’s efforts in both security and engagement went a long way toward ensuring the afternoon ended without incident. “the few individuals who might have had other plans saw the strong police presence and the way the police interacted with the crowd and decided that this was not the right address for them to cause trouble.”
-Lunch box distribution Yeshiva Mesoras Hatorah: Due to the overwhelming demand to our exciting lunch program, We have increased our supply to accommodate more meals and have streamlined the process to minimize the wait. Tomorrow, Tuesday, 3 day lunch box will include pizza bagels, cheese blintzes, baked ziti, mango, muffin, mini peppers and more. Distribution will be 12:00-12:30. address is 41 Henry Street. Please do not enter Route 9, enter from Cedar Street. Special option only for those that waited last week: you may call Mesoras Hatorah to reserve your box before 11AM tomorrow at 732-419-8553 ext. 1. Only reservations with full name and phone numbers will be processed. Thank you and have a great day,
-NJ Day Camp rules:
Children under the age of 2 should not wear masks
older campers should wear when they are less than six feet away from those outside of their group.
Groups should include the same children and staff when possible each day
off-site activities are also not permitted.
campers should not engage in full-contact sports
Camps are required to screen campers for illness, use masks and increase sanitation.
- Lakewood 5 new positive cases 2436 total, 163 deaths
- NJ 40 new deaths and 356 new cases
-Murphy responds to critics that he did not social distance at protests he will test for coronavirus
- Murphy: will issue guidelines this week for larger indoors gatherings for religious purposes.
- New Jersey’s public and private pools will be permitted to reopen on June 22
-Daily Chizuk by Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita 732301-4043 dial 7 and then 8
-Chasdei Hashem Dr. Kaweblum was released from the hospital
- Israel spike in cases and new hospitalizations govt' halts ease of some restrictions.
- Car pool Traffic
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM HaRav Ahron Lopiansky ברכת המצות on Zoom or call 1-646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
.-2 LPD officers walked into a shul last night on Madison Avenue during maariv and to enforce mask wearing since not everyone was wearing one
-12 positive COVID-19 cases in Bucks county, PA linked to Jersey Shore 'house gatherings'
Lunch distribution:
Tiferes Bais Yaakov weekly Box 12:30 pm Oak street
Lakewood Cheder 7 day box plus shabbos food 3:30 pm
Tehilas Chaya Sara weekly box B'gan 12:30 pm
Bnos Devorah weekly box 10:00am Oak Street
Circa at Toras Zev Daily Lunch 9:00 am Cross St extra food available for all 12:30
Bnos Melech Weekly Box 2-4 pm James st
4 Corners At Vine Street park 11:00 am
Gelbsteins public school locations Daily 9-11
Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park 11-1 Daily
-Live shiur 10:30 pm Divrei chizuk by Harav Uren Reich shlita for the Bnei Torah that are returning to the yeshivos and botei Medrashim call Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
-Vaad sends out a robo call for the primaries tells people who to vote for
-Lakewood BLM Protest: Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein told Hamodia that while a few individuals were present who authorities suspected of coming with plans to incite violence, the police’s efforts in both security and engagement went a long way toward ensuring the afternoon ended without incident. “the few individuals who might have had other plans saw the strong police presence and the way the police interacted with the crowd and decided that this was not the right address for them to cause trouble.”
-Lunch box distribution Yeshiva Mesoras Hatorah: Due to the overwhelming demand to our exciting lunch program, We have increased our supply to accommodate more meals and have streamlined the process to minimize the wait. Tomorrow, Tuesday, 3 day lunch box will include pizza bagels, cheese blintzes, baked ziti, mango, muffin, mini peppers and more. Distribution will be 12:00-12:30. address is 41 Henry Street. Please do not enter Route 9, enter from Cedar Street. Special option only for those that waited last week: you may call Mesoras Hatorah to reserve your box before 11AM tomorrow at 732-419-8553 ext. 1. Only reservations with full name and phone numbers will be processed. Thank you and have a great day,
-NJ Day Camp rules:
Children under the age of 2 should not wear masks
older campers should wear when they are less than six feet away from those outside of their group.
Groups should include the same children and staff when possible each day
off-site activities are also not permitted.
campers should not engage in full-contact sports
Camps are required to screen campers for illness, use masks and increase sanitation.
- Lakewood 5 new positive cases 2436 total, 163 deaths
- NJ 40 new deaths and 356 new cases
-Murphy responds to critics that he did not social distance at protests he will test for coronavirus
- Murphy: will issue guidelines this week for larger indoors gatherings for religious purposes.
- New Jersey’s public and private pools will be permitted to reopen on June 22
-Daily Chizuk by Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita 732301-4043 dial 7 and then 8
-Chasdei Hashem Dr. Kaweblum was released from the hospital
- Israel spike in cases and new hospitalizations govt' halts ease of some restrictions.
- Car pool Traffic
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM HaRav Ahron Lopiansky ברכת המצות on Zoom or call 1-646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
.-2 LPD officers walked into a shul last night on Madison Avenue during maariv and to enforce mask wearing since not everyone was wearing one
-12 positive COVID-19 cases in Bucks county, PA linked to Jersey Shore 'house gatherings'
Lunch distribution:
Tiferes Bais Yaakov weekly Box 12:30 pm Oak street
Lakewood Cheder 7 day box plus shabbos food 3:30 pm
Tehilas Chaya Sara weekly box B'gan 12:30 pm
Bnos Devorah weekly box 10:00am Oak Street
Circa at Toras Zev Daily Lunch 9:00 am Cross St extra food available for all 12:30
Bnos Melech Weekly Box 2-4 pm James st
4 Corners At Vine Street park 11:00 am
Gelbsteins public school locations Daily 9-11
Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park 11-1 Daily
Lakewood Zoning Board Virtual Meeting
Lakewood Zoning board virtual meeting Today Monday June 8, 2020 at 7:00 pm
watch live stream HERE 7:00 pm
See Agenda HERE
During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments via e mail to: zoningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov must Include your name and address in your submission
watch live stream HERE 7:00 pm
See Agenda HERE
During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments via e mail to: zoningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov must Include your name and address in your submission
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Sunday June 7 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Sunny to partly cloudy. High 79F
- 10 new cases in Lakewood total 2431
- Community asked to email Gov Cuomo to open Sleep away Camps see sample Here
- Tomorrow Lunch for the week at Bnos Devorah 10:00 am
-NY: Beginning June 26 outdoor graduations will be allowed to 150 people with social distancing
- NJ 426 new cases reported in the last 24 hours and 79 new deaths
-NYS: Cuomo says he will make a decision on sleep away camps this week. Day camps are allowed to be open. "Today? I would not be willing to send my daughter to sleep away camp. I would not," he said on Long Island Radio.
-Real estate taxes grace period over. Payments were due by June 1 if you don't pay interest rates will accrue retroactively to May 1st. The township extended the May 1 due date to June but now if you don't pay the interest goes back to May 1
-Lunch at Vine street park 11:30 am (Fleishig menu)
-BDE:Petira of Rav Faivish Schwartz Z"L Father of Reb Moshe Peretz shlita Levaya at Kol Arye in Lakewood 1:30 pm
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM HaRav Asher Weiss יסוד בברכת המצות on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-Gov. Cuomo signed an executive order allowing special ed schools to reopen with social distancing.
-Bde: Petirah of R 'Michoel ben-Harosh Z"L member of sefardic community in Lakewood and noted photographer. Levaya will take place 2:00 pm at the chapel on 7th street in Lakewood
- 10 new cases in Lakewood total 2431
- Community asked to email Gov Cuomo to open Sleep away Camps see sample Here
- Tomorrow Lunch for the week at Bnos Devorah 10:00 am
-NY: Beginning June 26 outdoor graduations will be allowed to 150 people with social distancing
- NJ 426 new cases reported in the last 24 hours and 79 new deaths
-NYS: Cuomo says he will make a decision on sleep away camps this week. Day camps are allowed to be open. "Today? I would not be willing to send my daughter to sleep away camp. I would not," he said on Long Island Radio.
-Real estate taxes grace period over. Payments were due by June 1 if you don't pay interest rates will accrue retroactively to May 1st. The township extended the May 1 due date to June but now if you don't pay the interest goes back to May 1
-Lunch at Vine street park 11:30 am (Fleishig menu)
-BDE:Petira of Rav Faivish Schwartz Z"L Father of Reb Moshe Peretz shlita Levaya at Kol Arye in Lakewood 1:30 pm
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM HaRav Asher Weiss יסוד בברכת המצות on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-Gov. Cuomo signed an executive order allowing special ed schools to reopen with social distancing.
-Bde: Petirah of R 'Michoel ben-Harosh Z"L member of sefardic community in Lakewood and noted photographer. Levaya will take place 2:00 pm at the chapel on 7th street in Lakewood
Jewish History Soundbites: Making Of A Gadol
By Yehuda Geberer podcast
Meticulously researched and 1,400 pages long, the monumental work "Making of a Godol", contains a wealth of stories about great Jewish leaders of yesteryear. In honor the first yahrtzeit of the author Rav Nosson Kamenetsky, whose decades long research produced this masterpiece, a selection of choice anecdotes from within its pages are presented here.
Meticulously researched and 1,400 pages long, the monumental work "Making of a Godol", contains a wealth of stories about great Jewish leaders of yesteryear. In honor the first yahrtzeit of the author Rav Nosson Kamenetsky, whose decades long research produced this masterpiece, a selection of choice anecdotes from within its pages are presented here.
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