Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Wednesday Oct 26 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

 Weather:72° Cloudy skies with some morning fog. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 72F. 

Video below of chavrusa Tumul at BMG

A Atzeres and asifa organized by the eidah Hacharedis took place today at the Bais Yisroel neighborhood of Yerushalayim after residents complained about American bochurim who are renting apartments in the neighborhood and causing a spiritual danger to the children and the area. These bochurim are not part of or enrolled in any yeshivos and have organized their own syatem of chaburos. Community leaders say they are ruining the neighborhood with their smartphones and other behaviors. The speakers at the event called on landlords not to rent Apts out to them. 

 Brick zoning board  denies synagogue application for conservative Temple Beth OR to relocate after it sold the former property to a yeshiva.  

- Ocean County Prosecutor  Elizabeth man Milciades Oviedo, 74,  has been charged with Knowingly Leaving the Scene of a Motor Vehicle Accident Resulting in Death of a woman at the Lakewood Toms River border Massachusetts Ave and Rt 70

- Pine Barrens golf club off S Hope chapel rd in Jackson has ben sold for development at a price of $20 million

- Bde: Tragedy in Yerushalayim a 9 year old boy Yoel Dovid Landau zl was R"l killed after he was hit by a cement truck crossing rechov Sorei Yisrael. The family just moved from Kiev Ukraine after serving as Chabad shluchim

- Winter zman begins today in Lakewood. BMG chavrusa tumul takes place today through Sunday morning  the Yeshiva will be learning maseches kesubos daf ט'. Other bais Medrash age yeshivos begin the zman today. Mechanchim call this stretch from Cheshvan to Chanukah as the best 7 weeks as there are no interruptions following the yomim tovim were talmidim can get into a routine and focus on their learning.

- Powerball lottery jackpot at $700 million drawing tonight.

-Daf Yomi finishing maseches kesubos today begin Nedarim tomorrow 

- A top Russian national security official referred to the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement in Ukraine as a supremacist cult on Tuesday, drawing fierce condemnation from Russia’s chief rabbi, Berel Lazar, who is himself a Lubavitcher.

 - In September there were a total of 438 car crashes in Lakewood  resulting in 43 injuries including 16 Pedestrians struck. Yesterday one accident shut down major roads in Lakewood for a few hours. Local officials keep quiet while they  cast  blame on  bad drivers and on county and state govt for not putting up lights at various intersections.

- The Ramada Inn on Route 9 in Toms River will soon be converted to an office building, under a Change of Use plan recently approved by the Toms River Township's Planning Board. see full story at Faanews 

- Planning board postpones application for Sunset Road Sephardic Congregation at 220 Sunset Road after neighbors retained an attorney to fight the application. see more at Faa 

- NJ Senator Robert Menendez, D-N.J. is under federal investigation, according to two people familiar with the inquiry. Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York have contacted people connected to Menendez in recent weeks. 

- Putin oversees Russian retaliatory nuclear strike drills Intercontinental and ballistic missiles launched during the exercises hit all the designated targets. Putin states proof of “dirty bomb” plot & says Ukraine has become a “testing ground for military biological experiments”.

Bais Medrash at Chevron Yeshiva ready for the new zman

Drone video of Chavrusah Tumul at BMG



  2. I think closing the Ramada is terrible its right next to LKWD and Belz and great for out of towners who come for simchas to have privacy

    1. You are welcome to build another Hotel/Hachnosas Orchim Shteeb anytimr you want (And have the money for it without shnorring).

    2. Before you fight the building of a a Yeshivah or a shul, one MUST contact a experienced Rov or Dayan to see if this is allowed al pi Halacha.

    3. or perhaps before some rosh mossad buys a lot to build a building big enough for his ego, he should ask if it is yashrus to ruin a neighborhood. A shul might be one thing, but a yeshiva doesnt NEED to be smack dab in middle of residential neighborhoods.

    4. Why would a shul be different than fighting anything else in a secular court?

    5. According to the Westgate clown, you're not allowed to fight a shul even if the rov says you can.

  3. In Judaism, no one is above the law, even the roshei yeshiva and shul boards.

  4. You guys are great at draying with the grubeh finger - aye you did Yeshivah - but that does not mean that the Halacha is going in your favor.
    If you are wrong ( odds are high there) your asid litain es Hadin for attempting to stop them. All that was said is: check it out with Rov who knows these dinim ( Not some local know it all Rabbi)
    Thought that was a simple piece of advice.

    1. Doing V'asisa ha'Yashar
      Not within their purview
      even when it should be obvious

    2. There's a difference between a minyan and a shul. No one has a problem if you have a minyan in your house. The issue is with today's commercial sized shuls, with many different events going on, with the parking issues, etc. Chazal never meant today's commercial sized shuls, they meant the equivalent of small minyan-sized minyanim and learning groups.

  5. Blame the township committee and their masters who control them by allowing dorms and yeshivos anywhere with no cheshbon to nizkei shcheinim. In most cities shul are allowed to service the neighborhood but in a place that dosent shterr. All other public buildings are on a main Avenue. This ordnance has caused machlokes all around Lakewood while the powers to be who control the boards protect their own neighborhoods by not allowing dense zoning or duplexes yet they push it on all other neighborhoods

  6. Just because it’s a shul doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with voicing your concerns. Btw despite all the screaming and name calling that’s all that happened in wg people voiced their concerns (many of which seemed reasonable) but ultimately the township stopped it for another reason entirely. As an outsider watching what went on there I don’t see they did anything wrong.

    1. Then obviously you have no clue what actually went on so why don’t you save your breath to cool your oatmeal??

  7. Mr cohen we’re waiting for your comment. When is it coming?

    1. Rishus. What excuse do you have for this. Debate him on the issues. I've personally disagreed with him many times. But to simply attempt to humiliate him in this situation is 100% unacceptable.

    2. Much obliged,
      nonetheless the defense was unnecessary. It comes with the nosei b'ol territory
      Moshe Sherer put it well: When in public tzorchei tzibbur service, in lieu of throwing a big stone, they throw a smaller one, take that as a 'thank you
      "the dogs may bark but the caravan moves on"

  8. L’toeles harabim. Please bear in mind that the Sefaria app has all sort of kefira on it. They host from reform, open orthodoxy etc.

    1. I would recommend Alhatorah; they are in general much "frummer". Unfortunately, they also have some questionable content such as the terrible Safrai commentary on the Mishna.

    2. The AlHatorah app has nowhere near the amount of sefarim that the Sefaria app has. Not even close.

  9. The only way to make a change is for the neighborhood to do things that that the yeshiva will be uncomfortable with. Let the women walk in fron & shmooze . That's an easy shter. There are many things to do that will put an end to it.
    You gota fight the way they fight

    1. Wow! Bnos Mo'av are back!

    2. Not quite bnos moav, nor is it comparable to it.

      It's claimed that Derech Chaim was able to prevent a girls high school (chasiddish, perhaps a bit at risk teens?) from opening across the street from them.

      Would these yeshivos have a valid/recognized claim in Beis Din?

  10. We all know everything that went on there as there are a few kvetches who always come here to kvetch so we already know all the details. They went to Bais din, then you say they went to arkaos because bd didn’t go their way etc. Voicing concerns to the township is not equivalent to going to arkaos at all besides bd never said they can’t try stopping it at the township and last but not least they were explicitly told by rabbonim after going to bd that they could voice their concerns by the township. I Punkt don’t like oatmeal but thx for the tip.

  11. The anti Shul in Westgate went to Beis Din. Beis Din paskened unequivocally that they may not prevent the Shul from opening.
    Afterwards, a so-called Rav, someone who was never appointed as a Rav and has no experience or knowledge in Choshen Mishpat, allegedly told them that they can ignore Beis Din and fight in the township.

    Halacha said that they were allowed to build a Shul, and they used the township to steal a right from those people.

    'voice their concerns' is another way of saying 'using the township to steal. It just sounds better.

    Stopping a Shul, when no real alternative exists, is a terrible thing. Yerav'am ben Nevat style.

    1. AND they hired a lawyer to fight the Shul

  12. That “so called rov” was a few of the most prominent rabbonim in Lakewood who know daled chelkei shulchan aruch better than you know asher yatzar! You were just mevazeh some of the biggest rabbonim in Lakewood. My friend now the fact that you don’t have the shul you want is the least of your problems.

  13. You either have no clue what you’re talking about or you have no problem lying. Bd did not say they cannot prevent the shul from being built. Besides they didn’t prevent it from being built it was a separate issue with the township stop blaming your neighbors for all your problems.

  14. How do smartphones ruin a neighborhood?

    The 'fight against Internet' has cost more Korbanos in Yiddishkeit than the Internet has. It is an excuse for all kinds of bad middos and general evil.

    1. Ludicrous and Naarishkeit. Go beyond your little neighborhood development.
      Might there be minor collateral damage? Could be, those things come for a little and go
      Far worse is the alternative. Most of the Orthodox world beyond don't bother fighting at all. Would even consider it.And pretty it ain't. Covid hasn't changed that.

  15. No alternative exists? Sure there is an alternative, they have two nice shuls right now already causing a traffic and parking nightmare. Besides if there is no alternative do I have to let you build on my roof or in my backyard and if not I am like yaravam? That was not a viable option and there was nothing wrong with anyone stopping it. All your name calling hasn’t changed anyones mind on the matter to the contrary you have shown your true colors to all of us who don’t live there and you lost our sympathy and support. It’s time to move on from this stupidity.

    1. If you don’t live there as you claim, why are you getting involved?

    2. If there were more Shuls, each one would have less traffic. Isn't that simple logic?

      But the Yerav'am ben Nevat analogy was quite apt. Someone who prevents the public from performing a Mitzvah is doing a terrible thing, like Yerav'am ben Nevat did. There is no question in my mind that many people daven byechidus rather than battling their way to davening in Westgate, and the blame is on the heads of those who stopped more Shuls from opening.

    3. Your roof and backyard are yours. Next door to the Mikva your wife uses is not yours.
      That was easy

    4. Those who stopped it went against the psak of bais din and massered to the gov by hiring a lawyer. It was all about kinah sinah gaavah and kavod they tried keeping Westgate under their control at all costs. Even if it meant people will have nowhere to daven or davening in dangerous conditions. In the end they got nothing as the shuls outside Westgate opened and are packed with mispalelim from Westgate. The mikva did not get their property either as houses went up right next door so much for those who cared about tznius with the mikva.
      There is still no room as the population grows and more shuls are needed the only badge of honor they have is that they stopped a shul a stain proudly worn for eternity just like kayin had.

    5. They just let a house be built that is IN WAY CLOSER PROXIMITY to the Mikveh. The mikveh excuse was a pathetic cover up to the disgusting tactics that were employed to stop the shul.

  16. Once upon a time all the shuls where outside of town. As is brought down in many places in shas and poskim

  17. After watching all the fighting and name calling the last few years I think kw shul should be out of the town like it was amol.

  18. Yeah for some reason the 1-2 kw complainers only remember the Mikva taina because they never bothered listening to any concerns their neighbors had. I know a few people there and there were a few issues the oilam had and there was nobody to talk to, now (for the last few years) those same people keep blasting their neighbors they ignored. Their “rov” even called anyone opposed to his shul mizera amalek. So if you ever have an opinion first check with the “rov” of kw that he agrees with you.

    1. Why “rov” in quotation marks? The KW Ruv is a Ruv who stands up for what’s right and is considered neither like the janitor nor a puppet by his many mispalelim.
