Monday, October 3, 2022

Hashkafa Q&A Inyanei Yom Kippur

 By Reb Gershon Ribner shlita

Tactics to rid yourself of the strain of the Yom Kippur fast Davening early to enable your wife to attend shul Preoccupation with Daled minim when during Aseres Yimei Teshuva Dispense mechila sparingly and with caution Filling the positions of leadership in the prayers by the unworthy Paving the way that leads to teshuva


  1. Rav Dovid, when his father sent a message he should come back, was sent home from the Mír and told not to come back if he goes back to search for an Esrog during the Asy"T. Which is what happened.

    And the same would have happened in other places.

    THAT was the

    1. If the story happened, it happened in Kamanetz yeshiva, and not Mir. And yes, that was always the mesoras hayeshivos.

    2. It was R Berel.
      Let's face it, it's very rare to find any real Bnei Torah doing it like R Nochum. Perhaps times have changed and people need more mitzvah action in their lives
      R Gershon is 100% correct

  2. I don't understand Rav YisroelSalanater saying that once you say you were moichel the other guy is off the hook. Is getting mechila just getting the other guy to say or to actually appease him. The Mechaber CM 422 titles the siman צריך החובל לפייס הנחבל שימחול לו. That clearly is saying the guy asking mechila needs a real פייס and not just getting the one he did the avla to, to say he's mochel because it's Erev Yom Kippur and he is embarrassed to say he isn't mochel or because he isn't interested in making an issue on Erev Yom Kippur but deep he feels the same way due to the lack of פייס

    1. It’s pretty clear in Hilchos Erev Yom Kippur too that the person asking mechila can’t just get someone to say “I’m moichel” he needs them to mean it. The Mechaber OC 606 (Hilchos Yom Kippur) says עבירות שבין אדם לחבירו אין יום הכפורים מכפר עד שיפייסנו.The way I heard Rav Yisroel Salanter quoted (BTW where does he say this inside?)was that if you were REALLY mochel someone you can’t change your mind. I doubt Rav Yisroel Salanter would have considered one of those “if I did anything are you mochel me” (when mechila is really required) to be a true request for mechila, or the mechila which was as probably as insincere as the request for it to be a true mechila.

    2. The Reb Yisroel Salanter is quoted in the Nesivos Ohr in the Ohr Yisroel Page 58. He is pretty clear that even on Erev Yom Kippur, if a person says the words מחול לך, he may not have קפידות any more, and if he does he is an עבריין. Therefore, it would be a good idea to say the words to force yourself not to be a גבר קפדנא.

    3. Reb?! Even though that's what he would have preferred

    4. That is how he is referred to in Yeshiva circles. Rav is reserved for someone from Boston.

    5. Or half a century ago 1795 ocean Parkway . Or 1819 ocean Parkway
      Or Rechov Press
      Or top of the hill Bnei Brak

    6. Reb Avigdor Miller and Reb Avrohom Kalmanowitz, Reb Moshe Feinstein and Reb Yaakov Kamenetzky, Reb Aaron Kotler and Reb Shmuel Berenbaum.
      The Brisker Rav (referred to as Rav as his job) was known as Reb Velvel, as was Reb Shmuel Rozovsky, Reb Dovid Povarsky, and Reb Chatzkel Levenstein.

      Rav is the title of a job, virtually extinct nowadays. Brisker Rav, Shavler Rav. Slutzker Rav, Pinsker Rav, Kovno Rav etc.

    7. Rav Kahaneman and Rav Kalmanovitz were known in their day as The Rav
