Saturday, October 8, 2022

Motzei Shabbos/Erev Succos 5783 Lakewood

-  Home depot on Rt 70 in Lakewood ran out of linoleum flooring.
Daled minim shuks open tonight at Blueclaws stadium parking lot
- Clifton Avenue parking lot bet 9th - 10th
- Center of town open to 12:00 am
- Daled minim at Bais Faiga open tonight 
- Bingo open until 2am

- Florida Surgeon General: Covid mRNA vaccine found to cause 84% increase in DEATH for men ages 18-39

- Millions of dollars was given out in Lakewood by various tzedakas and individuals to families and youngeleit ahead of sukkos. It's usually pesach that is  the expensive yom tov, but sukkos is not far behind especially this year with inflation and rising costs of food and clothing. BMG youngeleit received a yom Tov bonus of 750 from TTFY in honor of the Adirei Hatorah.

Zelensky: Russian officials starting to ‘prepare their society’ for use of nuclear weapons
- Ukraine blows up bridge linking Crimea to Russia
- Terrorists open fire at a checkpoint on Shuafat outside Yerushalayim one soldier killed.

Rav Gershon Eselstein checking his Lulav tonight 
Erev Sukkos in Yerushalayim 



    1. Doesn't deny the data, just the link to the vaccine. That was in March. New data creates a link to the vaccine.

  2. So Florida's officials, that have no independence, liable to be fired by the crazy governor at any second, is parroting the right wing party line. Follow the money, the Florida Surgeon General is as believable about this as Trump is about his own innocence.

    1. Your logic is impeccable. Whatever you wrote is very logical and most make a lot of sense.

      You sound like a shoita who has been hired to follow this site and write these screeching screeds.

  3. Just be a good boy and take the clot shot. You're helping big pharma.
