Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Isru Chag Sukkos Wednesday Oct 19 News Updates Lakewood

 A Gezunte Vinter!

משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם

 Weather to take down the sukkah: 57° A mix of clouds and sun. High 57F. Winds at 10 to 20 mph. 

- LIC Played games to ignore public comments. According to emails obtained by FAA News, in accordance with the instructions on the draft agenda, multiple public comment emails - including regarding the proposed banquet hall ordinance - were sent in at the start of the meeting. Surprisingly, at the beginning of today's meeting, LIC Executive Director Steven Reinman announced that the emails would not be read because "emails needed to be sent in 8 hours prior to the meeting"!Since the LIC did not have the decency to even read the public comments emails, we will post thFAA news  posted them here

- The Lakewood Housing Authority will be accepting new HUD applications from today October 19 - November 2, apply online HERE  under the “Housing Applications” tab. A total of 1,000 applications will be selected by a lottery from all the applications that are submitted online.

- CDC moves to add Covid vaccine to child immunization schedule for federal program

- Boys & girls  Elementary Schools closed today.  Bein hazmanim learning programs continue at neighborhood shuls.

- Yartzeit today of Ribbnitzer Rebbe ztl thousands flock to his kever in Monsey. Traffic and road closures in the area. Bus from Lakewood leaving Hanover and Locust 1:00 pm, Cross st & Rt 9 1:10 pm, Oak & 9 1:10, Kennedy corner Squankum 1:25 pm $30 round trip returning at 6:00 pm.

- Isru Chag Sukkos registration deadline to sign up 2-3 year olds to playgroup for next year in 12 months.

- Chanukas Habayis and Hachnosas Sefer Torah for Lakewood east yeshiva in Yerushalayim will take place Tomorrow in Binyanei Hauma in Yerushalayim. The 4 Lakewood Roshei yeshiva from America are expected to attend the event in E"Y.

- BDE: Petirah of R' Yonosson Fischer Z"L ben ybl"c R' Yoel Tzvi of Chateau park Lakewood who was niftar over Yom Tov in Monsey after suffering a heart attack on shmini atzeres. Levaya today in Monsey atv3 Calvert followed by a levaya in Lakewood at the Chateau park sefard shul 36 Pine Blvd 12:45pm. Kevurah in Woodridge at the Adas Yereim Vien chelka. He was in his low 40's and leaves a almana with 9 yesomim.

- Application for student loan debt forgiveness now online HERE

- FAAnews: Lakewood's Township Committee is planning to introduce an Ordinance which formally permits catering facilities and banquet halls in schools in all zones where schools are permitted uses (which is everywhere in Lakewood besides for in or adjacent to the senior housing developments), but with insufficient parking. Under the Township Committee's proposed regulations, a 2,700 sq feet banquet hall in a school would require only 27 parking spaces. See full story HERE

- LIC meeting today 11:30 am watch online spending on airport $77,875, expenses for strand theater Apts $22,975

- Nichum Aveilim: Shiva for Rav Yekusiel Weinstein ztl at 621 5th street Lakewood shachris 8:30am Mincha 5:55 Maariv 6:15.

- Powerball  jackpot for tonight is $508 million

 R' Yonnason Fischer ZL


  1. How was hakafos in wg particularly in the shul with no seats? Was there enough room?

    1. No there was not enough room. Now are you happy and feeling good about yourself?

  2. What are our elected officials thinking in introducing the banquet hall ordinance at tommorrow's meeting? Why do they think that a measly 1 parking spot for every 100 square feet of a Simcha Hall (and only when it's over 2000 SF) is anywhere near enough? According to this crazy rule (likely written by a private school owner who gets a generous salary in line with the revenue) a Hall of 4000 square feet that will fit 400 people only needs 40 parking spaces!! Why are they forcing traffic jams down our throats? I live in a residential area where I expect to get in and out of my block without having to sit in Manhattan-like gridlock every night!

    This ordinance is a slap in the face to all residents who live in residential areas!! These committee-men have a lot of chutzpah! Why can't they stick the banquet (simcha) halls in the commercial areas where the businesses will have to deal with the problems instead.

    I'm talking to Meir, Menashe, Issac, Mike, and Ray. We didn't vote for you to screw us over like this!

    1. What rock were you living under when you voted for them? Did you not know exactly how they operate when you voted for them?

    2. Yes, you DID vote them in to screw us over like that. When will you realize that they never intended to help you?

    3. Hey, there's an election coming up real quick. If you're talking to Isaac, he's on the ballot! Let him know how you feel with your vote!

    4. Where's the mentschlichkeit?October 19, 2022 at 6:35 PM

      What's pshat with Menashe Miller & Meir Lichtenstein? What's up with Akerman & Coles? Why do they keep writing regulations that only serve to make driving in this town a nightmare! There's zero yashrus for a rosh hamosad to open a massive simcha hall in a residential zone and then on top of that to give barely any parking.

      Just look at the machloikes kamenitz created with its ridge avenue neighbors. The oilam is still very angry at the shtick he pulled by claiming his school and simcha hall operation to be much smaller than it really is. It is expected that the currently named Ridge Avenue will very shortly have to be renamed Disaster Zone Avenue, Lakewood NJ 08701,

      And by the way, many of these roshei mosdos make a gantz fine' parnassah from the simcha halls and can afford to take their families on expensive extended vacations which most of their parent body can only dream about. It's a geferliche chutzpah that they push their parents to raise extra hundreds of thousands every year for their "building campaign" (which of course they will own as part of their diverse real estate portfolio.)

      So, let me be blunt about this. No rosh hamosad is an automatic tzaddik. Some have indeed earned the title, but many have a loong way to go - and besides for the kavod of choosing which family goes to the right and which to the left, they also cut themselves a very generous income while they're at it.

    5. Ayn Rand or Orwell could explain it to you

    6. Or Yirmiyahu Hanavi


  4. The ordinances coming out of this committee keep getting crazier by the month. Why do they keep making life harder and harder for the residents. Why do they turn a deaf ear to our cries to make sure there's sufficient infrastructure before stuffing hundreds of more cars on the blocks we live on? This new rule doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It makes me wonder if there's some kind of undisclosed benefit the committeemen are getting, which we don't know about..

  5. Someone gotto pay for all the programs.
    Someone must pay for all those “free lunches”.
    Someone must pay for all those tuitions being transferred to all those out of state school used by our dear kinderlach and enforced by the courts.

    1. Anon 12:57,

      You talk a bunch gibberish. Absolutely nothing you mentioned has anything to do with stuffing big simcha halls with barely any parking onto our residential neighborhoods. There is excuse whatsoever for these hooligans who label themselves as committeemen to wreck our day lives like this. This ugly joke of a proposed rule would never be allowed in any other town in NJ.

      We need not suffer because of some greedy private school owners. Enough already!!

  6. I can’t believe what I’m reading. How dare you people talk about our dedicated askanim this way? These people have their lives up for us and work day and night for our good. Punkt they think they know better than us what’s best for us but who are we to think we know better?

    1. Do you believe in ehrlichkeit?October 19, 2022 at 7:18 PM

      Do you think that their coming into a residential neighborhood and deliberately telling the planning board that their school is less than half the size of what it is (so they can get away with a bus lane half the size of what it should be) makes them into good askanim?

      Do you think that that coming into a residential neighborhood and being untruthful about how many guests they plan to accommodate in their simcha hall (so they can lower their parking requirements and only provide a third of the parking they really need in order to use that space to build themselves investment houses) is okay? Those kinds of asskanim are certainly dedicated all right, but the dedication is to their wallet!

      No. They don't know what's better when they knowingly destroy the lives of neighbors just trying to go about their business like they always used to, but now thanks to the unfair tactics utilized by these so-wonderful asskanim, they're forced to sit in thousands of cumulative hours in simcha hall TRAFFIC. This is unacceptable behavior on the part of the asskan! It is also called nizkei shcheinim by bad apples!!

  7. Lic wins the contest as the most corrupt government body in Lakewood chutzpah that most of the board members DO NOT LIVE IN LAKEWOOD they should be removed from the committee. The chairman gets a $500 monthly allowed on top of the 160k salary. Other members family have paid marketing jobs

    1. If they don’t live in Lakewood, then why would they care about the simcha hall traffic jams? I also see J. Flancbaum (a Jackson resident) is on the commission. This is besides for being a member of our planning board and director of our MUA. What else does this non-lakewood resident vote on for our town?

      Robert Kirschner
      Solomon Katz
      Thomas Calabro
      Gregg Staffordsmith, Sr.
      Edwin Schuster, Sr.
      Justin Flancbaum
      Hal Halverson
      Steven Reinman

      Which Commissioner does live in Lakewood?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Who cares where they live? Its their policies that are the problem. If they would all live in Lakewood, they'd vote the same way, and we'd have the same problem with them.

    5. Anon 5:27

      He's also President of Lakewood's chamber of Commerce

  8. If they allow everything in this town why don’t they allow building a shul in wg? Is it simply because of a lack of necessity?

    1. Anon 8:57 PM,

      You’re wrong. They don’t allow everything in this town. For example, if I try to build a banquet hall that’s not associated with a school — that is illegal. But if I place the same simcha hall inside of a school building then it suddenly becomes legal.

      The point is that there’s a lot of rules in this town that are ridiculous and make no sense. So, why does your wannabe shul have to make sense either.

    2. It's because the planning board have yet to see their latest plans..

    3. No it’s simply a matter of kinah, sinah, gaavah and kavod.

  9. Because this shul is different. This shul doesn’t have mushchasim like the other one, It doesn’t have nazis, it doesn’t even have people mizera amalek just nice ehrliche people who want to daven with their children and don’t want their children to wait by the window for them to come home from shul. They are sadly the victims of others with kinah sinah gaava and kavod.

  10. Now is a perfect opportunity to prepare another candidate for office. Show those in power that we are watching them, and if they pass this ordinance, there will be serious opposition next election season.

    1. I'm all in. I'm sick and tired of watching people that constantly adopt rules that hurt their residents.

    2. Tachlis
      (get down to brass tacks -as in cockney London)

      Where do they all go wrong before ? How effective has it been in previous elections?How are they ought to go this round about it to have more success?

  11. We haven’t had any normal candidates run against the swamp.

  12. You can mark my words. We are one, maybe two, election cycles away from having two new frum township committee members, and they will not be people who are beholden to anyone in Old Lakewood because Oak & Vine and Rockwell are new communities.

  13. What makes you think they will be any less corrupt? They’ll be paid of by the developers as well and if not they will approve what’s good for their community even if it hurts us.

  14. "One in 1000 is found"there's always a chance
