Friday, October 28, 2022

Friday October 28 News Updates

 Friday, October 28, 2022 / ג׳ חשון תשפ״ג ערב שבת פרשת נח

Candle lighting 5:41 pm
Shkiah/Sunset 5:59 pm
Weather 58° Partly cloudy, shabbos hi of 61

-Rav Yisroel Reisman shlita R"Y Torah Vodaas writes letter to go out anv vote and only vote for candidates that support the yeshivos and defend them and our way of life.

- With 800 new bochurim and need for more botei medrashim BMG is expected to open the new Bais Medrash at the former Woodlake country club for this zman

- Lakewood police increase traffic enforcement on the local roads as accident rates go up. Township officials continue to shift blame on bad drivers, state and county for lakewood traffic woes.

- Gas prices go up average in Lakewood $3.85 a gallon

-Powerball jackpot grows to $800 million drawing Motzei shabbos

- Change of the clock will take place next week, in Israel the change is this week

- In-person voting in New Jersey begins Saturday and will end Nov. 6. Polls will be open from 10am to 8pm Monday through Saturday and 10am to 6pm on Sundays. In Lakewood voting will take place in the Court Room of the Municipal Building and is open to any registered voters who are Ocean County residents.(SSchorr)

- Kashrus alert: some local stores carry cholov stam products without  a sign notifying consumers to look out for it. 

- Ocean county road improvements coming to E. Kennedy Blvd and county line see full story on Faanews

UTJ voting Video 


  1. What type of cake did they eat in the Taiva?
    Mahhbool cake.

    What type of lights did they have in the Taiva?
    Flood lights.

    What type of cake did they eat AFTER the Taiva?
    Rainbow cake!

    What type of lights did they have AFTER the Taiva?

  2. It's a major chutzpah for the local politicians to crack down on drivers for minor infractions when they are the ones who created this traffic mess.
    Can we see the police only pulling over cars on 14th st

    1. You make an excellent point. If the committeemen wouldn’t be working so hard to appoint planning & zoning board members which approve insane development without sufficient infrastructure, then what should we expect.

      Plus now they want to legalize putting large simcha halls in every corner of town. That should really help the traffic mess we have to deal with.

  3. You can thank the lkwd poop and vaad mouthpiece for all the pd action they were quiet when the problem was created and now trying to be active

    1. You can thank the crazy drivers who should not be on the road for causing so many accidents. Otherwise, nobody would be speaking about a problem that didn't exist.

    2. I was ticketed for running a yellow to red. The cop told me straight out that he knows I didn't speed up and that it was definitely yellow when I entered the intersection but 'the car in front of you also crossed at that yellow so you must have noticed that it was yellow in time to stop'
      Yes, by the letter of the law he was probably right but this is who they were coming after.

    3. Exactly what I was afraid of - less cars are going to move through traffic lights = More traffic on the roads... They are going to go after silliness not the reason why people are taking out poles...
