Friday, October 7, 2022

Friday October 7 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, October 7, 2022 / י״ב תשרי תשפ״ג
ערב שבת פרשת האזינו
- Candle lighing 6:11pm
- Shkiah/Sunset 6:29

- Dr. Anthony Fauci believes that he should’ve been “much more careful” in his messaging during the initial U.S. COVID-19 outbreak, saying that his early statements should’ve repeated “the uncertainty of what we’re going through.”

- BMG has finalized the purchase of the Woodlake golf course for $18 Million, the 150 acre Woodlake Country Club Golf Course is located on New Hampshire Avenue between Ridge Avenue and Route 88 in Lakewood 
 FAAnews reports. Additionally there is a newly renovated  Bais medrash at the former golf club that will be used next zman as another 750 talmidim will be coming for winter zman at Bais Medrash Govoha.

- Clear dry weather for most days of succos besides for Thursday chol hamoed chance of rain later in the day. Temps at night in the mid 40's.

- Pride of the farm Milk out at local stores, delivery expected later today

- Daled minim shuk open today at Blueclaws stadium and Clifton Ave parking lot corner 10th until 3 pm.

- Residents in Lakewood say they are worried about their safety after learning that a woman was almost abducted during the holy days of Yom Kippur. Some residents say there needs to be more lighting in areas and more patrols.(NJ12)

- President Biden says the risk of nuclear “Armageddon” is at its highest level since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, as Russian officials speak of the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons after suffering massive setbacks in Ukraine.

- Roberts chol Hamoed carnival will take place on Thursday the 2nd day if chol Hamoed at the Blueclaws stadium parking lot.

- Bingo price drop wooden Succa panels $20, Succa frame now $69.50

- DPW garbage trucks came around to several neighborhoods early yom Kippur morning waking up residents on a day that there was no traffic in town. At a recent township meeting some voiced complains about the practice especially during sukkos when people sleep outdoors. The mayor said he will look into it.

- Schools  off today for being hazmanim.

- Kol Mevaser reports on the Lakewood daled minim shuks how Litvishe Youngeleit approach the mitzvos of lulav and Esrog with many chumros and hidurim that are not known to the chasidishe olam.

Videos of the Arba Minim Shuks in Lakewood  Sukkos 5783


  1. Just a few weeks ago people had too much milk and were spilling it down the drain now the stores ran out of it

  2. Don't cry over spilled milk.

  3. I still have plenty of milk in my freezer.


  5. Why is npgs the only store charging $5 for a dozen eggs? And people still believe they’re the cheapest store!

  6. In
    Williamsburg the cheapest eggs are 5 dollars

  7. Shkoyach chassidim have money. No big deal for them.
