Sunday, October 16, 2022

Chol Hamoed Sukkos 5783 Lakewood

Gut Moed

Hoshana Rabba Erev shmini Atzeres Simchas Torah
Candle lighting 5:57 pm shkiah 6:15 pm
Simchas Torah in BMG will take place in Bais Aaron Bais Medrash at 10th and Clifton Hakafos at night will begin at 7:15 with Maariv and end with krias Hatorah at 11:35 pm.  Simchas Torah day shachris at 8:30 an Mincha will conclude at 4:30 pm.

- Tehillim for Rav Aaron Shechter shlita Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, Chaver Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah hospitalized in critical condition Aharon Moshe Ben Frumah Rochel

- South Korea expects North Korea to conduct a nuclear test "at any time" — presidential office put on a "24-hour readiness regime," Yonhap reports.

- Trump: “U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel – Before it is too late!” Trump said in his post today, without specifying what the sinister “too late” phrase might mean.

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Dovid Gruman ZTL of LA. Levaya was in Lakewood today.

ליל הושענא רבא 
Motzei Shabbos Hoshaana Rabba
Mishnah Torah 9:00 pm at Kol Aryeh
Tehillim at BMG 10:00pm
-Hoshaanas sets available at BMG Sukkah,Bingo sets for $1.99 open until 2am
- Mishna Torah at Somerset walk 9:00 Pm
-Bais Mordechai Mishna Torah 10:00, followed by meleva malka/Simcha's Bais hashoeva. Tehillim by chatzos. Shachris 8:00 AM.
- B"M Lutzk: Seder Limud 9:30-11:30
Drasha by Harav  Yitzchok Sorotzkin Shlita 11:30 (Matan Schara B'tzida)
- Satmar Rockwell Mishna Torah 10:30 pm
- Mordy’s shteibel 11:30 pm Mishna Torah

- Eight Bochurim Injured Friday Night After Platform Collapses in crown heights. BH no serious injuries.

Friday 3rd day Chol Hamoed erev shabbos

Candle lighting 6:00 pm shkiah 6:18 pm
Weather shabbos day Sunny skies. High 71F.
Rain in forecast for shmini Atzeres

וְהִתְגַּדִּלְתִּי֙ וְהִתְקַדִּשְׁתִּ֔י 
וְנ֣וֹדַעְתִּ֔י לְעֵינֵ֖י גּוֹיִ֣ם רַבִּ֑ים 
וְיָדְע֖וּ כִּֽי־אֲנִ֥י ה' 
(הפטרה לשבת חול המועד סוכות).
שבת שלום,גוט מועד ופתקא טבא

Shiur by Rav Zev Smith in Coventry shul 12:00pm
Shiur at Lutzk BM by Rav Yisroel Goldblatt 1:00pm
Yartzeit Of Vilna Gaon today. Watch special shiur delivered by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin last night Here
Remember to empty muktzah items from bigdei shabbos
Hoshanos at Bingo for $1.99
Tehillim in BMG leil Hoshana Rabbah 10:00 pm

Second day Chol Hamoed Thursday Oct 13

Simchas Bais Hashoeva tonight Thursday 
- BMG Bais Aaron 9:00 pm
- Program at R Gissingers shul 7pm
- Kehilas Westgate 100 Ropshitz 9pm
- Seret Vizhnitz 284 Chestnut 9pm
- Skulen on Park Ave
- Telz Cleveland alumni at the succa 167 Carlton S Lakewood 

Thunderstorms this evening followed by occasional showers overnight. Low 52F. Chance of rain 100%.

Weather: 69° Showers this morning then scattered thunderstorms developing during the afternoon hours. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 80%.

- Mega Millions and Powerball lotteries have jackpots at 450 million and close ro 500 million drawings Friday night and Motzei shabbos

- New York yeshiva groups have filed a lawsuit against the new regulations on private school curricula, alleging the rules violate state law and the state and federal Constitutions, and discriminate against yeshivas.(Hamodia)

- Roberts carnival at Blueclaws stadium parking lots open today in tents. 11:00 am - 5:30 pm

- Pirchei Agudah ticket booth at Keansburg amusement park $20 all day pass, admission to park is free. Starting at 2:45 pm

-Correctuon  Six flags great adventure open to the general public and seasons pass holders later today from 5:00 pm- 10pm. 

- American Dream today 2 free shows by Dr. Shnitzel  pm 2:00 & 3:30 pm. Tickets for amusement park sold out.

- Miami boys choir: Yerachmiel Begun Addresses Tik Tok Craze at Concert: “It’s Not for Us”(Matzav)

- Simchas Bais Hashoeva tonight Thurs at BMG Bais Aaron 10th st & Madison 9pm

First day chol hamoed Wednesday Oct 12

Weather: 71° Mainly sunny to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High 71F.  Tonight Considerable cloudiness. Low 58F small chance of rain. 

- Chol hamoed Trip ideas at Beentheredonethat
- Local chol hamoed guide HERE 

-Simchas Bais Hashoeva Wednesday night:

- Breslov Lakewood in the sukkah 6th & Madison
- Vizhnitz at Clifton and 14th street in the Sikka
- Skulen on Park Ave 10pm
- Kosson at Oak&Vine at Tashbar hall 82 Oak st. 8:45
- Admor M'kroli at 19 Kings Court 
- Lutzk at 19 Olive ct  9:30 - 11:30 pm

- The Statue of Liberty's crown is now open for the first time since the pandemic began. Tickets must be purchased in advance.

- Jenkinsons boardwalk and rides are open parking at meters $2.50 an hour 

- Tefillos for Rav Aaron Schechter shlita R"Y Chaim Berlin who is hospitalized  name is Aaron Moshe Ben Frumah Rochel

- Customers of NJ American water in the Central/New Central  Westgate  area are experiencing Low water pressure or no water due to a watermaine brake. Repairs to be completed by 7 pm

- Cape May zoo open today until 4:30 pm free admission 

- Glitch park open at yeshiva Toras Aaron 500 Summer Ave (Outdoors)

- NCSY renting out SixFlags great adventure 12:00pm - 8:00 pm $53 a ticket $24 for Safari (No deals for seasons pass holders)

- American dream mall attractions open with Succah on premisis.

- Liberty Science center  COVID-19 vaccinations and masks are no longer required for visitors 

-Greater adventure learning program at Bais Faiga 10:45 am - 11:45 am Rav Dovid Schustal speaking at 11:45 am
- Irgun shiurei Torah learning at Coventry shul followed by shiur from Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita at 12:00 pm
- Shiur at Lutzk B"M by Rav Yaakov Nekritz shlita 1:00pm

- Live stream Levaya of Rav Yekusiel Weinstein Ztl HERE 10 AM

 (Pirchei at Keansburg amusement park & Roberts  carnival tomorrow Thursday, Cherry cres farm in Lancaster closed wed, open Thursday 10-5)

Motzei Yom Tov:

Weather tonight 47 A clear sky. Low 47F.

- A emotionally disturbed individual briefly held a family in Lakewood hostage motzei Yom Tov in the vicinity of Princeton & East end. The LPD swat team handled the situation as the suspect was detained and transferred to the hospital for evaluation 

- The Rosh Yeshiva of Baltimore Harav Aaron Feldman shlita said said American bochurim in EY should not attend the musical event sponsored by Eretz Hakodesh on Chol hamoed in order not to give eretz hakodesh the authority to represent yeshiva bochurim 

- Porch with a sukkah on it collapsed during yom tov while the family was sitting inside it during the seuda. B"H there were no injuries.

Simchas Bais Hashoeva:

- Skulen 10:15 all nights
- Stolin
Beautiful weather over first 2 days of sukkos in Lakewood with colder Temps at nights

Bde: Petira of Rav Yekusiel Weinstein ztl of Chevra Lomdei Torah "Yukes shul" he was niftar over Yom Tov at the age of 85. Levaya tomorrow morning 10:00 am at his shul 617 5th st. Lakewood 


  1. The younger generation doesn't really know who Yekusiel was. His Mesiras Nefesh for the Yeshiva, as well as his refusal to accept nonsense even when it came from the Yeshiva, made him a legend for many generations of Bnei Torah.
    Yehi Zichro Boruch

  2. Where is the scene with cops and hatzolah that the scoop recently whatsapped about, and what exactly happened?

    1. I agree. What does it help to post pictures without giving information.

    2. It’s not, but cmon go dance and enjoy it may as well chill out

    3. All about getting hits. Not a care for the family involved. They listen to scanners and post at someones expense. Fake media at its best.

  3. Why is it ok to have live music in a Shul sukkah at 1:30AM?!?

    1. Cuz we're the chosen ones and you're an antisemite if you don't agree.

  4. Due to MBC going viral on SM last few weeks, will todays concert crowd be from those not celebrating the chag?

    1. Just don't sit in the mixed seating section, and you'll be fine.

  5. Why does hefkervelt allow anti-semitic bigots to comment
    I'm referring to Anon 6:59

    1. Because he's got a point. Why is he an antisemite of he doesn't want simchas bais hasoeivas at 1:30 am next door?

  6. Yesterday before motei yo"t there was a shiur/drosho in Ner Dovid given by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin. I heard about him in the past but its the first time I heard him live. He is simply unreal. There is moone who comes close. He spoke about a very 'chikaver' topic and the wealth of yedios is second to mone. He spoke for an hour and he had the entire oilam glued. He said at the end 2 stories from the Vilna Gaon related to Sukkos. It was an experience to be remembered for years.



  9. Who is he? What’s his yichus and who is he a talmid of?

  10. His father was the son of r Zalman a Dayan in petach tikva son in law of the rov r ruvan Katz he himself learnt non makchshava with r Moisha Shapiro he a son in law of fruend from cleavland

  11. Not wanting music by a shul next door at 1:30 in the morning is lichora equivalent to opposing a shul in wg so you are all of the above. Just to name a few: nazi, mushchas, mizera amalek etc.

    1. A Shul is a necessity, a Simchas Beis Hasho'evah late at night is not.

      That was easy

    2. Btw the shul that had live music at 1:30am was NOT the kw shul in WG.

  12. Jenkensons boardwalk was jammed today with yidden must have been thousands
    a free local family friendly trip.

    1. It's not free the arcades and rides cost money

  13. Even the hours tonight at six flags are power hours ( meaning only rollercoasters are open) not sure how it works with season passes

  14. Update on Roberts carnival. Motorcycles canceled due to rain. Dog show is a disaster. No order. Those that come late and stand by the stage can see. The make sure to block the view for all.


    2. Motorcycles bike show was amazing at 3:45. Otherwise seemed like many people there were enjoying the family time out

    3. Here's a real update on the Roberts Carnival.
      It was an incredible event today. My kids loved it - every part of it. The rides, the motorcycle show, the sherrifs pony rides, the storyteller etc. It was incredibly well organized. The prizes they handed out were so generous.
      This was a first-class event and while there were obviously going to be a small minority of people who needed a better upbringing, 97% of the attendees behaved beautifully and made a kiddush Hashem.
      Words cannot express my appreciation to Dr. Roberts and his team for organizing such a phenomenal events. Yeyasher Kochachem.
      P.S. - Please ignore the ingrates among us who can't find it in their hearts to say thank you. They simply weren't raised well.

    4. Can both comments be true, of course Robert's doesn't owe u anythhing,anything, he certainly doesn't control the weather but this person is saying that for his family it was a flop because. Of no's possible that this is 2 experiences, this yungerman shud know that chol hamoed trips just don't work for a bunch of reasons

    5. Of course both comments can be true, but only one is actually worthwhile. One slanders the generous organizer of a free event that ten thousand people benefited from, including the slanderer, whereas the other one expresses appreciation. If, for any reason, your kids didn't have a good time, you have three good options to choose from:
      1 - Keep your mouth closed and say nothing and just don't go again. You didn't pay for anything and no one is forcing you to go anywhere.
      2 - Say thank you and don't go again.
      3 - Say thank you publicly.
      Coming onto this website and writing a screed about how disorganized it is, is nothing more than כפייה בטובה and certainly not a good idea.


  16. Is the shul in wg that doesn’t have seats having simchas Bais hashoeva?

  17. I’m going to go to wg for once and daven in kw and find out the truth whether or not there are enough seats. Will update after shabbos. If there are seats we could put the old wg politics to rest and focus on the stabbings and other bigger problems there.

    1. Yep, Shabbos Chol Hamoed will prove everything. No one goes away for Yom Tov. Got it. Says a lot about you.

  18. Fine I’ll come next week too. Next week everyone is home.

  19. Today is the 225th Yahrtzait of The Gr"a - The Vilna Gaon. a Special Siyum Hash"as took place last night at the Sukkah of Rav Michoel Sorotzkin who was the mesayem behishtatfus many bnai Torah and the Rabbonim; Rav Yaakov Drillman, Rav Eliyahu Levin and Rav Elya Burcztin.
    See the Drosho of Rav Sorotzkin;

  20. Any mishna torah in the central Ave area?

  21. Shock of all
    Listen to this one I was in bmg downstairs on hoshana Roba night and there was a nice boy selling hoshonas ltoeles harabim and he was charging cheaper price to help out yeshiva yungerleit and some other boys that didn't like it because they wanted to sell for more expensive started threatening him and calling him names and saying they will steal and break his things and beat him up. Yes on hoshona Roba night in bmg is this the wild west that's happening who can watch and not say anything ????

    1. What exactly did YOU do about? Nothing. Yeah, but you did come on hefkervelt and try to slander BMG.

      Comes to think of it, the entire bizarre story may just be a way for you to try to slander BMG. Making up your own story fits right into 'boifen hamekubal'

    2. did you say anything? (i mean to the boys, commenting on hefkervelt doesn't count)

  22. Did you step in to help him? Was he only selling for cheaper for yungeleit or for everyone? If I’m not in yeshiva I have to pay more?

  23. Did you do anything about it?

  24. Of course we did something didn't you notice all the sudden in middle of the night all prices changed because these bullies weren't getting their way so they lowered their prices
    And yes something was done about it
    Noone is slandering bmg just everyone slandered west gate so all was saying that it's happening all over
    Look after your children even if they are going to sell things for yom tov in yeshiva

  25. Just because I’m in yeshiva doesn’t mean I should get anything cheaper. I get a nice kolel check plus all the programs, balabatim need it more than me.

    1. It isn't an issue of need. It is an issue of respect

    2. Correction. Just because I'm not in yeshive

  26. Respect means they should get it cheaper? Anyway you should respect everyone! Especially those who work so hard to support their families (and also the yungeleit).

    1. Some people show respect to Bnei Torah and their position in the world by giving things to them cheaper. Nobody is owed a cheaper price.

      Those who work hard to support their families are also good people. But we are not all equal in this world, and we are commanded to respect Talmidei Chachamim, and that is represented by Bnei Torah nowadays. Even if the working guy has more schar in Olam Haba, we are now in Olam Hazeh.


  28. Correct we’re not equal and hard working people in many cases command more respect than his counterparts in bmg.

  29. By giving things to “them” cheaper you are not showing respect you are highlighting the fact that “they” are poor and we yungeleit don’t appreciate that. Just treat us as regular people of society like everyone else.

    1. I don’t think you can make a blanket statement like that. Some yungeleit do appreciate discounts.

    2. Of course you are poor financially, and wear it as a badge of honor, as you are doing more important stuff on this planet than most ppl.

  30. Yungeleit and rebbeim are doing quite well. It’s simple math and can be proven to anyone objective.
