Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Zoning Board Recap

See GreaterLakewood for a recap on the applications at last nights meeting at Lakewood Zoning
There were some heated exchanges between a member of the public and board officials.
A resident asked why applicants come to the zoning board after getting denied by the planning board since it did not conform with the Masterplan particularly on cross street certain zoning was not allowed until the roadway traffic is a level C 4 lanes. At one point a reference was made about givers
ant takers and the board attorney shot back if you think there were briberies you have an absolute obligation to go to the ocean county prosecutors office. The resident responded i know but as a jew im not allowed to do that and  will not do that i have an obligation and will not do that.
See video HERE

1 comment:

  1. A application was denied for a single family home
    Make a korban of a yochid
