Friday, June 14, 2019

Bais Medrash ווישניצא Opens this shabbos in Lakewood


  1. Are this shvanzonim/elokistim?

  2. OK, Let's try to make this clear Vizhnits is a chasidus that traces its roots to a disciple of the Baal Shem Tov. The town of Vizhnits is located in Roumania. it should not be confused with VISHNETSA, a town in Galitsia, now Poland.

    Former rabbis of the town of Vishnetsa include Rabbi Boruch-Frenkel Thumim (father-in-law of the famed Sanzer Rebbe), and Rabbi Aryeh Lipschutz, the father-in-law of Rabbi Yechekel Halberstam (the son of the aforementioned Sanzer Rebbe).

    Rabbi Mordechai Rubin is descended from these illustrious Rabbis of Vishnetsa as well as from the Sanzer Rebbe.
