Friday, June 7, 2019

Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבועות פרשת במדבר תשע״ט

 Lakewood  Friday, June 7, 2019 / ד׳ סיון תשע״ט

כד יתבין ישראל ועסקין בשמחת התורה, קודשא בריך הוא אומר לפמליא דיליה חזו בני חביבי דמשכחין לצערא דילהון ועסקין בחדוותא דילי

-Candle lighting 8:05 pm
-Shkia 8:23 pm
-תשע שעות shabbos day 4:40 pm
-Birchas Hashachar 4:35 am
-Netz 5:27 am
-Weather Shabbos high of 76, First night cloudy low 58 Sunday high of 74 mix sun clouds, Monday Rainy high of 75.
-BMG: Shavuos night learning in all botei medrashim first day Yom Tov Roshei Yeshiva will deliver shiurim after 7:45 pm mincha.  Rav Malkiel shlita in Bais Shmuel, RavYisrael Shlita in Yoshonl, Rav Yeruchom Shlita in Bais Aaron. Neeilas hachag 2nd day YT with Rav Dovid Schustal Shlita following 7:00 pm Mincha in Beren hall dining room.

-Over Yom Tov many will be walking across town eating out by family and friends or walking to learn with a chavrusah or visit a friend. Yechidim living along the heavily walked roads have put out cold
water and drinks on their front lawns for the Tzibbur to enjoy. Dark areas near walking paths will be lit up  up for those going to learn shavuos night. There will also be extra security over the 3 days of  yom Tov Lakewood Chaveirim put up lighting at the Eastern pedestrian bridge over Lake Carasaljo between  N. Lake and S. Lake drives.

-Kol Arye: Shiur Halacha/Agada Inyan Leil Shavuos by the Rav Shlita 7:25 Mincha 8:10 Drasha Maran Harav Eliyahu Levine after Mincha

-Roberts shul- KNA: Shiurim, Refreshments all night

-Lev Avos:  Shavuous night boys kollel  Refreshments served.

-Rav Gissinger /kzy: There will be shiurim throughout the night for men & kids  with refreshments in the simcha room!
- Bais Shabsi shavuos night Learning shiurim for talmidim
-Divrei Zikaron

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