Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Sheitel Machers Give up Instagram for Kedusha

At the women's tznius asifa 2 weeks ago in Lakewood a  Rebbetzin decried the use of Instagram by sheitel machers and other business venues.

A letter in the voice of Lakewood notes that several Sheitel machers immediately gave up their Instagram accounts and are no longer updating or active on the platform, following a special pre asifah meeting for them.
Its not only Sheitel machers but several Make up artists have also closed down their Instagram pages.


  1. It's about time sanity returned to Lakewood. Whichever of the advertisement publications broke the ban on ads with social media is greatly to blame for this busha to have become widespread.

  2. Ladies dont even realize that their picture is posted on instagram for the whole world to see. The businesses ask to take a picture of the make up or sheitel ir dress to show the work to other clients but than its posted on social media.

  3. can we have a list of the big ones who didnt close down the instegram

  4. You could think that apparel, hair and makeup are the only sectors using social media. How come in Ir HaTorah Lakewood, social media is the way to toot your horn in supermarket and restaurant advertisements? It's sad commentary that the criticism is leveled at the sheitel machers trying to ply their trade, not at the big businesses who have made social media de rigueur, pushing many Torahdike individuals to justifying owning smartphones because they have to see what crazy bargains they can get on their instagram accounts.

  5. You seriously missed the boat. The main issue here was not social media in general but from a tznius perspective of posting pictures of women showing off their newly styled shaitels or made up faces. There is no tznius issue with Gourmet Glatt posting a sale on cream cheese! The social media issue is another piece, but not what this was about...
