Thursday, June 13, 2019

Truck Driver's Account as He Drove through Lakewood

A Truck driver was dispached  to Lakewood this past weekend of Shavuos at a company terminal and he posted this account on Facebook.

I am rarely dispatched to our Lakewood terminal but drove through the town on Saturday close to sunset, i.e., the end of the Sabbath, and saw perhaps over a hundred Orthodox Jews of both sexes and of all ages in their orthodox Jewish garb. All the men and boys were wearing black suits, white shirts, thin black ties, black hats and black shoes. The women and girls were wearing below-the-knee length black dresses with long sleeves and black shoes. They had long, thick dark hair and I don't recall head coverings. All were walking along the sidewalks or waiting to cross at intersections as I rolled past in my tractor-trailer rig.~ I was filled with awe because it was such an unusual scene for me. I was also filled with respect and appreciation. It reminded me of scenes of the Amish. And I was filled with grave concern for their safety. Anyone who pays attention to the news knows that there are unfortunately in our society sick Nazi-like persons who hate and want to kill Jews and their ilk is demonstrably on the rise.
In seeing so many Orthodox Jews walking about peacefully and happily, I wished to see an obvious police presence, but saw none. When I got home, I googled "the Jewish Community of Lakewood, NJ." I learned that there is a school there for Orthodox Jews as large in enrollment as the College of New Jersey. Its students come from all corners of the globe to attend.


  1. The Truck Driver makes an excellent point. Anyone ever see police patrolling in Lakewood?

    1. No....... but they say they’ll respond really quickly when something happens....pathetic.

  2. They just hired 13 new cops, to eat doughnuts. But who cares, at least they have an excuse to raise taxes.

  3. תורה מגנא ומצלא

  4. אם השם לא ישמור עיר שוא שקד שומר

  5. וכי יראה בך ערות דבר שב מאחריך, השם ירחם

  6. Why are we taking shots at our police officers? Has something happened that I am not aware of? The Lakewood police do a fantastic job.

    1. Not taking any shots at the police officers, taking shots at their leadership, the police in Lakewood do not regularly patrol the majority of the town, taxes were just raised, and we were told it was because they added more police officers. What for, they don't patrol anyways, and when their is a fender bender, you already have 4 police cars responding.

  7. There should be more of a patrol presence

  8. The police patrol most when they can ticket citizens.

  9. Besides for downtown, this town does not have city streets. Therefore the patrols are by car and not by cops walking a beat. I see police cars passing by all the time. That is the police patrol presence and it's quite good.

    1. Haven't seen a police car drive down my street in at least 10 years.

    2. You must live on Route 9, or Clifton.

  10. I didn't know that the latest style in ties was thin black ties. I think most men who wear ties wear all sorts of colors and whatever width is in style. As for the girls all wearing black, everyone looks good in black but, a lot of people wear other colors also.
