Friday, May 31, 2019

Video: At the Lakewood Township Committee Meeting

Last night at the township committee meeting
 -6:10 Resident calls out public officials for remaining silent while he gets attacked. The Mayor responds and condemns
 -12:10 Resident asks for a stop side ans speed bumps at Stirling and Somerset
 -15:07 why is township vacating streets in the chestnut area eliminating another exit for a high density development
 -21:00 why is there no transparency in the ordnances keeping things from the public

1 comment:

  1. A groyse groyse yasher koach to FAA. He is an emese oisek betzarchei tzibbur – even at his own expense! And now certain individuals associated with the "establishment" are persuading young teen boys – which cannot get tried as adults when caught – to engage in outright hate crimes against our township hero. We the tzibbur, will not continue to stand idly by. It is time that every single member of the committee stand up and publicly condemn this criminal behavior.

    The Mayor rightfully condemned this illegal behavior. But where are Menashe Miller, Meir Lichtenstein, Albert Akerman, and Mike D'elia to also speak up and protest this hate?! They should know better than anyone else that when hate isn't extinguished as soon as it gets planted, it will only fester and metamorphosize into an untamed beast and will come back to haunt them in a big way! What will they say then? When we all now know that they can stop this menace in its tracks!
