Friday, May 31, 2019

Ichud Harabonim Established in Toms River

Rabonim of Toms River, NJ met this week to form the Ichud Harabbonim, a group of Rabbis that will deal with Halachic issues pertaining to the community such as Kashrus, Eruvin, among other issues. They also discussed establishing a Bais Horaah in the future.

GreaterLakewood reports the Rabbonim also appointed the Toms River Jewish Community Council (TRJCC)  along with the Agudah of NJ to represent the community on a political level dealing with local politicians and elected officials. The Ichud Harabonim will serve as the rabbinic council to the TRJCC. Rad more at GL

1 comment:

  1. Are they also dealing with shalom bayis issues?
