Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Asifos Chizuk for Men and Women

Asifos chizuk will take place in Lakewood for both Men and women to strengthen Gidrei Tznius. The event will take place Wednesday May 15 at Ne'emas Hachaim hall. The Mens program will take place next Monday May 20, 2019


  1. I truly don’t understand these things. The people go to these gatherings don’t have Tzniyus issues to begin with, and those that do have tzniyus issues don’t go to these gatherings.So what’s the point in having them in the first place?

    1. Have you ever noticed that many of the very yeshivisha yungeleit have wives that dress extremely NOT yeshivish? Very borderline? The asifa will hopefully give these yungeleit the strength they need to bring up the standards in their own house.

  2. BTW- Many husbands are the cause / fault of the lack of Tzinous, they want the long sheitels, human hair, type of clothing and all of the other unnamed issues.

    nuch an asifa?

  3. This is a very dangerous phenomena.

    They are trying to undermine TAG, by forcing every single parent in every single school to pay money to an organization to check their technology. No more will you be allowed to choose your own filtering level, you will have to allow them, nay pay them, to tell you what to do. The schools will have no more autonomy over their own standards, neither will the parents themselves.
    This is the method in Brooklyn for some years, with no success at all. People have multiple devices, or they find a way around it. But innocent people, people with no computers at all, are the victims. They must pay money for no reason, they are treated like potential criminals and forced to subjugate themselves to other people.
    Reb Meir Stern has told his talmidim not to implement this program, but some people think they know better.

    Please, for the common good, boycott this meeting and don't allow some people to step on all of us.

    1. What does this have to do with tznius.
      Your mixing boidem mit Klutz

  4. Make women groups to study Rav Falks guides on Tzinious, award stipends.
    Or daughters of Dignity.
    But how do you get the husbands to along with the standards?

  5. Did anyone see the signs in yeshiva "don't pick up your husbands in front yeshiva, only a block away"?

    They still pick them up in front of Yeshiva- go figure.
