Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Girls Schools to end the Year a Week apart from each other

The last day of the 2019 school year for girls schools has not been finalized yet. Some schools have decided to end as early as June 19 a full 12 days before day camp starts on July 1. Other schools have said they will end on the 26th of June.  Playgroups will follow the same schedules some of them ending  in mid June. The effect is a headache for working parents who now have to find  a camp before camp or figure out what to with their children. Busing is expected to be provided until June 30.


  1. One school said they are ending latter this year, they thought all other schools would follow it did not happen so now we have this mess. Many backyard day camps are having an extra weak & making more $$$ other are just not opening until July 1 & using the weak to prepear for summer.
    The big camps want to get kids from evry school so they are starting July 1

  2. Find out the facts. I heard there won't be BOE bussing the last week hence the earlier ending

    1. Private school mandated busing must be provided until June 30 regardless, its not an excuse for schools to finish so early.

  3. Get some of your facts straight before you print a story. First of all, schools didn’t decide to end early. That is the time schools always end. Some schools decided to go later so the kids shouldn’t be on the streets. Bussing for that last week will be paid for out of pocket by the school to the total of 20-30 thousand dollars.

    1. Schools are passing the busing fee on to the parents.
      Truthfully no one should have to pay since legaly the boe via lsta had to provide busing up to June 30.

  4. And the teachers will be paid for the extra week?? There will be so much resentment from students and teachers alike Will it be worth it?? There weren't any snow days this year and it was a very long winter on top of the fact that school started early in September. Does anyone wonder why teachers/students get burnt out? IRS not an extra day or 2 of school it's a full week. Good luck to the teachers trying to teach kids all week while the rest of the town is swimming and on vacation.

    1. Teachers are paid for June no matter if they teach or not.
      No one is going on vacation that week unless it's an all girls family and parents can take off from work.

      Schools are meant to keep girls off the streets instead they will have a week and a half to roam around the streets and shopping malls and do nothing.

      On one hand the mechanchim set rules and speak about the importance of structure an no going to malls but for convenience and money will let the girls out early onto the streets.

    2. Are you for real? The year is too long??!! They have nine week's vacation, for heaven's sake! Why anyone thought that would be a good idea I have no idea. But the year should have another two weeks added to it.

  5. Schools save thousands of dollars by closimg early.
    Bais Faiga announced it will end on June 26 that should make it easier for thr playgroups who follow their schedule.


    (e) Transportation for nonpublic school students shall be provided Monday through Friday
    between September 1 and June 30 when the non-profit nonpublic school is in session.

  7. LSTA has to legally provide transportation why are parents asked to pay for it

  8. Bsis Rivka Rochel and Bais Tova ending on June 19-20

  9. Bais Faiga ending Tuesday the 25th with a half day. So the English teachers are teaching one more day than the other schools that are ending on Thursday. The Moros are teaching 3 extra days.

    1. their ending the 26th unless something changed
