Thursday, May 30, 2019

Primary Elections This Tuesday sample Ballot

Primary elections will take place this Tuesday June 4th. Long Time Lakewood committeeman Issac Albert Akerman is running for another term on the republican ticket unopposed.
On the Democratic side is Moshe Raitzik who was appointed recently to the Planing board. There is only one seat up for reelection on the township committee for the general election in November 2019.


  1. What is the point of this? There is not a single contested slot.

  2. what a chutzpah of the Vaad. Just last year when candidates Miller and Lichtenstein ran for election unopposed in the primary the vaad was in full publicity campaign mode urging everyone to go out and vote in the primary election. Mailings posters robo calls and articles all went out weeks before, to get everyone to vote Now Reb Issac Akerman who has served the klal selflessly with dedication and mesiras nefesh gets no mention and is ignored. more so, a last minute candidate was placed on the democrat ballot on the last day of eligibility by the powers in Lakewood.

    1. The Democrats needed to fill the spot, so Raitzik did a chessed for them... and for Akerman as well. 'The powers in Lakewood' had nothing to do with this at all.

    2. How is that a chesed when there is only one seat open.

    3. No negativity in the campaign.
