Friday, May 24, 2019

Shiluach Hakan Investigated?

A story posted on social media has the Lakewood Police investigating.  Someone working near the retention pond on Cedarbridge and Oberlin in the industrial park Lakewood,  saw a van,  had pulled up, let kids out, and "they beat a mother goose with branches and then take or destroy her eggs".   The post got shared around social media with hundreds of comments.
 Now  Lakewood police has announced that the issue is being investigated by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Fish and Wildlife with the assistance of Lakewood Police Department Quality of Life Unit.


  1. To quote from sefer שלח תשלח " The Torah repeatedly unequivocally prohibits causing unnecessary suffering to living creatures (Tzaar Balei Chaim) One must remember that although the mitzva of shiluach Hakan might suggest a certain element of unkindness, its source is the very same Torah that enjoins us to avoid inflicting needles pain or distress upon animals".

  2. so happy to see they are investigating this with a greater fervor than the beating of two seniors in an adult gated community . Happy to see they arent investigating blatant nepotism ,corruption and a total theft of taxpayers money by two committee members that hired their daughters for non essential jobs in the township. As long as those annoying Canadian geese are safe.

  3. I hope Donald Trump doesnt hurt any Canadian Geese. He would be Impeached immediately.

  4. So he had time to take a picture, but no video. I call BS.

  5. Mi k’Amcha Lakewood Yisroel!!
    What may appear to be Tzar Baal HaCahyim turns out to be just another Shilooach HaKahn Mitzvah.
    Let’s learn how far one should be Daan LeKaf Zechoos.
