Thursday, May 9, 2019 Update on Flag story "Rumors Swirling"

Matzav  exclusive report : An Israeli flag outside the South Side Sandwich Shop in Lakewood, NJ is still flying above the store on Cedar Bridge Avenue, despite efforts to  take the flag down. confirmed that claims that the KCL would pull its hashgacha from the establishment if the store did not adhere to the request are false. “The KCL agency would not pull one’s supervision for this reason,” the source confirmed, refuting claims on websites and social media to the contrary. “Rumors are swirling, and they are all false. No one bothered corroborating them.”

In addition, those opposed to the flying of the flag, confirmed, are not “anti-Zionists,” per se, as they’ve been painted on social media and the web, but felt, as mentioned before, that being located in an area of bnei Torah, the flag was better left not flown in front of the popular smokehouse.


  1. "An area of bnei Torah" shouldn't have a fresserei like that in the first place...

    1. True Yid replies
      Very Well Said
      but only the non important matters...

    2. Trust me the boys in Nachal Chareidi are not getting food that would even be in the SSSS ballpark.
      Instead of being mocheh on a flag perhaps be mocheh on bnei torah and toshvei Lakewood being overindulgent - to paraphrase Abie Rottenberg "So on the invitation write , in a way that`s real polite..."

  2. “confirmed that claims that the KCL would pull its hashgacha from the establishment if the store did not adhere to the request are false. “The KCL agency would not pull one’s supervision for this reason,” the source confirmed, refuting claims on websites and social media to the contrary. “Rumors are swirling, and they are all false. No one bothered corroborating them.”

    That’s a lie. They’re not rumors, they’re facts. 100% corroborated.
    It’s terribly embarrassing for the KCL, and because of the backlash they’re backpedaling and lying.

    1. I know for a fact that they did threaten to pull it, but it was obviously an empty threat as they wouldn't be willing to lose the money

  3. Who do you trust
    Greater Lakewood confirms that KCL threatened to pull the hashgacha

    1. Does that mean it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? If the KCL has made a statement to the contrary, I would tend to accept their position, especially in light of the fact that the Kahrus and Yashrus of Food and Food Vendors is vested in their hands.

  4. Tls made no mention of the hashgacha at all and made it a anti zionist thing

  5. very irresponsible of the websites to publicize and sensationalize this fake story.

    The Agudah should condemn and call out the frum media for fanning the flames but no, because they get exclusive PR interviews so they look the other way and instead raitz uhn our neighbors creating more sinah and anti semitisim

  6. This is coming from the VAAD approved websites spreading Sinas Chinom Machlokes and bizuy talmidei chachomim. First starting up with The Mesivta, then the Kumzitz story and now with the Store and hashgocha. What an embarrassment for Lakewood that this has become its mouthpiece what an embarrassment for mosdos to use it as a platform while it engages in such salacious click bate and gossip.

  7. I think the real issue is why wrap the sandwiches in plastic. The steam from the sandwich gets trapped and it turns soggy. Wrap it in paper.

    Thank you

  8. Sorry, if you study a bit of history it’s very hard to understand why someone would want to fly the Israeli flag. Doesn’t mean you have to burn it. But not promote it. The founders of the state mistreated frum Jews and actively worked to lessen yiddishkeit. Rav Ahron Kotler zatzal was an Agudist. He felt that we should work with the reality of the state and try to accomplish positive things by voting. But to celebrate the State is not something he would approve of.

    1. it's actually not so hard - Hashem can make nissim for klal yisroel even through reshaim and in spite of their intentions, as has happened many times in history including in Tanach, and sometimes its even better that way as we find in seforim.

      Its true that many founders were anti-Torah and mistreated the frum and nobody denies that, but its not true about everyone and things have gotten much better. In addition as a result of having a state, Torah has flourished like never before and the state of Israel is in fact the #1 benefactor of Torah institutions in the world, even while some in the government oppose that.

      Also there were many clear nissim around the founding of the state as well as the continued wars and survival, and anyone who denies that is denying yad Hashem - unfortunately the same people who scream about "kochi v'otzem yadi" are quick to say that the military victories were just that, as opposed to being makir the yad Hashem.

      As far as the flag specifically, many Jews died al kiddush Hashem fighting to defend Jews and Israel (and even if they're not frum its still a kiddush Hashem as is clear in many sources), and that's one thing the flag represents

    2. You can wax eloquent about how the Zionist State isn't really so negative and that flying the flag is really a good thing.
      Achav and Yeravam may have had many successful military victories, but they were terrible reshaim, and putting out their flag would have been a Chillul Hashem.
      (I don't know which "seforim" you are referring to, or if you are understanding them correctly)
      The bottom line is that most Gedolim, starting as far back as the Beis Halevi, Chazon Ish, Brisker Rav, R' Ahron just to name very few, were strongly apposed to the Zionist movement and the State. As does the Chareidi community, of which Lakewood is very part of (whether you like it or not) does not commemorate anything related to that country.
      Putting out the flag in this town is a slap in the face for what we stand for and he should probably apologize to the community for the insult.

    3. "What we stand for", "apologize to the community"
      Looking at the strong local show of support that he had, clearly the community is more diverse than you would like to believe.

    4. If 1000 people came to show their support it still wouldn't be 10% of this town. There are 1000s that don't even know about this whole thing because they aren't on line (אשריכם)

    5. Is the flag at Ponevez a slap in the face? Should R' Gershon Edelstein apologize to BMG on behalf of himself the Ponevezer Rav, R' Shach and the other RY for the insult of associating the flag with a top yeshiva?

      Why is someone putting up a flag on their own property even 365 days a year a slap in the face to you and an entire town?

    6. Ponovezh is a complicated matter involving the Kahaneman family, legal requirements to fly the flag for the funding they accept.
      Rav Shach did try to have the flag removed the year after R' Yosef Kahaneman passed away, but backed down after Rebetzin Kahaneman vehemently protested.
      No one in his right mind thinks that R' Gershon Edelstein or Rav Shach or any other Rosh Yeshiva there are supportive of the State.
      Hanging a flag in front of your store just like that, does show something

    7. There us no requirement to fly the flag to get funding.

  9. I think flying an Israeli flag is in poor taste. if the SSSS owner is pro Zionist that is his personal business but he shouldn't flaunt it in the face of those who are anti.

    1. Again, the strong show of support for SSSS demonstrates that your are not necessarily the majority. Also, I don't think its flaunting to put up a flag outside his own store. Definitely less so than the NK people standing on the road waving signs

  10. True, That we have nissim that happened to klal Yisroel that came through reshaim and through negative things. But I don’t see us celebrating Pharoe’s and Hamans yartziet. Fact is the from the founding of the state there has been an agenda to tear people away from yahadus. Bh because we participated in the government under the guidance of the gedolai Torah much has been accomplished in preventing this from happening on the scale that it was happening in the early days.but we should be in pain for all the Sefardic and Tamani jews that we’re literally torn away from yiddishkeit, a spiritual holocaust. This is not in any way denigrating all this that fought and died to defend Jews . But the flag stands for so much more then just soldiers. If one really feels the pain for all our brothers who haven’t had the privilege of true Torah knowledge we would not be making a holiday to celebrate this.

    1. there's two ways to look at it -
      1. This is an amazing thing that Hashem did for klal yisroel and we as frum jews have to try and use it in a positive way, and we won't let the reshaim (or those who unfortunately don't know better) ruin it but instead work to turn it into a good, Torahdike thing.
      2. This is inherently bad or at best neutral, and we'll work with it only as much as necessary for 'damage control'.

      All the examples that you and many have given are true, but those are things that bad people have done, it doesn't take away from the neis and opportunity that the state is, and that's what I believe frum people are celebrating when they fly the flag.

    2. According to Satmar ideology there are few bigger Jewish villains in the past century than Rudolph Kastner .Even so they celebrate yearly the "nes hatzalah" of their rebbe being saved through him.

      And this is just a situation of someone who they believe to have been a terrible rosha who happened to have saved their rebbe when he was faced by danger. Rather it was precisely the way he saved him that makes him such a rosha.

      (In fairness see this link for the Satmar Response to the claim above and their version of the story)

  11. Thus whole story was blown out of proportion from a simple request and publicized by websites looking for clicks and relevancy.

    1. There's a difference between making a simple request vs. threatening to take away the hashgacha

  12. Emes isn't always all black or whiteMay 10, 2019 at 9:27 AM

    Regarding that which we are now in the Holy Land - it is difficult to describe it at present as the beginning of the Redemption. But in any case it is certainly a great kindness from one extreme to another - from the extreme of the suffering of the destruction of six million of our brethren (may God repair the breach) to the other extreme - the settlement of our nation in the Holy Land. From this, we need to learn and establish emunah in our hearts; woe to the one who comes tot he Day of Judgement and is still blind from perceiving this tangible reality. (Michtav Me-Eliyahu vol. III, p. 352)

    1. All the ones stating that all Chareidim are anti Zioni etc., obviously don't know history. There were big Rebbes who were pro Zionim even with the secular zionists leading the charge. It is up to us to bring them closer. Having demonstrations just prolongs the time that they will do teshuva.

