Friday, May 10, 2019

Lakewood Township to Build New Municipal Hall & Police Headquarters

Lakewood township began the process of  Expansion of Municipal Building and Police Department. The smart growth plan in 2009 called for a new Municipal complex to be built at Cedarbridge park.
The 2017 master plan also said " given the town’s growing number of residents, a review of facility  needs for township administrative functions and police based on current and future population is prudent.
The town has reportedly  reached out to a consulting company to look into the matter and decide on either redeveloping  and expanding the current location or moving to a brand new complex at cedarbridge or other locations.

 There is no mention of the cost or how it will be paid for but the town has just put a parcel of land on in the industrial park  up for sale for $25 million dollars perhaps that revenue will pay for the new complex.


  1. I wonder which "lucky" person will get the old municipal building ?

  2. 25 million is too little.

    Likely 25 million for city Hall and another 50 million for the police department.

    15 million for the courthouse

    2 million for an employee gym.
