Thursday, April 11, 2019

Video: At the Taharas Hakodesh Asifa


  1. a few points, to those of us who dont think one should go;
    1. which godol are you machnia to who could bring you to an asifa " aseh lechoh rav"
    2.the fact that no litvishe were there, says something, what is it?
    3. the fact that rav aron shechter at that advanced age shleps himself because of his principals makes him a godol BUT WHERE ARE THE TALMIDIM chaim berlin is somewhat of a chassidus
    4.the concept of chinuch w/o medina money is a concept that the chazon ish & steipler were in favor of
    5. the teretz is ( i think) is that rav shteinman & rav shmuel zatz"l disagreed leshem shomayim on a shaloh facing the dor ( abaye verava.. ) uba hashlishi ( rav chaim shlita) veyachria benehem thats why a beis din has 3

  2. Problem is they do take money it does not have to be a direct school payment to be considered taking money. Taking subsidies is still taking money
