Saturday, April 13, 2019

First Shabbos at Skulener Rebbe shlita of Lakewood

A beautiful emotional and uplifting shabbos was enjoyed by well over a thousand people by the new Skulener Rebbe.
The cavernous beis hamedrash was packed to the gills as a palpable awe filled the room as the Rebbe sang his Father's songs.
The Rosh Hayeshiva, Rav Yerucham Olshin placed the becher in the Rebbes hands for him to make Kiddush, ushering Lakewood into a new era. Truly a poignant moment. The tish ended just shy of 3 am on a high as the crowd thirsted for more. The Skulener Rebbe ztl's passing left a huge void, some measure of comfort can be found in the Avoda of his son.

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