Thursday, April 11, 2019

ואיני יכול לנגוע בך

Israel’s hopes for becoming the fourth nation to land a spacecraft on the Moon were vanquished on Thursday night as the Beresheet lander crashed onto the lunar surface. “Moments after the failed operation became known, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told a disappointed country:
“If at first you don’t succeed, try again.”

 Rav Shach zt"l wrote a letter when Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. "Man can only attain Chochma on planet Earth. (It is printed in Michtavim Umaamarim חלק ג  siman רנג. Rav Shach wrote at the time the correct hashkafa on the event of man landing on the Moon.

"What transpired before us as man sets foot on the moon will definitely have people thinking of the great achievment brought on by mankind Koch veotzem yadi. However the opposite is true we see the great wonders of hashem and the feeling must be to see how man is nothing compared to the
entire universe. Man is only a small speck in the shadow of  the planets and the universe. he can be struck and injured in a second yet hashem has rachmanus and the more we realize the Chochma of the Briah  its proof that there is a rbso who has chesed and rachamim if chas veshalom there wont be hashgacha for just one second there would be a churban.
Its a wonder that we can see more from planet Earth alone that it has all that is needed for mankind. It produces food and sustenance for us. It is only here on this planet that man should grow in Chochma, If hashem did not create man on the moon its a siman that that is not the place for man to grow, its only here on earth that a person have an aliyah in chochma and to come to the realization that hashem is the gedolah shebachochma. It is only from planet earth that man can attain the wisdom to go and land on the moon, but the moon itself was only created for mankind to lighten the sky during the night.

In the end of the letter Rav Shach brings proof to the Rambam that the Moon is a Baal nefesh -a soul.


  1. All shuttle that went to other planets WHENEVER TJEY HAD YIDDEN ON THEM always blew up. Remember shuttle Columbia? Had a Jewish lady on it. Many others also blew up cause they had yidden on it.

    Message is Hashem put us down here in EARTH. don't try conquering other planets that Hashem made for other kinds of species and animals etc... Not made for humans.

    Only other place for yidden to go is the olam Haemes-the world above-and this world below of earth is just a pathway to the true world above us (pirkei avos)

  2. Only two shuttles have exploded, both did contain Jews including Ilan Ramon in the more recent one.

    Ilan Ramon wasn't frum but he grew up in one of the most secular areas of Israel and never really had a chance to learn. To his credit he wanted to represent not just Israel but Judaism on his mission and he requested special kosher meals, studied the laws of Shabbos in space, and brought a few 'religious items with him, most famously a mini Torah from the Holocaust. He also wrote to the President of Israel that when looking out at Yerushalayim he said Shema. He may not have been a tzadik but I think its fair to say that he made a kiddush hashem to the best of his ability

    1. Trying to make a kiddush Hashem still doesn't give a person the right to go against Hashem by trying to go to another planet or place that was not made for physical human beings.

      Want to make a kiddush Hashem? There are so many HUNDREDS of ways on earth a person can do it.
      1)greet EVERYONE with a smile
      2)hold the door open for an elderly person and let them walk in before you
      3)drive safely and let someone ahead of you on the road or at a register in the store
      4)so many more HUNDREDS of ways too many to list

      But don't go against Hashem the king of kings ruler of the world

  3. My son sent the following question to Hagoen Rav Chaim Kanievsky: How could we say in Kidush Livana that we can't touch the moon if we have seen numerous times that astronauts have made it to the moon.
    Who can i email his response in 2 words - to be posted here?
