Sunday, April 28, 2019

Isru Chag Pesach 5779 Lakewood News

-Authorities in New Jersey stepped up security in many places following the attack on a Chabad shulin San Diego. They said while it’s always a priority to patrol synagogues and houses of worship, security is heightened following targeted hate crimes

-BDE. The Levaya of Habachur Reuven Levin A"H froom Boston will take place today at 5:00 pm at Yeshiva Toras Chaim R' Slomowitz Yeshiva 999 Ridge Avenue Lakewood,  Kevura at the  7th Street bais olam
Watch Video Replay of Levayah HERE

Special seder Limud and Tehillim as a zexhus for R' Asher Eiseman who is having a tril tomorrow where defense is askig the judge to dismiss the 2 guilty charges.

- Chometz restock GG full line of baked Chometz Items, Bingo restocked, Kosher west full Chometz bakery, Evergreen restocked as well, NPGS, Shloimys Kosher world fully stocked


  1. Fresh Rye breads, ww breads, donuts, danishes, bourekas, baguettes, cookies and brownies at Shloimy's Kosher World!

  2. Any hook up number for levaya
