Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Discounts for Pesach


  1. Are school pricipals and mashgichim included?

  2. After paying nothing or next to nothing for food, how will the Mesamchei Lev clientele face paying for groceries after Yom Tov? Everything will seem sooooo expensive.Just asking. Sometimes it's not a favor to a person to enable him to get stuff for way below cost as it just makes him miserable about regular, non-subsidized prices afterwards. It goes back to the age old advice: Teach a man to fish and he has food for life. Let the Rebbeim earn a living wage and purchase their needs in a respectable manner, rather than being the beneficiaries of a charity system. And btw, who can handle the storing and freezing of quantities of food like they are offered? You have to buy a special room with extra fridge and freezer and storage space.

  3. Being that most rabbeim are already on food stamps , why not give the average non rebbe who are also struggling a discount?
