Sunday, April 14, 2019

Cancelled: Kumzitz and Asifas Chizuk

Matzav  reports a  Kumzitz and Asifas Chizuk, that was to take place today at the Lakewood high school has been called off. The event was to be  joined by Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshivos with a  siyum and divrei hisororos and kumzitz  it was to be led by Beri Weber, Issac Honig, Zemiros Choir, and the  Freilach orchestra. Organizers are refunding all those who purchased tickets.


  1. Nebach on the hundreds of yeshiva boys deprived again from a little respite after a long 6 months winter zman. They couldn't give them 2 hours of kosher ruchniyus!! Instead what will they do? of course this is all leshaim shamyim coming from on high figuring out another way how to make life miserable for the bochurim just to project a certain mage.

    1. Maybe Roshei Yeshiva are in a better position to decide what is right and wrong for their Talmidim than a few internet commenters. If you don't agree, don't send your son to their Yeshivas.


    3. I did not send my son to those yeshivos. But for some reason, those Rosh Yeshivas saw it fit to have people call the entertainers and threaten them if they did not cancel. Why didn't they just tell their talmidim and buchrim not to go? Perhaps they knew their talmidim wouldnt listen? And if so, they have bigger problems than the kumzitz! But now after last night's protest, we already know that the RYs have bigger problems than a kumzitz. And last night proved it. The buchrim there were regular average buchrim. I saw them. Hundreds of them! And if the RYs biggest worry is still that kumzitz, I understand why there are so many OTD and other problem kids

    4. Never underestimate the power of disaffected youth. It’s brought down many great institutions.

  2. a few yeshivos forbade their bochurim from going.

    1. A few yeshivos forbade sushi also no?

  3. Add this to the list of banned events

  4. why let frustration out on the heiliger bochurim, the gashmiyus and materialism has run unchecked, but a nice kumzitz under approval of rabbonim has to be shut down because of a few rabblerousers.

  5. maybe it has to do with the fact that there is a funeral tonight for a bochur?

    1. Sadly not the ban started before shabbos already as some yeshivos called up their talmidim informing them not to go.

  6. They got something more interesting. A riot.

  7. Multiple out of town police agencies are being called in. Lakewood is requesting K9 units from all over for crowd control. This is insane.


  8. what an embarrassment the behavior of the bochurim to protest like that. They may be upset but this is no way how to react to go in the streets and yell.

    1. The embarrassment should be by those who cancelled an event. It is a true a real Ben Aaliyah will probably learn throughout bein hazmanim. It is also true that Rah-isi bnei aaliyah v'hem muatim.

      How many parents, had they been asked by their children whether they should go to such an event, would have said no? Very few.. the reason is because parents know their children, they know the pressures they deal with, and they know that if their children are asking, and it is a kosher venue, that it is the best outlet for it.

      The fact that a few yechidim, in their infinite wisdom, decided that they alone should be the arbiters of what ALL bochurim should be doing during their bein hazmanim is just wrong. We aren't talking about R'Moshe ZT"L or R' Shach ZT"L or R' Chiam Kanievsky YB"L. Any idea that it was Daas Torah that cancelled the event, should be refuted by the results. Had they known the results, would they have cancelled it. The answer is no, so they were wrong. Daas Torah is never wrong, therefore it could not have been Daas Torah (1+1=2)

  9. The mistake is cancelling it ta the last minute. It was initially approved but than changed their mind after it was already publicized and tickets were sold at that point the smart thing to do would have been to let it proceed and than work on preventing it from happening in the future. Instead they called it off a few hours before which left bochurim angry and upset.

  10. the Vaad media arm having a field day with this over 20 video clips on social media nice!

  11. To All these “Bachurim upset” comments: this whole shtink was about 15 troublemakers who were taking advantage of the situation. Half of them were probably not going to this Kumzitz anyway. Everyone else was simply bein hazmanim spectators who came to see the hock. I do not agree with the cancellation of this event but to paint this as some sort of major bochurim backlash is simply misrepresenting the facts.

    1. 15??? There were hundreds of buchrim. I live off Pine. I could not believe it. Wrong or right, one thing I learned last night is that to not provide any sort of outlets for buchrim when they are off for three weeks straight is a big mistake.

    2. I also live in the area and was there. Guess you didn’t bother really reading my comment. I never said there were only 15, I said there were 15 rabble rousers and everyone else were basically spectators.

  12. What’s the chiddush? If you can’t build Shuls of course you can’t make a kumzitz.

  13. The behavior of the bochurim is not the problem it’s the people responsible for canceling it.

  14. Thanks to unzereh askanim things escalated when law enforcement showed up it never would have gained steam and would have dissipated after 20 minutes.

  15. Who do u think lives right across the entrance of forest park?
    MENASHE MILLER. He is the deputy mayor of Fakewood.
    Maybe he '"felt" threatened by the large crowd, so could be he arranged for his cop friends from the surrounding townships to show up with vicious dogs!

    1. MENASHE THE ABOLISHERApril 15, 2019 at 7:39 AM

      I will not permit such a high density of people in front of my house! I’ve already gone on record for stating that I’m against so much density in Lakewood. And although, I didn’t really mean what I said (like I never fo about anything else) about anywhere else in town, but right in front of my very own huge house (which I rent of course) I will not tolerate such density and traffic jams. This is why I called in the law enforcement. Because every now and then, something needs to actually be enforced. Don’t mess with the best.

  16. BREAKING NEWS: It was just confirmed that it was the local bars that petitioned for the Kumzitz to get cancelled, as they were nervous for lost revenue

  17. I guess the short sighted, unemployed, fabissener, Kol_koreihnicks, got what they bargained for. A little entertainment after a 6 month Zman, is asur, so you get an Israeli style hafgoneh instead.
    What a shame they didn't have the guts to go through with it, & go back to the Kol koreigh signees & have most if not all retract..Unfortunately we have messed up our priorities, for some reason a tzedakah moisad can have entertainment, but bochurim who really need it can't.
    B4 these machers are moiche they should check what is going on in their own backyard, they should also be sure all their money (from government too) is kosher. I am sure they are looking at the glass house across the road while throwing stones.
    BTW I only know the story here, not who the Kolkoreighnicks are.

  18. It looks like "Lakewood-Spring" is coming to Lakewood.
    How it starts?, we know.
    How and if it ends?, we don't know.

    Chochmas Shlomo Hamelech says it all, if you know how to find it.

  19. Tls has ulterior motives here. The guy whose house they protested in front of was the ringleader in getting the petition against tls billboards

  20. Tls posting a video of travis makes one think why all of a sudden??? Answer.. it furthers his agenda against anti billboard fanatics.. mutual enemies

  21. I watched and I saw how beautifully the boys sung. It was an extremely respectful pritest. I would not even call it a protest they made a kumzitz outside the main instigator of banning it's house.

    I really appreciate our police department and how they protect us on a daily basis. However I hear that for boys had to be hospitalized as they were pepper sprayed by our heroes in blue. They must be investigated as well as whoever called all those additional police department from many different municipalities down as well they were responsible for many additional coming to watch this spectacle. They must be fited immediately from their position.

    1. It was a definite over=-reaction by the police. A non-violent participant was pepper sprayed for the nerve of actually trying to talk to a police officer. K-9 units should never have been dispatched, they should never be used in a non violent crowd control situation, very few K9's are trained in crowd control, and even if they are, they can become severely agitated in a real life chaotic situation. K9's are not supposed to be used unless their is a fear of violence, and even then, the dogs have a difficult time distinguishing between actual aggressors and bystanders

      It is possible the K9's were just there as a show of force, but why is that necessary for a non-violent protest, it could only cause escalation.

      The internet is full of info about why not to use K9's for crowd control, much of it coming from K9 officers themselves.

  22. The real question is who in town ordered the police to over react

  23. Excellent I could not if said it better . This police brutality must be investigated as well as the person who called for police back up. This was totally exaggerated. I think that the boys that were pepper sprayed must speak to the police department and take immediate action against the person who asked for additional police. This can not be tolerated.

    1. MENASHE THE ABOLISHERApril 15, 2019 at 5:15 PM

      I will not allow for any negative consequences to happen to a law enforcement officer who may have over-reacted at last night’s peaceful (and quite musical) protest, even if his/her behavior went against regulations. I am familiar with, and fully approve of, the individual who ordered the immediate and highly over-done PD reaction, including the K-9’s and calling for back-up mutual-aid from the neighboring police departments. Our PD isn’t good enough to contain the hot-headed rabble-rousers on their own. Who do these “bachurim” think they are, if not for a bunch of immature mechutzafim! No one gets to assemble in protest in front of MY house. Don’t mess with the best!

  24. What happened yesterday regarding a protest of a bunch of young men who were upset at somebody for having a kumzits canceled is really no e of my concern. I dont knownany details about it and really dont know who the disagreement involves. What I do know is that what was supposed to be a peaceful protest ended up engaging Non violent young Lakewood boys with police and large dogs and pepper spray. These police were from how
    Howell Jackson and Tom's river. From what I found out they were called by none other then our deputy mayor Menasha Miller. This is truly outrageous and despicable. Miller called police from outside of Lakewood to come and attack our own children with pepper spray and dogs. We are lucky that it didn't escalate into major violence. This is an absolute disgrace to bring in police from a town that has no understanding of our community and no relationship with us what so ever. They attacked our residents on our soil this is a breach of trust ... and reminds me of the Juden... I Heard that there are more protesters coming once again tonight to scream about the canceled concert. I hope that everybody will take the time to protest the real problem in this town he has done something absolutely inexcusable that needs to be answered for

  25. Herschel is the only one right on the money.

  26. Hershel starts off saying that he doesn’t know any details. I guess he just knew that Menashe called the police. For some reason that detail he happens to know. Yeah, right.
    Credibility: FAIL

    1. Everyone knows it was Menashe’s idea to escalate the whole situation. This fact is no longer a secret. The askanim are livid at Menashe. If he would only stick to corrupt land swap deals, Dayeinu!

  27. Whats the big deal that detail he looked into
    Hershel has a lot more credibility in town then you know who
