Friday, April 12, 2019

Shattered Dreams, a Satellite spaces out ; Benet's right, Israel's Might "wont lean on the left this Pesach"

For many in the land of bilk and money, the Passover season has already been ushered in, eerily reminiscent of the intro to the seder night narrative, מתחיל בגנות, as Israel's minister of the diaspora is now in exile, and its space satellite takes a crash course on the moon.

The Hagadda recounts how a supreme entity turned normative nature on its head with ten plagues, over 3000 years ago, than wrought an exodus on his chosen, so they could receive his divine blueprint of creation, on a mountain called Sinai. Our Egyptian odyssey burnished in the worlds consciousness, that there is no such thing as a random event - someone on high charts the course of human events, even as we speak.

So connect the dots; the man who authored a law to weaponize the IDF in a quest to neutralize a ben Torah's ethos, then commandeered an assault on mesorah's chinuch of the young and impressionable, has been handed a divine pink slip.

Those obsessed with Israels military prowess and technological wizardry, have been dealt a decisive setback.

A Hundred million dollar satellite headed to the moon, malfunctions two minute from its destination.
Ayn Hamikreh hazeh omer elah Darsheini this extraordinary event speaks plainly to us all.

The future of Iran in Syria, the fate of the IDF and the Jewish people, are in someone else's hand, the only one, who micro manages all that takes place.

ברוך שנתן תורה לעמו ישראל clinging to our life substance the Torah, will bring the day of אדיר הוא יבנה ביתו בקרוב אמן

Yaakov Schreiber


  1. Are you sure Bennet authored the daft law? i think it was drafted by the entire coalition including Netanyahu, Lapid and Leiberman etc along with the tactic approval of Degel hatorah and shas. It's also extreme hyperbole to say that the failed moon landing represents a decisive setback to quote the NYT "It orbited the moon, by itself a historic accomplishment for a private organization. That had been done by only five nations — the United States, the former Soviet Union, China, Japan and India — and the European Space Agency" keep in mind the 100 million budget is laughably small compared to practically any serious mission, let alone a lunar landing. to give you an idea NASA has embarked on that approach for sending small experiments to the moon. In November, the agency chose nine companies to vie for $2 billion in contracts over the next decade. NASA officials have emphasized the need for speed rather than assured success, and they expect some of those missions, like SpaceIL’s, to fail.

  2. who told you that's the lesson ?? there can be many other torah ways to analyze this . maybe failing means try harder next time ? mr shreiber run your idea by a godlo a baal machsovoh and let us know. you may be correct you can also listen to rav gifter zatzl , one may need to ask hashofet beyameinu

    1. Do you need a gadol to tell you what you were already taught by your rebbeim?

      Ask this question to a yeshiva man they will probably give the same response

  3. what do you mean by the "land of bilk and money"

    why are you so glib about the moon landing failure? Isn't it a kiddush Hashem for the world to see what they view as success among jewish people regardless of what state state they represent. In fact a popular jewish weekly had a front page a article a couple of weeks ago expressing unabashed pride in the space mission. And that magazine numerous times openly stated that they were tasked by R' Dovid Solovetchik Shlita to express the torah Hoshkafa towards the draft/ Giyus Law. SO i would say that we are dealing with an authentic daas torah publication.

    1. One has nothing to do with the other.

  4. This person has serious writing skills.

  5. I hope you're being sarcastic!
