Monday, April 15, 2019

Oif Simchas Lakewood April 15, 2019

-Vort: Hachosson Shlomo Yehuda Bilus to Hakallah Chaya Klugman at
Madison Manor Simcha Hall, 401 Madison Avenue, Lakewood7:30 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Moshe Yossi Lovi to Hakallah Chaya Zelcer at Bnos Devorah hall 360 Oak Street Lakewood 8:30 pm

-Kiddush Levana moon will be out tonight
-Agudah Teleconference tonight 10:00 pm in English, Harav Aaron Zuckerman shlita Rav Zichron Pinchos of Lakewood on understanding our obligation of mitzvas Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim


  1. Anyone hear something about an asifa/kinnus tonight on chilul hashem?

  2. The day after, thoughts on last night protest.
    The battle was won, the war was lost. We have a considerable percentage of disenfranchised youth within and out of our yeshiYe system. The vast majority of the bochurim in the videos were wearing hats and jackets, erliche bochurim . An undercurrent 9f dissatisfaction flows underneath our Yeshiva system.
    Something has to give. It's easier and simpler to party without a misgeres .
    Bochurim who never thought of doing so will be looking for new form of entertainment . . .

  3. What happened yesterday regarding a protest of a bunch of young men who were upset at somebody for having a kumzits canceled is really no e of my concern. I dont knownany details about it and really dont know who the disagreement involves. What I do know is that what was supposed to be a peaceful protest ended up engaging Non violent young Lakewood boys with police and large dogs and pepper spray. These police were from how
    Howell Jackson and Tom's river. From what I found out they were called by none other then our deputy mayor Menasha Miller. This is truly outrageous and despicable. Miller called police from outside of Lakewood to come and attack our own children with pepper spray and dogs. We are lucky that it didn't escalate into major violence. This is an absolute disgrace to bring in police from a town that has no understanding of our community and no relationship with us what so ever. They attacked our residents on our soil this is a breach of trust ... and reminds me of the Juden... I Heard that there are more protesters coming once again tonight to scream about the canceled concert. I hope that everybody will take the time to protest the real problem in this town he has done something absolutely inexcusable that needs to be answered for

    1. Well said Harold. I happen not to be a big fan of yours, politically speaking. But on this I fully agree. And you have said this very well.
