Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Lakewood yeshiva BMG Looking to buy Woodlake Country Club Golf Course

The  yeshiva is currently leasing the country club building renovating it for a New bais medrash and chabura rooms.  plans are  to move in by this Shavuos iyh.
APP reports The Lakewood yeshiva is looking to expand to an additional campus at the site of Woodlake Country Club, at rt 88 and New Hampshire, which closed last summer.

Beth Medrash Govoha,  is under contract to buy the 150-acre golf course at 25 New Hampshire Ave., according to a notice filed with the Ocean County Clerk on March 20. The document signals a sale is in early stages and does not guarantee the land will change hands, according to Ocean County Clerk Scott M. Colabella.

"We are exploring the possibility of developing a campus that could help us accommodate future growth without drawing more commuters up and down the Route 9 corridor that runs through the heart of Lakewood," Beth Medrash Govoha President Rabbi Aaron Kotler said Monday. He said it could be months before a final decision is made whether to pursue the project, and declined to disclose a sale price for the land.

The scope of the expansion is uncertain, but would likely include student housing read more at APP.com


  1. It’s the “campus housing” that they’re really interested in..

  2. Enrollment is down anf youngeleit are leaving kollel much faster. It will be used to build thousands of homes

    1. Get your facts straight before saying naarishkeit. Enrollment is not down. As a matter of fact, last zman was the highest enrollment ever of incoming talmidim. Yes, people stay in Kollel for less time so it is not growing as fast as it used to, but enrollment is definitely not down.

    2. My apologies meant to say enrollment is stagnant but its not growing since guys leave kollel faster and other kollelim are paying much more money resulting in more guys leaving.

  3. No busha, just days after a rosh yeshiva and his yeshiva were publicly shamed on and mocked on the vaad affiliated site they go and promote the campus expansion.

    No apologies or machaa for the bizayon hatorah and a attemp to inflame sinas chinom between litvish snd chadidish world by pushing a fake news story pertaining to the Levaya of the Skulen Rebbe. It Says something about the priorities.

    1. The only priority is gelt and power. Kavod shamayim and kavod hatorah takes a back seat.

  4. First they will use the yungerlite by puting them in that new bais medrash, then they will proceed.... Sounds like james way in a way

  5. There is a different side reporting this news as well. They did not publish my comments. I commented that this is a ploy for campus housing. It was not published though

  6. Rav Aaron zatzal made them change the stationary of the yeshiva when they added trees to the picture because it was not Emes.
    Today its all spin and deception and PR

    1. What exactly is the deception over here?

    2. Jamesway, Fox hotel, Egg Harbor chesed stores at cedarbridge

    3. All of those places started with a chabura..

  7. Wonderful news Harchivi makom ohalech

  8. I hear they're probably gonna build double the amount of parking spots as they put by their last building. /S

  9. No competion is not healthy for klal yidrael a place gobbeling up every avsilable facility and land parcel makes it harder for another mosad.

  10. Enrollment is not down. But more people leave than come. So net negative. Not every zman. But more often than not.

  11. Another ratable coming off the books- taxes are going up!
