Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sunday November 24 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 55°Sun and clouds mixed. 
Rain in the forecast for Tuesday and Thursday Thanksgiving 

- BDE: Petirah of Rav  Shimon Braun ZTL of Yerushalayim a Toldos Aron Chasid and one of the most senior medical advisors in Eretz Yisroel . He founded the organization 'Yad Avraham' to help the sick, and for years advised and helped countless patients to receive medicine in hospitals in Israel and around the world.

- Israel media reports that the terror organization behind the murder of chabad shliach Rav Tzvi Kogan HYD is not Iran but a smaller group possibly Islamic Jihad or Hamas. The 3 murderers were paid large sums of money others who hired them have fled to Turkey. There's currently a gag order on the case by UAE authorities 

- Jewish billionaire and hedge fund manager Bill Ackman has generously donated $18,000 to support the widow of Zvi Kogan HY'D, the Chabad Shliach tragically murdered in the UAE.
You can contribute to the campaign here

- Friendly urgent care at Todd plaza in Lakewood is now in partnership with Chai Urgent Care. Feder status

- Subpoenas served for depositions upon Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles, and  Planning Board members in besader holding application see more here

- The Memphis Police Department is investigating the killing of an Israeli citizen Aviv Broek, 21, who was shot to death shortly after 1:15 a.m. on Friday morning  “There has been no arrests in this case. This is an active investigation and there is no indication at this time of a hate crime,” the Tennessee department’s public information office told JNS. It added that it “is pursuing all leads.”
Israeli media had reported that local police was investigating the killing of Broe as a suspected terror attack.

- The body of Rabbi Zvi Kogan, ZL HYD, will be brought to Israel tomorrow, and his Levaya will be held tomorrow or Tuesday in Israel with the participation of thousands.

- New York drivers: The DMV has secretly overhauled its point system, and the points drivers accrue are going to stay on their record longer. The DMV rolled out what it calls "significant and aggressive" safety actions, and it did so without fanfare. Not even its website has been updated. Points will now stay on your license longer -- 24 months, up from 18 -- so drivers will have a greater chance of having their license suspended if they rack up more than 10 points in two years.(kol Haolam)

- Trump approval surges to 59% (+18), an all-time high on presidential transition (CBS)

- The Toldos Aaron rebbe from Yerushalayim will arrive in Lakewood today he will spend a few days to attend fundraisers for his mosdos.

- The Federal Highway Administration has granted final approval to New York City’s congestion pricing program, which would charge drivers $9 to enter the busiest parts of Manhattan, the MTA says. It will go in effect January 2025.

- Spokesperson for the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the UN: "Arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant could be revoked if Israel demonstrates a serious national-level investigation into the allegations."

- Grand opening of the wedding emporium chasuna mall in Howellong lines of customers at the store.

- The United Arab Emirates announced they captured the three killers of Chabad shliach Rabbi Zvi Kogan HYD. Initially there were reports that they fled to Turkey but apparently they were caught while in the UAE.

- Mazel Tov a lady in Bnei Brak gave birth to quadruplets earlier this morning at Maynei Hayeshuah hospital, 3 girls and 1 boy all healthy B"H. The family had 5 kids including 2 sets of twins. There was a question of inducing the labor butvRav Yitzchok zilberstein paskened  שב ואל תעשה after discussing it with the medical team.

- Nusach Ashkenaz- As of Mincha of last Wednesday 90 Shemonah esreis will have been said with the inclusion of משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם therefore beyond this point one who is unsure if he added Mashiv Haruach can halachicaly be presumed to have said it and need not to repeat shemonah esrei for (nusach Sefard never needs to repeat) (one who served as a shliach tzibbur during this time period may count his chazaras hashatz toward the count of 90. (Tidbits by Klal Govoha)

- Lakewood township committee have yet to face the public in official meetings or campaigns but that didn't stop them from attending the New Jersey League of Municipalities conference last week in Atlantic city. There was an official press release posted on local news sites how Lakewood featured the most prominent municipal booth on the massive floor, and it was a beehive of activity throughout the three-day event. Township officials showed off lakewoods  business community and available office space.

- Another sefer from Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita אמרי אור  based on shmuesen from the R"Y shlita organized according to the parshiyis. Now available in stores. Another sefer new sefer Chidushei אבן מאירה on Breishis from Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita came out as well.

- Lakewood Township taxpayers are on the hook again after a judge just ruled that a massive civil rights lawsuit of racial bias  filed against Police Captain  and Township Manager may proceed more on  FAANews .

- Anti Semitic protests in Montreal Friday evening. Demonstrators vandalized property, shattering windows and torching cars, during an event that combined opposition to a NATO parliamentary summit with pro-Palestinian activism, according to the Montreal Gazette.

- United  Airlines will cut three routes from its Newark hub this spring: Rhode Island T.F. Green International Airport, Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, and Albany International Airport.

- Mir Yerushalayim yarchei kallahvtaking place this week

-BJ’s Wholesale Club announced that it will increase its membership fees starting in January 2025. The basic annual plan will rise by $5 to $60, while the premium Club+ plan will increase by $10, bringing it to $120. The company stated the price hikes will support continued growth and enhance value for its 7.5 million members.

Video: Havdala last night with Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch at the Slabodka gathering of chasidishe alumni at the Malon hotel in Florham Park ,NJ


  1. What's with chs hearing ppl were thrown off cuz not enough work hours after undergraduate eligibility

  2. The politicians and all those running for governor must be told that the Lakewood power brokers who meet them do not represent the voting bloc and if they want our vote they must speak directly to the Lakewood public and not with Avi Schnall meir Lichtenstein Ray Coles or any vaad member
    Enough of the self appointed getting deals and money from politicians for their own stuff and not benefitting everyone in Lakewood
    They use the Lakewood vote and then take for pet projects, somehow it's the same organization and people receiving the grants and money while everyone's taxes keeps going up.
    Reach out to all candidates that we won't blindly vote for them without knowing what they will deliver to All of Lakewood and extended Jewish community

    1. Clearly you DO blindly vote for them. So there's no point in reaching out to anyone.

    2. Askanim keep fooling everyone that we need to register ro vote to show high numbers for Trenton yet over the years all they do us meet politicians and make deals with them for themselves
      Years ago supposedly a big askan needed a favor for a development somewhere else in NJ and they pushed the olam to vote for a candidate that will help out with it.
      The olam has to get smart and stop trusting people who tell you who to vote for. We must reach out directly to the candidates and demand answers no more behind the scenes deals with special interests while abusing our voting power and we get zero

    3. Email the candidates and tell them if they want the Lakewood vote they need to come down and hold a public townhall meeting
      No more photo ops at BMG Hatzolah Bikur cholim schi etc.. followed by a private meeting with all the VIP's
      We had enough of getting our votes taken advantage for and abuse of the voting bloc, the game is up.
      We need a grass routes effort holding politicians and askanim accountable to work for All of us and not a select few who rush to meet with the politicians to get favors for themselves.


  4. I know you all live in Lakewood, but I think you need to reflect on how the only thing that excites you is local politics

    I'm really excited about finding Kogan's killers.
    UAE is quick to use the death penalty.
    I hope they're killed, and will spark a discussion in Israel about how toe expedite death sentences for the jails overstuffed with Nakba terrorists and others.

    I see this going a really long way in giving security here. Currently, a shooter looks forward to being released in the next deal while his family is financially set for life with outrageously huge monthly stipends. He'll think when twice when his friend was hanged.
    What happens to the hostages-we need the strength and das Torah to ignore them

    Being overly concerned with hostages is what got us into this mess and perpetuates it. The Mishna Gittin clearly states one cannot bargain for hostages or do rescue missions lest the captors tighten security or murder the hostages- and we're living the failures of that right now (Sinwar's release, the botched rescue missions)
    Anyone understand how Israeli Rabbanim gave a green light to ignore the Mishna? Something about how soldiers won't fight if they know we won't do everything for their release. That's strange to me, they know they can get killed along with 400 in Gaza and they seem to fight bravely?

    1. Local politics is the only thing we can in theory at least do anything about. There is absolutely zero we can do to make policy for Israel.
      But your points are quite well reasoned.

    2. If you have a problem with the Rabanim, why don't you ask them directly, instead of asking anonymous hefkervelt readers. No one here gave the green light.

    3. 9:19,
      Simple.They are less politically attuned than the commentariat

  5. 9:07
    While the Plutocracy won't & can't formally admit to it,they surely care very much what are the concerns of our communities. On every subject.
    That is-as long as we get off our sofas & show it at the ballot booth
