Monday, November 11, 2024

Monday November 11, News Update Lakewood

Weather: 69° Partly cloudy

Veterans day today a federal holiday US post offices closed no mail. Banks are closed Govt offices are closed. Businesses are open no trash pick up

-Marco Rubio is expected to be tapped for Secretary of State!

- Antwerp police arrest five, as fears of a 'Jew hunt' rise following calls to action on social media

- Breaking...Republicans take the house
Decision Desk HQ projects that Republicans have won enough seats to control the US House
They have 218 for a majority
This is now a trifecta as Republicans take the whitehouse senate and congress

- The Jennings Creek Wildfire, which is burning in Passaic County and Orange County, New York, has now spread to 5,000 acres and the New Jersey Forest Fire Service says containment is now at 20%.

-Trump announces he will close the federal Department of Education. He will send it all back to the states and allow local states and counties and cities decide their education policy.

- Trump has chosen former Rep. Lee Zeldin to be the next administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Zeldin, 44, served four terms as a Republican congressman from Long Island before narrowly losing the 2022 New York governor's race to Kathy Hochul. (Nyp)

-Tehillim today in BMG in all botei medrash today 1:25pm

- Firefighters struggle to contain massive N.J.-N.Y. wildfire as windy conditions return after
nearly quarter-inch of rain fell overnight in the area of a massive wildfire on the New Jersey-New York border after the blaze had grown to 3,000 acres.

- Rav Asher Deutsch shlita has been released from hospital and is recuperating at home he is still in need of tefilos Asher ben Leah

- Torah Umesorah: At the behest of Gedolei Eretz Yisroel, and with the haskamah of the Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah,
All Yeshivos, Bais Yaakovs, Day Schools, Battei Medrashim and all of Klal Yisroel are asked to gather in Tefillah on Monday, 10 Cheshvan / November 11 A day of Ba'hab and Erev the Yahrzeit of Rochel Imeinu

- BDE: Petirah of R’ Menachem Wiederman z”l, of Toms River/Flatbush he was 60. Was a  gabbai in K’hal Zichron Yechezkel in Toms River. Levaya tomorrow 9am at the shul 1871 Old Freehold rd in Toms River

- Current status of House Election 2024-
 218 Needed for a Majority 
Republicans 216 Democrats 209  
10 Races still outstanding.  
Projects final by DDHQ is
Republicans 220 Democrats 215

- Kindercare pediatric clinic opening in Howell next week at 4774 Rt 9 right near Walmart 

- Tax dollars Lakewood UEZ looking to spend 3 million dollars for improving the sidewalks and lighting in the downtown area along Clifton  avenue 

- The LDC is also looking for full time cleaning crew in the downtown for another million. Currently the downtown has become a homeless shelter with people sleeping on the sidewalks

- Hachtara took place last night for the Blue Tiver kehilla in Lakewood on the Border of Toms River for their new Rav Harav Meir Ludmir shlita who will lead their kehilla.

-Assault on the Yeshiva world and Lakewood bnei Torah, several websites and podcasts have publicly attacked lakewood bnei Torah and talmidim after airing an interview of people who got themselves in financial trouble. The extreme circumstances of these individuals was used to blame the Yeshiva system and paint with a broad brush the entire yeshiva world. The personal story of these individuals is far from the average  yeshiva bochur or kollel youngeleit, yet was pretended to be as if they were part of the regular system. YWN website used the story with an anonymous letter demanding all yeshiva boys are taught financial literacy NOW. Of course no roshei yeshiva were quoted  in the  letter or even asked for an opinion.  Sadly the frum online media needs clickbate to remain relevant to keep up with social media agendas.  It's ironic that while the cost of living for frum families is high, the frum media keeps pushing gvir culture and social pressure living but blames it all on the yeshivos.

- Kremlin: The report on the phone call between Putin and Trump is not true, Putin has no specific plans to talk to Trump. We will continue with the special operation in Ukraine and achieve all our goals.

 - Donald Trump announces former ICE director Tom Homan will be his new “Border Czar.”
“I am pleased to announce that the Former
ICE Director, and stalwart on Border Control, Tom Homan, will be joining the Trump Administration, in charge of our Nation's Borders ("The Border Czar"), including, but not limited to, the Southern Border, the Northern Border, all Maritime, and Aviation Security,” 
“I've known Tom for a long time, and there is nobody better at policing and controlling our Borders. Likewise, Tom Homan will be in charge of all Deportation of Illegal Aliens back to their Country of Origin.
Congratulations to Tom. I have no doubt he will do a fantastic, and long awaited for, job.”

- Lakewood planning board meeting tomorrow will discuss to appeal the judge ruling allowing the chemdas Hatorah application at Cross st and James st for 175 duplexes see story at faa

- Trump thanks Hashem
"Thank you god! won all swing states, & the popular vote by almost 7 million voters. got 312 electoral votes. in the great state of texas, won 31 of 32 statewide judicial benches, and every county in the rio grande valley. they were all blue 8 years ago, & got one million more texas votes than in 2020!

- New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is rumored to be among the few names being considered for the next chair of the Democratic National Committee.


  1. If the Democrats appoint Murphy they are just showing that they have not gotten the message. The party needs to move to center if they ever want to regain their lost votes.

  2. Anyone know where the Shiva information for the Japha family?

  3. Replacing the stupid looking bricks when the sidewalks of downtown will do nothing to improve the downtown economy. Just as it did nothing to improve the economy the last time the sidewalks were ripped out and replaced with these stupid looking bricks

    1. Sure it will help, some business will get a 3 million dollar contract. Are they not part of the economy? Like everything governmental, it helps those that are connected.

    2. I like the brick sidewalks!

    3. I'd rather another lane

  4. RY are as much sycophantically culpable for gvir culture as just about any other part of the toady community, including the old past generation gvirim.
    They preferred that materialistic culture over & denigrated any semblance of professionalism. Probably that's because it was less competition to their own standing.Furthermore, as long as somebody was/is a bit of a gvir, irrespective of whether he is a sinner; a corrupting influence; an half-way OTD loser; a vacuous windbag; in all other aspects, he is/would be fawned over, plaques come by the months, his vices are tolerated, & his children will still be fatuously courted in shidduchim etc.

    1. wow. you know lots of words. you must be smart.

    2. The empty irrelevant retort implies you must be a toady doing this dirty job for a gvir?

    3. wow. you were able to discern all of that from just a few words in the "retort"? you must be really, really smart!


    4. Experienced

  5. That's great that our smart township is spending a million dollars for sidewalk and lighting downtown, so the homeless won't pish over each other before going to sleep on the new sidewalks

    1. The bricks were put there in the first place because a big honcho politician had a relative in the brick business ...yup that's how lakewood corruption works

  6. Sure, the brick layer probably charged double the actual cost of the service, and split the extra profit with his mishpacha. Same thing true with many of the "improvements" in town

  7. How lame, erev the Yartziet of Rachal

  8. Who is getting the LDC contract to fix the bricks

  9. Tonight is the rosh hayeshivas mir hagoan rav nosson tzvi zatzal yahrtzeit

  10. Did they start construction on the cell phone tower in Georgian Court?

  11. Yes, therefore.....?

  12. YWN is Jewish CNN trash vile filthy website with anti charedi slant it's unfathomable why any respected frum person clicks on that sensational yellow journalism gutter news

  13. Just waiting for service to improve in the BMG area.

  14. The gvir culture definitely contributes by alienating the middle class as fundraisers and roshei mosdos chase after the wealthy and honor them it automatically sidelines the pashut families who are made to feel like losers who can't get into schools get no honor or respect from anyone as we only celebrate celebrities influences rich guys or big knockers

    Rabbonim and roshei yeshiva are not accessible to the average yid after having been hijacked by the gevirim and powerful
    We have elitist culture destroying 2/3 of klal yisroel

    1. We need another bal Shem tov as he solved that problem

    2. שקר גס
      You can approach or call any rov or Rosh Yeshiva and they will speak to you. I do it. Yes you can too

    3. As if that should bother them

    4. 9:00
      How are you so connected ? What's the scoop?

    5. it's only a problem if you care about kovod and wealth and really want it for yourself. if you live your own life and don't care about having "access" to "big" Roshei Yeshiva (and are satisfied with having shaychus to your own Rov) or getting your picture in the paper or getting honored at dinners, you have no reason to feel jealous, self-conscious or "sidelined", and you certainly don't have to feel like a loser.

    6. False. That's fine for yourself.But you carry a massive obligation for your kids.
      They are already being pushed flat by the system..Which is what is really the purpose of that decrepit culture

  15. One is not allowed to attack daas Torah

  16. So stop attacking me!
