Friday, November 10, 2023

Parsha of Shidduchim

 This week's Parsha discusses the shidduch between Yitzchok and Rivka  as Avrohom sent Eliezer his servant to find a girl for his son. There was no shidduch crisis than it was all with Emunah. Eliezer is the first known shadchan in the Torah. Many important lessons in Shidduchim are derived from this parsha. Rav Elya Boruch Finkel ZT"l the Mir RoshYeshiva would give his yearly hashkafa shmooze on shidduchim friday night Shabbos Chaya Sara. Yated article reported He would speak for four hours and always begin with the Rabbeinu Bechaya that says that the Torah details every part of Yitzchok Avinu’s shidduch because “ma’aseh avos siman labonim.“ He would add that the reason why the Torah elaborates on Yitzchok’s shidduch and not Avrohom’s or Yaakov’s is because Yitzchok had his father take an active role in making his shidduch.

 Here's a Shidduch lesson lesson from the Malbim

Parshas Chayei Sara: Malbim - An Important Shidduch Lesson

Avrohom had three good friends who believed in Hashem, Aner Eshkol and especially Mamrei who gave him advice to go through with his Bris Mila. Yet not only did Avrohom reject their daughters as suitable matches for Yitzchok, but he went as far as making Eliezer swear that he will not turn to them for a Shidduch. Instead Avrohom told him to to go to his own family, to the land of Nachor his brother, where Idol worship was rampant. Why did Avrohom, the battler against avodah zara, show such a degree of nepotism?

The Malbim brings from the Ran that aveiros in the Torah come in two forms, those that destroy the neshama such as bad hashkafos, and those that affect the guf as well, which include bad middos such as jealousy and anger that make the body stir. In the latter case this nature is passed down through the generations, as children often can suffer from the same character flaws as their parents. This was the case of the Kenanim and therefore Avrohom did not want to be Mishadech with them.

Nachor's problem was purely religious philosophy. This affected the soul and not the genes. It was a mind problem that would not necessarily affect future generations, who may reach their own conclusions. Religion is more easily reparable and parents are not an indication of their children. Bad middos are trickier and not likely to disappear. Something to keep in mind when choosing a Shidduch. Avrohom did!




    Hashem already setup your sons and everyone else’s son/daughter zivug 40 days before they were even born. Forget about the fact that now they are holding at around 20 or so years later since they were born. Hashem has their zivug waiting for them and can send it to your son/daughter immediately but is just waiting for each person involved in shidduchim to do their RUCHNIUS hishtadlus of Bitachon and Emunah(faith and trust in Hashem) together with Tefillos/Prayers.

    Mrs. Seminary girl,/Mr. Learning/working boy Are YOU doing your RUCHNIUS hishtadlus? Not just your gashmius hishtadlus of dating and speaking to shadchanim etc….?
    Start turning directly to Hashem for help in all your needs, especially shidduchim that they say is a bigger miracle than the splitting of the Yam suf.
    Why are we not putting our faith and trust directly in our loving father, king of kings, ruler of the world Hashem? Especially when we all know the truth that Hashem has everything down to every person's breath and penny of income already decreed since Rosh Hashanah for the entire upcoming year? Of course we need to do our Hishtadlus but the ultimate secret for success in our needs is to turn Directly to the source Hashem for help in anything. as we say in bentching from Tehillim "ודורשי ה לא יחסרו כל טוב" i.e. for one who seeks out Hashem directly lacks nothing that is good.

    May we all start turning directly to the true source our loving father and king of Kings ruler of the entire world and then we will have all our needs taken care of including school vouchers and affordable housing etc.....

  2. Al pi sod a person has 7 opportunities for a shidduch
    They CAN miss/pushed out of the better possibilities due to circumstances

    1. Where does it say this Al pi sod? Maare Makom please
