Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sunday September 12 News Updates Lakewood

 -Tonight Chizuk event for women in appreciation of the Neshai Chayil of Lakewood at Lake Terrace hall 8:00 pm Rav Uren Reich shlita, Rav Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro shlita, video message from Harav Shmuel Kaminetzky shlita

- Springfield Yeshiva gedolah Tiferes  Baruch Parlor meeting at 1471 Oakwood street 8:45 pm

- Edison yeshiva annual Lakewood parlor meeting at 1663 Hidden Lane (Raintree) 8:00 pm Maariv at 8:45.

- Animal rights activist protesting police keeping order at Bingo

- BMG will not switch the selichos days this year from Tueaday to Monday and י''ג מדות will be said on Tuesday and not on Monday which has קריאת התורה.

- Daled Minim at Bais Faiga 1:55pm - 5:30 pm &7:30 pm -11:30 pm

-Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood last 500k campaign for Sukkos donate Here

- Novominsk Yeshiva motifies parents all nochurim must be vaccinated before returning for winter zman 

-Israel Covid numbers: 10,084 new coronavirus cases 697 seriously ill 246 critical 178 on respirators 59  deaths in last 2 days 260 since Sept 1.

- The spotted lanternfly is now in Lakewood as  it continues to wreak havoc on the East Coast as New Jersey adds more counties to its quarantine list.  It kills plants and trees, authorities ask residents to kill it. The forewing is gray with black spots of varying sizes and the wing tips have black spots outlined in gray. See more here

- Six Flags great adventure seasons pass flash sale going on now. If you are a seasons pass holder from 2020/2021 there is a special renewal offer for $49.99 a ticket

- There will not be a Daled Minim shuk at BMG 7th street campus this year after Yom Kippur. There are other shuk's advertised at BlueClaws stadium parking lot with previous vendors of the bmg shuk, and another one  at the Clifton ave parking lot by 10th street.

- כפרות at Bingo $4.99 a chicken starts at 12:00 pm

-Mens shoe sale at Seagull square $59 only. 2:00 pm - 11:00 pm today & Tomorrow 


  1. Why aren't they switching slichos in BMG? In the sefer of the minhagei yeshiva it says to switch???

    1. Read the footnote in the sefer it says that this calendar year did not come out in yeshiva when Rav Aharon was alive

    2. There is also a inyan to say it on the 8th day of aseres yemei teshuva

  2. I think they only switch when it would otherwise come out on Friday.

  3. Is there a call-in number for tonight's shiur by Rabbi Shapiro?

  4. Read the foot notes carefully. There is a shtickel run on sentence there. It happened twice.....

  5. Bmg shuk is the one on Clifton.

  6. Which shuk will be the "place to be"? Clifton or Blue Claws?

  7. I heard they’re having one next to kw shul. All that empty space where they were going to build a massive building may as well be put to good use.
