Thursday, September 30, 2021

Isru Chag Sukkos 5782 Thursday Sept 30 Lakewood

 Weather: Sun and clouds mixed. High 68F no tain in forecast thru Sunday afternoon. A Gezunta Vinter!

- 27 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 15313/320
-  84 new cases in Toms River since monday totals 12696/336
- 62 new cases in Jackson since Monday totals 7581/117

- Dollar Tree is raising prices above $1 on certain items across select stores due to

Supply chain slowdowns and rising freight costs

- Tefilos for the mekubal Rav Yitzchok Meir Morgenstern, has a severe case of pneumonia name is Yitzchok Meir ben Yocheved Sima.

- 107 new covid cases in Lakewood since Monday totals 15286/320

- Bde: Petirah of Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler Z"L over Yom Yov he was 95, More Here

- Yartzeit of Ribnitzer rebbe in Monsey Bus from Lakewood leaving Hanover and Locust 1:00 pm, Cross st & Rt 9 1:05 pm, Oak & 9 1:10, Kennedy corner Squankum 1:20 pm $25 round trip returning at 6:00 pm.

- Isru Chag Sukkos registration deadline to sign up 2-3 year olds to playgroup for next year in 13 months.

- Israel covid numbers: 42 ppl died yesterday, 639 hospitalized  in serious condition 266 critical, 219 on respirator.

- A bus driver in Lakewood was charged with reckless driving and improper passing for his role in the crash on Forest ave before Sukkos according to a Lakewood police report. A witness interviewed by police told officers the school bus was "racing and tailgating" with the car that it initially collided with to start the pile up, the report said. According to the MVC, the bus driver has been involved in four crashes.(APP)

- BMG bais Shalom and  Irvington dormitory was briefly evacuated early this morning due to a gas leak nearby, the gas company cleated it a few hours later at 3 am.

- Five Killed in Deadly Bus Crash in Northern Israelu 4 members of one family R"L,father injured brought to the Levaya on a stretcher more here

- A Twitter account used in the past by the Lakewood police chief and which posted politically controversial statements over the past year was hacked, according to township Mayor Raymond Coles and Lakewood police.(APP)

- Nearly 900 students and staff in the Toms River Regional School District are under quarantine for possible COVID-19 exposure. School officials say the district's mask policy is not to blame after news reports on Wednesday cited parent protests against mask-wearing.(Nj1015)


  1. Hashem is soooo Good--- Tov MEOOOOOOOOOOOD

  2. Is there anything to do about playgroup registration deadline? Its important for kids to be in a social setting with kids their age but to make a million calls till you find someone is normal?
    How can this be fixed?!?

    1. By widening route 9 and letting shuls in WG be built...

    2. Also vaccines and Trump

  3. I agree allowing shuls in WG would solve most of Lakewood’s problems. It would also eradicate sinah kinah and kavod. It’s a no brainer.

    1. Apparently that’s why there still not letting it be built
