Monday, September 20, 2021

Erev Sukkos 5782, Sep 20 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Lots of sunshine. High near 75F
Mostly sunny weather first 2 days of Yom Tov, Rain for Wed night and Thursday first day chol hamoed
- Candle lighting 6:38 Shkiah/sunset 6:56

- 59 new covid cases + 1 death in Lakewood since Friday totals 14900/317
- 37 new cases in Jackson totals 7371/113
- 96 new  covid cases in Toms River totals 12399/332

- Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots have reached a total of $904M. Tonight's Powerball drawing is for $472M and Tuesday's Mega Millions drawing is for $432M.

 -Gov Murphy: Mask mandate for 2 year olds in child care facilities: Effective September 24th, all employees, students and children in a facility’s care ages two and over, and visitors must wear masks indoors, with limited exceptions.  All child care workers and facility employees in child care settings must be fully vaccinated by November 1st or face regular weekly testing.

-Daled Minim Shuk at Clifton ave open untill 2:00 pm this afternoon, shuk at Blueclaws open all day.
- Westview shop open untill 3:00 pmm

- BMG simchas Bais Hashoeva will be Motzei shabbos chol hamoed in B"M Bais Aron Clifton & 10 at 9:30 pm

-Pfizer is now says the COVID vaccine is safe and effective in children ages 5-11 and will seek emergency FDA authorization expected to be approved within weeks
- Rabbonim across several communities issue letter for people in need of Monoclonial antibody treatment and in high risk group to call even on shabbos and Yom tov hotline number 828-4 Plasma
- Lost of kosher restaurants with a sukkah on premises here
-Milk  Shortage in Frum communities of Ererz Yisrael as people stock up for sukkos with shabbos chol hamoed. Therevisvalso shortage in lettuce due to shemita  

 - BD’E - petirah of Reb Ben Zion Fishoff Z"L, Chairman Emeritus, Board of Trustees, Agudath Israel of America. He was 97 years old.
Reb Ben Zion was born in Lodz, Poland. He spent the years during WWII in Shanghai, China, together with the talmidim of Yeshiva Chachamei Lublin. Reb Ben Zion was known as a trusted confidant of many Gedolei Yisrael from all sectors, and would often serve as a laison between them to deliver important messages concerning  Klal Yisrael. The levayah is scheduled for Monday morning, Erev Succos, at 11:30 a.m. at Shorei Hadas, 3803 14th Avenue.

Erev Sukkos photos

Sukkos in Williamsburg 


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