Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sunday Sep 5 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Showers early, then cloudy in the afternoon. High 79F.  Chance of rain 40%.

Selichos Erev Rosh Hashana

BMG botei Medrashim 6:30 am
Chestnut  12:55 am 
OAK & Vine 82 Havens 10:45 pm, 72 Oak 11:00 pm
Roberts shul KNA downstairs 10:15 pm
Lutzk 10:15 pm
Alumni 12:50 am 
Bikur cholim garage - 93 prospect  12:50 am Premishlan 1007 Central Ave 12:50 am
Lutzk 6:30 & 8:30 am

- B"M of Lutzk completes expansion of the Bais Medrash in time for Rosh Hashana.  

- Food preparation at Hachnosas Orchim Uman see videos below 

- N.J. reports 1,449 new COVID cases, 6 deaths. Intensive care admissions increase again

- Israel: 606 people died of covid in August and 114 since September 1.

- In response to the public who asked about taking the vaccine A letter is in formation signed by several Lakewood Rabbonim and Poskim regarding the covid vaccine to approach it with שב ועל תעשה as the trial period is still ongoing and the full  effectiveness  are not yet known In addition the rabbonim point out to cases of serious adverse reactions and that some even died suddenly after taking the shot.

- Lakewood youngeleit receive the first kolell check with the new increase ahead of yom tov it is signed by the rosh hayeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita (LNN)

- The Daled Minim shuk in Bais Faiga will open on צום גדליה at 1:55 pm - 6:00 pm and again

- Busy at shopping areas Bingo has Wooden sukka panels for $34.99, free honey cake at GG with $100 purchase, assorted Honey's with honey comb at Evergreen

- On the eve of Rosh Hashanah 5782, the number of Jews worldwide stands at approximately 15.2 million compared to 15.1 million in 5781, according to newly released statistics by the Jewish Agency for Israel. -  number of Jews in Israel is close to 6.9 million while about 8.3 million live outside Israel including around 6 million in the United States

. News photos/Video

Aron Kodesh at the new Vizhnitz B"M in Bnei brak

Food preparation at Hachnosas Orchim in Uman


  1. Special Feature Shiur about "The History of Rosh Hashana Throughout Generations" today Sunday 28th Elul by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a 3:00 pm on Zoom Meeting ID:81790422045 Password:168485
    One tap mobile +16465588656  ID: 81790422045 PW:168485

    1. A clip of the Special Feature Shiur of today about "The History of Rosh Hashana Throughout Generations" by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a

  2. In addition the rabbonim point out to cases of serious adverse reactions and that some even died suddenly after taking the shot.

    Are they going to give verifiable information about the people who had serious adverse reactions to the shot or even died or are they just going to repeat hearsay?

    Why do I know so many people who died or had serious adverse effects from Corona but no one who had the same from the vaccine?

  3. "- In response to the public who asked about taking the vaccine A letter is in formation signed by several Lakewood Rabbonim and Poskim regarding the covid vaccine to approach it with שב ועל תעשה as the trial period is still ongoing and the full effectiveness are not yet known In addition the rabbonim point out to cases of serious adverse reactions and that some even died suddenly after taking the shot."


  4. Many Rabbonim said שב ועל תעשה in 1930s as well, but of course, we don't talk about that.

    1. No comparison
      That was before anyone knew the outcome. Now there is evidence to base it on.

      What happened to gloves during corona in public places, now they are saying that the indoor partitions did mothing tobstop the spread but may have contributed to spread the virus with germs. They keep on changing the science and narrative to fit the agenda


    2. Who says none of us discuss ? while there were some rabbonim

      your crowd included
      were following probably wrong ones by and large

  5. Yes I had a friend who died of sudden clot or heart attack they aren't sure, a week after the vaccine. No prior issues. 40 years old. I heard similar stories, if you didn't hear it it doesn't mean they don't exist. Btw did Terry dover (nurse who collapsed) ever resurface (aside from thst Bogosian video where u see the eyes clearly aren't hers)? No he rhusband is listed as single....

  6. Correction Tiffany dover
    *bogos video

    Just say NO! or the shots will NEVER stop. The natural immune system will be totally destroyed!

  8. I have no doubt that a certain number of people died sometime after the vaccine. A certain number of people also die sometime afer eating breakfast. Some die after eating lunch, some die after eating dinner, some die in their sleep, some die of strokes, some die of heart attacks, but that does not in any way show, establish, prove, corelate or connect their death to what thy were doing in the minutes, hours, or days leding to their deaths? My own 90 year father died several days after receiving the vaccine. Does that establish, prove or correlate his death to recipt of the vaccine?? Obviously not.

  9. I guess its safe to asueme that the "Rabbonim and Poskim" believe the HUNDREDS that died of Covid in Lakewood, would not have been saved if a vaccine had been available in March 2020. Quite astounding.

    1. We'll never know!

    2. Hundreds of people in Lakewood died of covid ? Could you name more than ten ? No, you can't. That's because anyone who died and tested positive prior was classified a covid death because of government funding.

      You need to look at the overall mortality rate (adjusted for unnatural deaths), which is virtually the same it alweays was.

    3. When the virus first hit in the first wave people in Lakewood died yes but there was no herd or natural immunity there were no treatments or therapeutics on how to treat patients. Yes there also was no vaccine. Now fast forward to this 4th wave BH there are no deaths and there is still a low vaccination rate.

    4. besides for deaths,
      I believe there are at least hundreds of people in Lakewood with permanent damage from covid, we all know someone it affected. the vaccine offers a certain level of protection against this.

      lung kidney heart problems, fatigue brain fog etc.

      right now seems like modetna protects against delta covid significantly better than pfizer.

    5. you can add loss of taste and / or smell to the list of covid long term side effects, some people still have not recovered these and its not pleasant. the vaccine can prevent people from losing these senses.

    6. @ anonymous 11:46 could you name 10 people? That’s holocaust denial in 1946. Go to hefkervelt archives March April 2020 it’s all there. Ten people, you say?! Wow. Qanon is alive and well in Lakewood nj, raboisai

    7. Moderna is many times more effective against the Delta variant, yet Pfizer is the only one that is FDA approved, and also the only one eligible for use in children 12-18, so what does that tell us? We are NOT very well protected, EVEN WITH the vaccine. Hashem yishmor!

    8. "Could you name more than 10"? Here you go from Hamodia MARCH 29, 2020 still early on, linked to in this very website in this website:"


      Rabbi Avrohom Eliezer Gordon, z”l. Long time Rebbi in Yeshiva Bais Dovid of

      Rabbi Avraham Levi Bressler, z”l, Rosh Chaburah and mechaber of seforim.

      Rabbi Chaim Weil, z”l, age 88

      Mr. (Alexander) and Mrs. Pacifico, a”h, originally from Los Angeles.

      Reb Yosef Tzvi Czapnik, z”l, age 60.

      Reb Michael Zev Fettman, z”l, age 39.

      Mrs. Miriam Homnick, a”h, age 82.

      Rabbi Ze’ev Rothschild, z”l, a co-owner of NPGS in Lakewood (the co-op) and involved in many mitzvah projects

      Reb Chaim Moshe Strulovics, z”l

      R’ Yaakov Berliner, z”l

      R’ Aharon Weichbrodt, z”l

      Mrs. Nechama Hass, a”h

      Harav Aharon Walkin, z”l, Rosh Yeshiva of Bais Nassan Meir in Queens and Rav of Bais Aharon in Lakewood, age 54

      Harav Moshe Homnick, z”l, age 88

      Reb Dovid Berg, z”l, age 50s

      Dr. Norton Sokol, z”l

      Reb Yossi Shapiro, z”l, age 71

      Reb Zalman Hillel Fendel, z”l, age 61

      Rebbetzin Miriam Miller, a”h, wife of ybl”c Harav Shmuel Miller, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah Beis Yisroel of Lakewood (formerly Flatbush), age 77

      Reb Aharele (Avrohom Aharon) Brook, z”l, age 74

      Reb Yochanan (Yoiki) Follman, z”l, age 84

      Mrs. Sara Adest, a”h, age 89

      Mrs. Feige (Fay) Dicker, a”h, age 88

      Mrs. Shira Blackstein, a”h, age 59

      Mrs. Hennie Mandelbaum, a”h, 67

      Reb Yaakov (Jake) Bauman, z”l

      Reb Yaakov Mendlowitz, z”l,

      Harav Menachem Mendel Rabinowitz, z”l, Rosh Hamossad of Yeshiva Ketanah of Lakewood and Rosh Yeshiva of Keren HaTorah, age 70

      Reb Yehudah Falik, z”l. mid 30s

      Harav Yehudah Jacobs, zt”l, Mashgiach Ruchni of Bais Medrash Govoha of Lakewood, age approximately 80

      Dr. Harvey Hirsch, z”l, of CHEMED Health Center, age 68

      Reb Doniel Shore, z”l, approximately 70

    9. And many many more, Hashem yerachem.

  10. The state of leadership by our government officials and by our religious leaders is that the cart is pulling the horse. Everyone is just doing what they want with a complete void of leaders. For shame!

  11. Traffic Armageddon south side of the lake. Cops directing traffic are making it exponentially worse. Thank you planning and zoning board members. I don't think you guys should be counted for a minyan on Shabbos or yom tov When there's no traffic.

    1. Make sure not to complain that we the taxpayers are paying for these cops to direct traffic instead of the developers and shopping mall owners.
      Or else they will arrange a protest in front of your house with the allure of free food for bachurim. Then the police will conveniently leave the area for 10 minutes for all mayhem to break loose and break windows etc. This is what happend erev Pesach when someone complained.
      Welcome to Lakewood.

  12. You see they didn’t let them build a shul in WG because of traffic so they don’t just ignore traffic.

  13. the overall death rate shows hundreds and thousands of excess death? What are you talking about?

  14. What’s the concern? Dr fauci says the vaccines are safe.

  15. Not sure the big deal. Whoever had it does not have to get any vaccine period. In fact they should not get the vaccine. Since most of us already had it the whole discussion is not nogeia.

  16. @lessor

    You cited exactly 32 fatalities, undermining the whole argument that "hundreds" died. And how does that number compare to a normal year ? Someone do the math, but with over 100k residents, there are probably many funerals, especially in the age groups where most of these deceased were.

    And no one knows if all these were truly covid deaths, since the hospitals counted every person who had covid as a covid death.

    The only way to know how many people died in an epidemic is to measure the mortality rate over a given period of time, and to date no one has done that in Lakewood.

    1. Da Nile isn't only a river in Egypt. I have never seen so many people in denial as we see when we speak about the heavy toll that COVID has taken on us. To say COVID wasn't so bad makes as much sense as Holocaust denial. The facts speak for themselves and those in denial, who think they are smarter than everyone else, are, in fact, showing how ignorant people in denial can be.

    2. setting the record straightSeptember 5, 2021 at 5:58 PM

      Mortality in Ocean County:
      2020 - 8,637 (provisional, all deaths may not have been tabulated yet)
      2019 - 7,387
      2018 - 7,297
      2017 - 7,451
      2016 - 7,266
      2015 - 7,221

      There were (at least) 8,637 deaths in Ocean County in 2020, compared to 7,387 in 2019. That's a 16.9% increase!

    3. Compare to the last week. What is them total number of deaths this week? 5? Here was 32 people listed in Hamodia on one day!


    5. setting the record straightSeptember 5, 2021 at 6:39 PM

      Mortality rate in Ocean County -
      1.4% in 2020 (8637 deaths/population of 614237)
      1.2% in 2019 (7387 deaths/population of 607186)
      This is an increase of 16.67%! (.2/1.2)

  17. Ocean county April 2019 590 deaths
    Ocean county April 2020 1196 deaths

  18. For all the smart people just look at the cdc government website vaers data there are 1000's of dead people after the vaccine. Maybe the rabbanim have heard from Dr's and experts the real facts and figures. The many dead from Lakewood that died in the beginning of Covid many were killed by the hospitals putting people on ventilators which was the wrong treatment and not giving the many drugs and therapeutics that are available that actually have saved people. In Halacha this that we are allowed to trust a Goy is only because there is a mirssah he's afraid of loosing his business or being sued but here there is no liability at all. Therefore it's not so pashut to except anything coming from the cdc or their followers. There are also thousand's of Dr's that are against the vaccine. When it's a safaek pikuach Nefashos we have to be machmir even for a Daas Yochid. Let's leave it to the Rabbanim to pasken and not show our amharatzus and stupitdy.

    1. Would you say that the Rabbonim who endorse the vaccine, i.e. R' Bender, R'Chaim, etc are chas veshalom showing amharatzus and stupidity

  19. PSA: Lutzk has 8:30 selichos on erev rosh hashana

  20. @lessor

    Screaming dosen't make you correct.

    You picked the harshest months of the epidemic and then extrapulate them for the ensuing months; totally faulty math.

    In addition, you are using Ocean County numbers to reflect on Lakewood. But most of the deaths in Ocean County happened in nursing homes (there is a disproportinate amount of elder heathcre facilities in in OC), something you don't have in Lakewood.

    Even according to government numbers the total deaths in Lakewood is 300 something, and that includes anyone who died after testing positive for covid.

    So,no. There were not hundreds of deaths in the community.

  21. And for all those blaming covid deaths on hospital malpractice, remember this: no one goes to the hospital with a common cold. No one goes to the hospital unless they are already dangerously ill.

  22. I cant believe that there are people who could be so dumb! Forget pro or anti covid vaccine, how can anyone deny that people died of covid? Did we not get any of Hashems message?

    1. Ahem. May i suggest that the message of covid ought to be that we shouldn't call anyone "dumb" just because they have a different opinion

    2. Saying that many people didnt die from covid in Lakewood is not an opinion, its stupidity. Hence the word dumb.

  23. Anonymous at 12:59,
    If you know anyone who still hasn't gotten their taste and/or smell back, tell them to look into zinc and omega 3 (fish oil). That's worked for a lot of people who were missing taste and/or for months.

  24. This is all a Great and Good Sign,as the seforim bring down before Mashiach comes the Yidden will be Headless. Clearly this has been fullfilled

  25. Another good sign is a notice this week in a Lakewood paper on the Concept of Mashiach What a Chiddush for Lakewood !!!!
