Saturday, September 11, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Shuva Lakewood

Sukkah building weather for tomorrow no rain high of 88 

-Levaya Live stream on zoom Here

Meeting ID: 871 8865 0950 Passcode: 759991 BDE: Passaic, NJ petirah of Reb Heshie Hirth Zt"l the Levaya will be tomorrow morning 10:00 am at Bnos Bracha 181 Pennington Ave Passaic read more at

 - Former president Trump made surprise visit to New York police and firefighters today on 20th anniversary of 9/11. Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton all gathered at the World Trade Center memorial today. 

- Daled Minim sale for Bnei Torah tonight at Fountain Ballroom

כפרות at Bingo locations Sunday, $4.99 a chicken

- Robberies over shabbos in central ave neighborhoods  police investigating

 -Chayeinu: Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shita will give a shabbos shuva drasha this Motzei shabbos at the Bais Horaah

- Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita will give a shabbos shuva drasha for women on Motzei shabbos 9:30 om at Ateres Yeshaya 

- BDE: Petirah if R' Reuvein Savitz Z"L was 86 father of R Menachem & R Avrohom. The Levaya wii take place tomorrow 10:00 am at the Lakewood bais olam

Rav Chaim Kanievsky is shown a Teimani Esrog on erev shabbos


  1. Passaic-Clifton is mourning the unforgettable pillar and builder of our community Harav Heshie Hirth zt"l tonight.

  2. Interview with renowned Jewish attorney Howard Kleinhendler from Sydney Powell's team:

    Discusses elections, Biden, midterms, Jewish Community and more
