Thursday, September 2, 2021

At LIC Meeting " Traffic In Lakewood Is A Myth"

 At The Lakewood Industrial committee meeting yesterday  the board was presented with a plan and concept to build a 30,000 sq foot  state of the art new airport terminal and convention center on Cedarbridge ave at the Lakewood airport that will include a conference rooms, a  restaurant catering service and meeting places.  A attorney and former masterplan subcommittee member shared some details with the board members and spoke about the cedarbridge park  as a welcome area how Lakewood has expanded with businesses coming to the corporate park and the ability to get to and from the area. 

In his remarks he said  "Traffic in Lakewood is a myth it's not really there". His comments went unanswered as the board plans to approve the plan in a few months following a public meeting. The plans will have a new road leading to the Garden state parkway off Airport road

Or see video Here minute mark 6:40  

This image was shown to the board on the live stream


  1. Can you identify the one who stated traffic is a myth? Are the daily car accidents in the area a myth too?

  2. perhaps for the ppl who fly on private jets and have chauffeurs for them traffic is a myth but then again nobody really thinks decisions are made by or for the middle class

  3. There lic sees no traffic only $$$$ signs.
    The LIC is an unelected board who have power to sell township properties and use the revenue to put back into their pet projects instead of using it to help bring down taxes

    Not to forget the monthly $500 car allowance for the director.

    1. How is this allowed? Why do we allow such blatant disregard for what’s best for the taxpayer??

    2. Because you vote the same bozos in for township committee who appoint their friends to these committees

  4. Corruption.
    Millions of earned tax dollars used from Lakewood poor to build pet projects such as the blueclaws stadium that brought no revenue to the tax rolls and it cost 25 million to build.

    Millions spent on the airport from Lakewood tax payers for what? Flying clubs? For Jet setting executives flying into lakewood for a good steak?
    This is all costing millions and who knows if the projected revenue will pay anything back. Look at what these clowns did with the stadium
    It is time to shut down the LIC which is used as a loophole to bypass the rules of the township committee and costs the taxpayers money with all the extra positions and the perks


    Chofetz Chaim Daily 25 Elul In a case of potential partnership, one should not assume that ploni’s poor financial situation makes him a bad candidate for a partnership. BUT in such a scenario, where you may not want him as your partner, you shouldn’t recommend him either. That may be bad advice.


  7. Chutzpah
    These are the people in charge of planning the town. they made the traffic but dont see traffic

  8. This is called "gaslighting".

  9. Well maybe if they can extend the Runway and have direct Flights for Large Aircraft to Eretz Yisroel and Major cities in the USA and Canada so people will not have to go to Newark and JFK

  10. Having served on the Airport Authority from the time it was created until it was voted out of existence, I can see a need and support the idea of developing the "terminal area". It would help create the Lakewood Business District as a destination. The suggestion to lengthen the runway simply isn't going to happen for several and the FAA (air traffic concerns) being among them. Contrary to some statements, Lakewood Airport is NOT a rich person play toy and actually does factor into New York Center's disaster plan. Would further developing the airport area add to the downtown traffic?? Not likely as the destination would be the Industrial Park. Many of the development plans I hear about now were presented in concept over 10 years ago to the township with a bit of a chilly reception. Millions wasted on the airport??? I must respectfully disagree..much of what is spent developing the airport is done through grant applications and awards.
    Traffic downtown a myth??? REALLY??? More than once in the middle of the day I have counted over 200 cars northbound on Rt 9 waiting in line at RT 88 from that intersection south.

    1. Where is the money from all the land sales. This was township owned land that was transfered to the LIC who sold off parcels along airport road. Where is all that money????

      What is the benefit to the taxpayers from the airport spending.

    2. Well… if the LIC behaves like the LDC and gives away large swaths of township owned land for only $1 and a promise that cannot be kept (like was done for Kikar Shabbos), then that explain why there’s no money going back to the taxpayers.
