Saturday, September 4, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Nitzavim 5781

- Food Distribution today Sunday morning 10:30 am by Gelbsteins at public school locations early due to Rosh Hashana

- Chayeinu Tonight 10:45 PM Divrei Hisorirus by HaRav Oshe Chaim Lieberman Shlita in the Bais Horah (4th & Madison) also live on Chayeinu Hotline: 732-301-4043 option 9

- A kol korei went out before shabbos for the Lakewood community to be mekabel shabbos 10 minutes early for this past week and for shabbos Shuva

- Death toll in NJ from the storm rises to 27. Biden will visit Manville, NJ on Tuesday

Thousands at the Kosel tonight for selichos as covid capsule rules regulate it to 8000 people 


  1. Campaign l’zecher nishmas Shmuli Silverberg HY”D

    Once you start getting the vaccine, it will NEVER end! Remember, natural immunity is best. If you've had COVID, stay away from the vaccine! It messes up your immune system!
